To see hay in your dream, represents the necessity of hard work; nothing in life comes easy. You may also be feeling hopeless about a situation. Alternatively, hay indicates the need to nurture your maternal instincts, masculine energy, and/or your sexual urges. Consider also the symbol as a pun on "hey". Your dream may be trying to call your attention to something.
To see a hazard in your dream, suggests that you need to exercise caution in some aspect of your life. Weigh your options carefully and think through your actions.
To see a head in your dream, signifies wisdom, intellect, understanding and rationality. It may also represent your accomplishments, self-image, and perception of the world. The dream may also be metaphor to indicate that you are "ahead" in some situation or that you need to get ahead.
To dream that someone is trying to rip your head off, suggests that you are not seeing a situation or problem clearly. Perhaps you are refusing to see the truth. You have to confront the situation or the person despite the pain and discomfort you might feel in doing so.
To dream that you have two heads, indicate that you need to learn to ask for help and accept assistance. Consider the metaphor "two heads are better than one". Do not try to do everything yourself.
To dream that you have a headache, suggests that you are heading in the wrong direction. You are ignoring your intellect and rational thinking. You need to utilize your mind and not let your emotions get out of control.
To see or wear a headband in your dream, indicates that you are holding back some information. There is a secret that you are not revealing. Alternatively, the dream relates to some intellectual matter. Perhaps there is something that you need to think carefully about.
To see a headless body walking around or dream that you are headless, means that you are not using your head. You are not thinking clearly. Or the dream suggests that you have literally lost your mind. Consider how the body is dressed or the condition of the body. If the body is naked, then it implies that you are being too gullible or too trusting of others. If part of the body is burnt or wounded, then it indicates that your mindlessness have put you in harm's way.
To see a car's headlights in your dream, indicate your inability to look beyond the past. You are dwelling on old issues. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you are being caught off guard or caught by surprised as in a "deer in the headlights."
If your headlights are on high beam, then it means that you are forcing your opinions and views on others.
To dream that you are reading a headline, indicates a special message from your unconscious. Try to determine the significance of the message and how it applies to your waking life.
To dream that you are wearing headphones, indicate that you are the only one getting the message. Furthermore, it means that you are in tune with your intuition.
To see a headstone in your dream, represents a forgotten or buried aspect of yourself which you need to acknowledge. Consider also the message on the headstone. It may indicate a statement about your life and its condition.
To dream of healing, represents your need for emotional and/or physical healing. You need to find the power to rectify and care for the issues in your life.
To dream that no one hears you, refers to a waking situation where you feel that no one is listening to you or paying attention to what you are saying. You feel you are being overlooked or overshadowed.
To see or wear a hearing aid in your dream, suggests that you are not paying enough attention to what someone is trying to tell you. You are not picking up on certain cues.
To see a hearse in your dream, indicates that you are moving into a new phase. You need to carry away and let go of some unfinished issues. Start taking action and making the necessary changes that will carry you into a new transitional level.
To see your heart in your dream, signifies truth, courage, love, and romance. It is representative of how you are currently dealing with your feelings and expressing your emotions. Also consider the saying "the heart of the matter" which implies that you may need to get down to the core of a situation before proceeding.
To see a winged heart in your dream, represents the power of love and its ability to penetrate through to anyone.
To dream that your heart is bleeding or aching, represents desperation, despair, extreme sadness and sympathy. You are lacking support or love in some a situation in your life.
To dream that you have a heart transplant or heart surgery, indicates a huge change in your personal relationship. Perhaps you are involved in a rebound relationship.
To hear a heartbeat in your dream, suggests that you are not confronting or recognizing your feelings. You need to approaching thing head-on. Alternatively, a heartbeat may symbolize life or fear. Perhaps, you are feeling threatened in some way.
To dream that you are going through a heartbreak, signifies transitions and changes. Alternatively, the dream suggest that you are lacking love or support in some endeavor in your life. There is an imbalance. A more literal interpretation of this dream means that you are going through some sort of emotional turmoil in your waking life. You do not know how to deal with those feelings.