Dreams : E by EloraM23 2011/07/20 12:18
For Other Dream Meanings from A-Z topic id: 2902032

144 + Dream symbols for E


To see the letter "E" in your dream, implies ease and relaxation. The drug ecstasy is often referred to as "E".

EloraM23 2011/07/20 12:44

To see an elf in your dream, refers to some imbalance and disharmony in your life. The elf often serves as a guide of the soul. Alternatively, it suggests that you need to be more carefree, worry-free, and light-hearted.

EloraM23 2011/07/20 12:45

*Please See Bowel Movement.

EloraM23 2011/07/20 12:45

To see an elk in your dream, symbolizes strength and endurance. It is also an indication that you need to spend more time with friends and eat healthier.

EloraM23 2011/07/20 12:47

To see an elm tree in your dream, indicates death, misfortune, and bad luck.

EloraM23 2011/07/20 12:47

To dream that you are eloping, suggests that you are trying to escape from the problems of your daily life. You are trying to maintain some sort of balance in aspects of your spiritual, emotional and daily life.

EloraM23 2011/07/20 12:48

To dream that you are eloquent, signifies your readiness for an upcoming task or event.

EloraM23 2011/07/20 12:50

To dream about email, indicates that you need to reach out to people who may not necessarily always physically be around. It could also very well mean that you have been spending too much time in front of the computer and this has carried over into your dreams.

EloraM23 2011/07/20 12:51

To see or drive along an embankment in your dream, signifies the threat of trouble and unhappiness. You are struggling with success.

EloraM23 2011/07/20 12:53

To dream that you are embarrassed, signifies hidden weaknesses, fears and lack of self-confidence. This dream also suggests that you are also harboring some insecurities about your sexuality.

EloraM23 2011/07/20 12:53

To see an emblem in your dream, represents your cultural ties and ancestral links. The dream provides you with a sense of confidence and inner strength.

EloraM23 2011/07/20 12:57

To dream that you are embracing yourself, symbolizes self-acceptance and self-love.

To dream that you are embracing someone else, indicates that you are in need of more affection or that you need to show more love.

EloraM23 2011/07/20 12:57

To dream that you are embroidering, symbolizes your ability to make the best of everything that comes your way.

EloraM23 2011/07/20 12:58

To dream of an embryo, symbolizes the emergence of a fresh idea. Also, your unconscious feelings may be surfacing. Alternatively, the dream may refer to your feelings of vulnerability and your need to be protected. However if you are pregnant, it is quite common to see an embryo in your dream.

EloraM23 2011/07/20 12:58

To see an emerald in your dream, represents strength, longevity, immortality, faithfulness, durability, and fertility. You may be entering the healing stages of some situation.

EloraM23 2011/07/20 12:58

To dream of an emergency, indicates that there is a urgent matter that needs your immediate attention. You are about to learn an important lesson.

EloraM23 2011/07/20 12:59
Emery Board

To see an emery board in your dream, suggests that you need to smooth out the rough edges of your personality or your relationship with others. You may be a little too harsh and too abrasive toward others.

EloraM23 2011/07/20 12:59

To dream that you are emigrating, suggests that you are dissatisfied with your waking situation and are looking for a change. Alternatively, it indicates that you are trying to escape from life's problems instead of confronting them.

EloraM23 2011/07/20 13:00

To dream that you are emotionless, suggests that you are closing yourself off from those around you. You may be neglecting your own feelings and need to start paying more attention to them.

EloraM23 2011/07/20 13:00

Emotions expressed in dreams is a way for people to act out the feelings that they normally would not express if they were awake. The dream provides a "safe" outlet for these emotions instead of letting them get pent up.

EloraM23 2011/07/20 13:01

To see an emperor in your dream, represents completion and creativity. You are trying to maintain harmony and peace.

Replies: 145

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