If everybody becomes a suicide bomber? by Muwale 2011/07/15 20:06
Going through history you will find out that majority of the suicide bombers are moslems and they claim that their religion is a peaceful religion. My question is if both muslims and christians become suicide bombers and on fridays when moslems are praying in their mosque a christian places a bomb there and life are lost what will the world be?

Muwale 2011/07/16 05:27
Quote: Kumz: How can you say most suicide bombers are muslims? Obviously, you dont know much about the world. Do you know how Rajiv Gandhi was killed? Do you know how hundreds and thousands of innocent Sri Lankans were killed, during the war? By the suicide bombers of the LTTE. They had no religion. They were tamils. Just cz some tamils are to blame for so many lost lives, doesn't mean we put all tamils in that category.

So pls... Talk SENSE the next time you open a topic.
Besides when I say most I dont mean all. Is like you have problem with english grammar.

SpArKo 2011/07/15 20:28
I dont think generalizing it on some specific race/religion is justified. About your simulation- An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.
Lelsi 2011/07/16 02:17
Those who wanna harm others in the name of the religion do not belong to any religion, and I agree with Sparko, such a generalization based on religion can not be justified. What makes one to do wrong and evil has nothing to do with religion and belief, but with its thoughts and with what's deep in its heart.
Kumz 2011/07/16 02:45
How can you say most suicide bombers are muslims? Obviously, you dont know much about the world. Do you know how Rajiv Gandhi was killed? Do you know how hundreds and thousands of innocent Sri Lankans were killed, during the war? By the suicide bombers of the LTTE. They had no religion. They were tamils. Just cz some tamils are to blame for so many lost lives, doesn't mean we put all tamils in that category.

So pls... Talk SENSE the next time you open a topic.

Muwale 2011/07/16 04:32
Quote: Kumz: How can you say most suicide bombers are muslims? Obviously, you dont know much about the world. Do you know how Rajiv Gandhi was killed? Do you know how hundreds and thousands of innocent Sri Lankans were killed, during the war? By the suicide bombers of the LTTE. They had no religion. They were tamils. Just cz some tamils are to blame for so many lost lives, doesn't mean we put all tamils in that category.

So pls... Talk SENSE the next time you open a topic.
I talk sense and I am not a fool like you when I am talking I have reasons for it you will notice I dont create 10's of topics a day. The sept 11 2001 is not an event to forget. My major reason for creating this topic is the recent boko haram threat in Nigeria where the idiots on 2 occasions placed bombs near 2 churches, the first was carried away by innocent children who in the end lost their lives. The second some people lost their lives and others are in the hospital on danger list. What do you say about that boy?

Kumz 2011/07/16 07:53
Quote: Muwale: I talk sense and I am not a fool like you when I am talking I have reasons for it you will notice I dont create 10's of topics a day. The sept 11 2001 is not an event to forget. My major reason for creating this topic is the recent boko haram threat in Nigeria where the idiots on 2 occasions placed bombs near 2 churches, the first was carried away by innocent children who in the end lost their lives. The second some people lost their lives and others are in the hospital on danger list. What do you say about that boy?
I was right when I said you dont know much abt the world. I agree abt 9/11 attacks. Did you know that a similar attack happened in Colombo, Sri Lanka almost a decade before that? Our WTC was the target. A lorry carrying tons of explosives drove right into the building, killing and injuring thousands. It was not done by any muslims.
Oh... And I'm not a boy.../smiley

Muwale 2011/07/16 08:14
Quote: Kumz: I was right when I said you dont know much abt the world. I agree abt 9/11 attacks. Did you know that a similar attack happened in Colombo, Sri Lanka almost a decade before that? Our WTC was the target. A lorry carrying tons of explosives drove right into the building, killing and injuring thousands. It was not done by any muslims.
Oh... And I'm not a boy.../smiley
Hey mister you are having problem with english grammar. What is the difference btw most suicide bombers are moslems and most moslems are suicide bombers?

Muwale 2011/07/16 08:18
Quote: Muwale: Hey mister you are having problem with english grammar. What is the difference btw most suicide bombers are moslems and most moslems are suicide bombers?
What im saying is that majority of the people involved in suicide bombing are moslems. If you talk abt al-queda, boko-haram, etc.

SpArKo 2011/07/16 08:23
Just make sure you guys keep it clean /smiley
-DeMoN_OvErLoRd- 2011/07/16 11:07
Perhaps next time a retard bomber thinks he is getting 21 virgins, perhaps he better check his Hadith verses first /smiley

Bukhari 2:445, "The Prophet said, '...whoever commits suicide with a piece of iron will be punished with the same piece of iron in the Hell Fire," and "A man was inflicted with wounds and he committed suicide, and so Allah said: My slave has caused death on himself hurriedly, so I forbid Paradise for him.

Muwale 2011/07/16 11:13
Quote: -DeMoN_OvErLoRd-: Perhaps next time a retard bomber thinks he is getting 21 virgins, perhaps he better check his Hadith verses first /smiley

Bukhari 2:445, "The Prophet said, '...whoever commits suicide with a piece of iron will be punished with the same piece of iron in the Hell Fire," and "A man was inflicted with wounds and he committed suicide, and so Allah said: My slave has caused death on himself hurriedly, so I forbid Paradise for him.
Thanks for the quotation.

mutant_bunny 2011/07/16 12:28
Mister Kumz.... /smiley
Kumz 2011/07/16 14:53
Quote: Muwale: Hey mister you are having problem with english grammar. What is the difference btw most suicide bombers are moslems and most moslems are suicide bombers?
Listen miss Muwale... Just cz I didn't agree with you, doesn't mean it's the end of the world. If you wanna wrap yourself in bombs and walk into a mosque on a Friday, be my guest.

Some muslims may think all good to kill innocent. But that doesn't mean all muslims have to pay for it. So to your initial question... (which actually doesn't make much sense at all)... Nothing's gonna get better if everyone becomes a suicide bomber. As a Christian, you shudnt even imagine it. /smiley

Kumz 2011/07/16 14:54
Quote: mutant_bunny: Mister Kumz.... /smiley
I know, right! Cute huh? /smiley

Muwale 2011/07/16 17:19
Quote: Lemon: Tensions in Nigeria have just as much to do with tribalism as anything. The fact that North and South are roughly divided along religous lines is just a byproduct of that, having little if nothiong aside from the superficial to do with America's tiff with the parts of the Muslim world ... As for the rest, I'm not about to justify a closed minded view I've been arguing against for 10 years now.
Nigeria is not divided along religious line. As we have moslems in the north there are also moslems in the south. As there are christians in the south, we also have christians in the north. States like plateau, adamawa are northern states dominated by christians.

Muwale 2011/07/16 17:30
Quote: Kumz: Listen miss Muwale... Just cz I didn't agree with you, doesn't mean it's the end of the world. If you wanna wrap yourself in bombs and walk into a mosque on a Friday, be my guest.

Some muslims may think all good to kill innocent. But that doesn't mean all muslims have to pay for it. So to your initial question... (which actually doesn't make much sense at all)... Nothing's gonna get better if everyone becomes a suicide bomber. As a Christian, you shudnt even imagine it. /smiley
I am not imagining been one but if a fool think by killing innocent people in the name of jihad is his only way to heaven it infuriates. Imagine the number of lives lost in the name of declaring jihad? Their families are living fine why that of others are crying is that a good omen. Besides why did they target churches, because they believe they are heathen. After the death of thousands in the 9/11 attacks bin ladin's family were proposing to buy a house worth close to 2 million pounds why other families are still weeping over their dead ones _think_.

Muwale 2011/07/16 18:41
Quote: Kumz: As a Christian, you shudnt even imagine it. /smiley
But a moslem is bound to do it. Stupid isnt it huh. Lets turn the table round. Let assume moslems are christians and christians are moslems and some sects of the christians in the process of jihad kills people of the same religion with who may even be your loved ones how do you feel about the whole religion as a whole?

Muwale 2011/07/16 18:48
Quote: Lemon: Tensions in Nigeria have just as much to do with tribalism as anything. The fact that North and South are roughly divided along religous lines is just a byproduct of that, having little if nothiong aside from the superficial to do with America's tiff with the parts of the Muslim world ... As for the rest, I'm not about to justify a closed minded view I've been arguing against for 10 years now.
The people murder are not only yorubas of southern nigeria alone but also northerners. I read of an hausa man whose biz centre was destroyed by this sect so I dont think it is tribal.

Rebellion 2011/07/16 20:18
boy boy boy , this world is a tough place to live
Muwale 2011/07/17 06:04
Quote: Lemon:

I said "roughly divided" it would all be a little too neat if ALL the muslims were in one part and ALL the christians in another. But it is a fact that the North is dominated by one religion and the south by another. That this division goes beyond religion into tribalism. That this has been brewing since well beefore 2001, making any connection to global factors an afterthought at best. A fact that this violence is on the rise in Nigeria and that people from all sides get killed far too often. Ofcourse Christians are getting killed, so are Muslims, northerners and southerners, from every tribe you can name. Its a conflict and that's what happens in conflict, people die (note I did not specify religion, tribe, even country or continent)
What I want you to know is that the operation of this is mainly in Borno state mainly and some parts of the northern states. We have not even experience any act like that in the southern state and how do you call that tribal?

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