Are dreams real? by sH1vAm 2011/07/12 18:02
what if dreams are another reality, a reality we can only contact and observe through sleep, or maybe for instance, when we dream of ourselves, its not us we are seeing, its someone else in a parallel reality or something like that,maybe that's why we can not influence a dream? and maybe it goes both ways, maybe we are their dreams-gap-.

what are your thoughts on this? could it be possible?-lol-

_rebel_ 2011/07/13 18:59
Quote: Basim360: Nooooope!
I've dreaming of an apple girl from last two years,but i've not find her yet!
u shud dream of a banana gal next bro -funny-

_rebel_ 2011/07/13 19:01
Quote: Abhishek:

Wow... teach me how? I wanna get rid of my wet dreams. /smiley -hahaha-
get a hot chic bro /smiley

Kumz 2011/07/14 00:57
I think a part of me walks around the house when I sleep... My brother used to come home very late, after work. There are times when he passes me on the corridor and doesn't see me. Creepy!
Kumz 2011/07/14 01:00
And then there are times when certain things happen in reality which I'm sure I've done before, and I know exactly what's gonna happen or what's gonna be said next. If that's a super power, that's one I can dowithout! Cz it freaks the hell outta me.
-DeMoN_OvErLoRd- 2011/07/14 02:13
/smiley ..
Lelsi 2011/07/16 01:17
Quote: Abhishek:

Wow... teach me how? I wanna get rid of my wet dreams. /smiley -hahaha-
I can't help you with that problem/smiley. However,have you ever experienced lucid dreams, it is a state when during your sleep you are aware that you are dreaming and you can take a control over your dreams.

RisKey_Dyn@Mite 2012/06/03 18:06
May be..(cracker)
The_Torpid 2012/06/26 06:09
never i have faced a real dream
SE-RYUN 2013/10/08 14:11
sometimeS 8 hapen
NAASH 2013/10/20 05:25
.dntknow. Sum dreamz r real...
Alesis 2013/12/29 21:39
Scientists say that you only dream for a few seconds during R.E.M.(rapid eye movement) and it's impossible to dream of a person that you haven't seen at least once in real life...
Ancient text say that when you deam your spirit leaves the body and travels to different alternative plains of reality and conciousness...
Also,premonitions,remote viewing,communication with higher Entities is allso possible durind deep sleep as well as "mind programming" during hypnosis wich is also a deep sleep srate aldo the concious mind remains awake...

amitverma 2013/12/30 16:13
Dreaming 4 dream grl since last 1yr
-LILY- 2014/01/18 19:42
yes i belive sometime some dreams r realy true in our life bcz i hv faced a real dream.
Davido3600 2014/02/05 11:47
Who said we cant influence dreams
nolsea 2014/02/06 15:56
Sumtimes the dream do feel real
NinthElement 2014/02/20 11:27
Sometimes we can see the future or a possible future in dreams, as during sleep our minds are far more able to transcend time whereas in consciousness we are rooted in the present. This means we can also dream of the past including things we thought we'd forgotten.
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/05/04 07:44
Ya its real
Replies: 37

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