Your last movie by EpIcInCoGnItO 2011/07/29 10:52
-hi- friends whats the last movie you saw and did you like it ? .movie.

Please share with us and rate it out of 5 stars .roll. Please include the reason why you liked it or why it was not good -yup-

Kayde 2012/02/24 05:53
Real steel 5/5
Lelsi 2012/02/24 20:04
The last I watched is Alyce, I slept while watching it, was wondering where is the horror in that?Really, really bad, i give 2.5 stars.
_-FiRe-PhOeNiX-_ 2012/02/24 20:27
The Woman in Black /smiley
Eternal_Knight 2012/02/25 03:17
Ghost rider: spirit of vengeance
Princecharles 2012/02/25 10:44
Watched just now star trek it was annoying
Phoebe3 2012/02/25 12:52
, Spartacus . .
EpIcInCoGnItO 2012/02/26 14:28
Rockstar 3/5. Good acting by ranbir and the story could have been better.
Realest_edd 2012/02/26 23:17
Elfuego 2012/02/27 09:41
Ghost rider 2. . . A muvee u dnt wanna watch alone, thrilln
-Marizelle- 2012/03/06 14:16
Avatar 5/smiley
Lelsi 2012/03/09 21:23
I just watched Memoirs of a geisha, I read a book too but movie is also great.. Touching and so amazing, everyone should see it..
Kayde 2012/03/12 17:04
Twilight breaking dawn amd loved it
Monika_sharma 2012/03/14 12:43
Players nice movie 4 out of 4star.
bloubul 2012/03/17 04:42
Eternal_Knight 2012/03/20 15:59
Kahaaani .so nice movie . Sharp acting by Vidya
poonam56 2012/03/22 04:53
John carter
SAGITTARIUS 2012/03/22 05:13
Don 2..i like it.
sneha 2012/03/22 08:24
I watched s a nice movie
sneha 2012/03/22 09:07
The dirty picture is d recent movie i watched....
LOVE_GOD 2012/03/22 20:19
Replies: 466

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