To see the letter "I" in your dream, is on pun on me, myself and I. You need to focus on you. Or the dream may be an indication that you are being too selfish. Alternatively, the letter represents action and responsibility.
To dream that you are ironing, signifies domestic comfort and orderliness. Alternatively, the dream represents the monotony of your daily routine. You may be bored and are looking for some excitement to your life. The dream may also be a pun that you need to "iron the wrinkles" out of your life.
To dream that you burn your hands while ironing, signify loss of tranquility, illness, or jealousy. Alternatively, the dream may suggest that you need to stop interfering into other people's business.
To dream that you are irritated, indicates that something is not sitting well with you. You need to learn to express your negative emotions instead of keeping it bottled up. Usually, such dreams parallel your waking state of feeling bothered or agitated. These feelings carry into your dream world because you are repressing them.
To see or dream that you are on an island, signifies ease, relaxation and comfort. The dream is telling you that you need a vacation and escape the stresses in your life. It is time for some solitude.
To dream that you are stranded on an island, suggests that you need to get away from the demands of your daily life. Or perhaps you are running away from a situation instead of trying to confront it. Alternatively, the dream means that you feel cut off from society. You are in a rut and do not know what to do with your life.
To dream that you have an itch, refers to sexual urges. Alternatively, it indicates something in your life that you always wanted to do for a long time. Perhaps you have some unfulfilled desires or unfinished business.
To see ivy in your dream, symbolizes longevity and immortality. It may be a metaphor for an ivy-league college. Alternatively, the ivy represents your close-knit relationships and the security and comfort they provide. However, it can also lead to clinginess and dependency issues.
To see withered ivy in your dream, denotes broken engagements and sadness.