Dreams : C by EloraM23 2011/07/11 11:36
For Other Dream Meanings from A-Z topic id: 2902032

* * * 495 Meanings for c * * *


To see the letter "C" in your dream, symbolizes being average. It may also be a pun on "seeing". The dream is drawing your attention to something that you need to see or take notice. Pay attention! Alternatively, it may indicate the name or initial of a person.

EloraM23 2011/07/11 13:29

To see a cedar in your dream, symbolizes longevity, durability, strength, endurance and immortality. The dream may be trying to offer reassurance during a difficult time in your life.

EloraM23 2011/07/11 13:30

To see a ceiling in your dream, represents a mental or spiritual perspective. It may also symbolize the limit you have set for yourself. If you see vaulted ceiling in your dream, then it signifies your askew perspective or view.

EloraM23 2011/07/11 13:30

To dream of a celebration, represents your achievement toward a higher level of growth. This may also be a self-congratulatory dream for the goals you have achieved and for the recognition you have gained. You may also be honoring some victory, success, or accomplishment. Alternatively, to dream of a celebration, symbolizes freedom and emotional release. Celebration dreams are common for those who anticipate an upcoming turning point or event in their waking life.

EloraM23 2011/07/11 13:31

To dream that you are a celebrity, signifies your high aspirations that may be way beyond your reach at the present moment. You may just be setting yourself for a let-down.

To dream that a friend or lover becomes a celebrity, denotes your fear of losing the friendship and loyalty of this person.

To see a celebrity in your dream, represents your beliefs and understanding about him or her. Consider what the celebrity is famous or known for and how you relate to that quality. Something in you waking life has triggered these similar beliefs and feelings. It is not uncommon that your obsession with a certain celebrity may carry over onto your dream world. Celebrities are often seen as heroes and all that is mighty. Also consider any puns within the name.

To dream that you are good friends with a celebrity, represents your idealized version of someone you know in your life. Perhaps you hope that a real-life friend can act more like a particular celebrity. Consider the qualities that you see in this celebrity and how you want your friends to have those qualities. Alternatively, the dream may be trying to compensate for your own lack of self-confidence. You want to escape from your own reality and live the high life. You want to fit in.

To dream that you are having sex with a celebrity, indicates your drive to be successful. Consider what movies you associate this celebrity with or what makes this celebrity famous for clues as to where and what you want to achieve success in.

*See Also Actor / Actress.

EloraM23 2011/07/11 13:32

To see or eat celery, represents your need to be cleansed, either physically or emotionally. The dream may also be a pun on "salary" and thus indicate your financial concerns.

EloraM23 2011/07/11 13:32

To dream that you are celibate, represents your fears of intimacy. You may be trying to block off your sexual energies.

EloraM23 2011/07/11 13:33
Cell Phone

To see or use a cell phone in your dream, indicates that you are being receptive to new information. It also represents your mobility. Alternatively, the dream signifies lack of understanding. Perhaps you are having difficulties getting through to someone.

To dream that you lost your cell phone, represents a lack of communication. You have lost touch with some aspect of your feelings or your Self. If you find a cell phone, then it symbolizes reconnection and reopened communication.

*Please see also Telephone

EloraM23 2011/07/11 13:34

To dream that you are in a cellar, represents a part of your subconscious mind where you have kept your fears and problems hidden.

To dream that you are going down the cellar, signifies that you are digging deep into your own past and facing your fears.

EloraM23 2011/07/11 13:34

To see or hear a cello in your dream, represents sensual or creative achievements. You are displaying much strength and stability.

EloraM23 2011/07/11 13:35
Cement Truck

To see a cement truck in your dream, represents firm and "concrete" ideas or plans that are being set into motion.

To dream that you are mixing cement, suggests that you are fusing ideas or aspects of yourself together.

* Please see also Concrete.

EloraM23 2011/07/11 13:36

To dream that you are in a cemetery, indicates an end to a habit or behavior. You are experiencing a rebirth. More directly, the dream may symbolize sadness, unresolved grief or your fears about death.

EloraM23 2011/07/11 13:37

To dream that you are being censored, suggests that you are being prevented from expression your views, opinions or feeling. A relationship or situation may be unhealthy and oppressive.

To dream that something is being censored, indicates that you do not have all the facts to make an informed decision about some matter.

EloraM23 2011/07/11 13:38

To see a centaur in your dream, symbolizes the duality of human nature. It indicates that you are trying to balance your intellectual/mental nature with your physical nature. The centaur also represents humanity, wisdom, and compassion.

EloraM23 2011/07/11 13:39

To dream that you are at the center of something, represents your belief that everything revolves around you. The dream may also be a metaphor that you are in the middle of some situation that you cannot get out of. If you are off centred, then it indicates that something in your life is out of balance.

EloraM23 2011/07/11 13:40

To see a centipede in your dream, suggests that you are letting your fears and doubts hinder you from making progress and achieving your goals. You need to stop thinking negative thoughts.

EloraM23 2011/07/11 13:40

To see or make ceramics in your dream, suggest that you need to be more hands on in some situation or relationship. You need to express more of your creative side.

EloraM23 2011/07/11 13:40

To dream that you are eating cereal, denotes the start of a new project or new stage in your life. It may also indicate your need to restore yourself in some basic way. Alternatively, your mind may already be thinking ahead to breakfast. It is not uncommon for your fleeting thoughts to be incorporated into your dream.

EloraM23 2011/07/11 13:41

To dream that you are attending a ceremony, suggests that sacrifice and devotion is necessary for success. You may be going through a crucial moment in your waking life that requires your commitment. It is a time for introspection, self-discovery, and inner changes.

EloraM23 2011/07/11 13:42

To see a certificate in your dream, suggests that you are seeking some validity and truth to some situation. You want recognition for your efforts.

EloraM23 2011/07/11 13:43

To dream that you have a cesarean section, suggests that you need some help with your development.

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