Are dreams real? by sH1vAm 2011/07/12 18:02
what if dreams are another reality, a reality we can only contact and observe through sleep, or maybe for instance, when we dream of ourselves, its not us we are seeing, its someone else in a parallel reality or something like that,maybe that's why we can not influence a dream? and maybe it goes both ways, maybe we are their dreams-gap-.

what are your thoughts on this? could it be possible?-lol-

Basim360 2011/07/12 18:11
I've dreaming of an apple girl from last two years,but i've not find her yet!

Muwale 2011/07/12 18:11
Dreams are revelation of the future so since it is on the way 1 cant influence it as the future cant be influenced. We can only influence the present.
Good 2011/07/12 18:25
Yeah dreams are real,but not to everybody.Some people have the gift when they dream is like vision
Good 2011/07/12 18:28
Quote: Basim360: Nooooope!
I've dreaming of an apple girl from last two years,but i've not find her yet!
you dont have the gift.

SpArKo 2011/07/12 18:57
It does have some or the other connection with real life, who knows the fact though!
GhAyAl 2011/07/12 19:34
Well explained at another (myth&mystery) forum check it
Boet 2011/07/12 19:51
Dreams are good friends. When you're lonely
SiLVeR_BuLLeT 2011/07/12 20:39
Yeah dreams are real
kayusfrank 2011/07/12 21:54
dreams are real but it comes in different dimension.
Lelsi 2011/07/13 00:33
I can influence my dreams, especially if it is bad one I can wake up anytime/smileyIt's all in your mind,you can always have a control over your dreams .
LoneLy_heArt 2011/07/13 03:10
Quote: Abhishek: Yeah it might be, I'd love to see that parallel universe in which I can fly and get all the girls. /smiley

--CaTeRpILLaR-- 2011/07/13 03:33
Sometimes real./smiley
-TheCoOLBoY- 2011/07/13 05:00

sH1vAm 2011/07/13 05:25
Quote: Basim360: Nooooope!
I've dreaming of an apple girl from last two years,but i've not find her yet!

/smileystop dreaming about apple girls../smiley

Manal 2011/07/13 05:25
Quote: Basim360: Nooooope!
I've dreaming of an apple girl from last two years,but i've not find her yet!
i saw sweet_apple member here maybe its her u looking for

Sweet_Divyanka 2011/07/13 05:37
I don't think so dreams can't be real /smiley
Ice-Fairy 2011/07/13 05:45
Interesting topic
trakkerterrorist 2011/07/13 07:37
seeing future possibilities at dream. I remember just usually flashes n every time it has happened. Its boring n i dont try remember dreams n life is then more interesting.
Marlou 2011/07/13 08:41
Dreams can be real if individual make it real/smiley
R49hu 2011/07/13 08:46
nope i think so till now my dreams never came true bt may be to others it may exist
Replies: 37

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