Dreams : C by EloraM23 2011/07/11 11:36
For Other Dream Meanings from A-Z topic id: 2902032

* * * 495 Meanings for c * * *


To see the letter "C" in your dream, symbolizes being average. It may also be a pun on "seeing". The dream is drawing your attention to something that you need to see or take notice. Pay attention! Alternatively, it may indicate the name or initial of a person.

EloraM23 2011/07/14 08:23

To see concrete in your dream, represents your solid and clear understanding of some situation. The dream may also mean that you are too unyielding and inflexible.

To see wet concrete in your dream, suggests that some issue or some aspect of your life still remains unresolved.

EloraM23 2011/07/14 08:23

To see a wrapped condom in your dream, represents your one-sided viewpoints. You are not allowing others to voice their opinions. It also symbolizes sexual possibilities.

To see an unwrapped condom in your dream, indicates sexual frustration. Additionally, it may also indicate that you are experiencing some anxiety about pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases.

To dream that you or your partner is wearing a condom, suggests that you feel emotionally protected.

EloraM23 2011/07/14 08:24

To see a condor in your dream, signifies your close connection with your spirituality and to the supernatural. You possess a lot of insight.

EloraM23 2011/07/14 08:24

To see or dream that you are a conductor, represents your abilities to lead and direct yourself toward higher awareness.

EloraM23 2011/07/14 08:24

To see a cone in your dream, represents a flow of ideas and feelings.

EloraM23 2011/07/14 08:24

To dream that you are attending a conference, suggests that you need to consider the ideas and opinions of others before forming your own conclusion. Don't be so close minded and listen to what others have to say.

EloraM23 2011/07/14 08:25

To dream that you or someone is confessing, represents feelings of guilt and self-blame. Alternatively, it suggests a form of healing. You are heralding new changes into your life.

EloraM23 2011/07/14 08:25

To see or throw confetti in your dream, represents achievement and success. You have achieved a higher level of growth and learning and are at a turning point in your life. Alternatively, it symbolizes much festivity and fanfare. You may be expressing joy, victory, and freedom from restraint.

EloraM23 2011/07/14 08:25

To dream of a confrontation, represents a conflict or a fear that you are facing in your waking life. The dream provides a "safe" venue for you to confront your enemy or attacker, who you are afraid of standing up to in your waking life. You need to use your dream to overcome your fears. Next time you have this dream, tell your enemy or attacker that you are not afraid of them!

EloraM23 2011/07/14 08:25

To see Confucius in your dream, indicates that you need to utilize your common sense. Perhaps you are acting stupid and need to wise up. Alternatively, it represents the importance of loyalty and duty to your family.

EloraM23 2011/07/14 08:26

To dream that you are confused, reflects your true confused state of mind and the nonsensical events of your waking life. Isolate the single element in your dream that is confusing to you and analyze the meaning of that particular symbol. Alternatively, dreams of confusion indicate that you are being pulled in opposite directions or you do not know which viewpoint is right.

EloraM23 2011/07/14 08:26

To dream that you are congratulating someone, represents your ability to offer your help and assistance to others.

To dream that you are being congratulated, indicates that you need to learn to ask for help when you need it. You need to let go of your pride. Alternatively, the dream represents approval of your action or decision.

EloraM23 2011/07/14 08:27
Conjoined Twins

*Please See Siamese Twins.


To see a conman in your dream, indicates that you are being taken advantage of in some way. The dream may highlight fears that you are being played. Perhaps you need to trust your instincts.

To dream that you are a con artist, represents your ability to manipulate some situation or relationship. The dream may be calling attention to your lacking conscience and low character.

EloraM23 2011/07/14 08:27

To dream that you miss your train or plane connection, symbolize missed opportunities. The dream may also be a metaphor for your inability to make contact with something or someone.

EloraM23 2011/07/14 08:27

To dream of a conspiracy, suggests that you are deceiving others or being deceived by someone. Consider the people who are involved. These people may represent aspects of yourself and thus imply that you are lying to yourself

EloraM23 2011/07/14 08:27

To see a constellation in your dream, indicates that something in your life is coming together in a complex way. It represents a mental process. Consider what the constellation is depicting.

EloraM23 2011/07/14 08:28

To dream that you have constipation, denotes that you are unwilling to part with your old ways. You continue to grasp onto your old ways and fail to let go, forgive, and forget. You may be dwelling on past problems and previous difficulties.

EloraM23 2011/07/14 08:28

To dream that a building is under construction, suggests that you need to work on some aspect of yourself and better your mind or body.

To see construction in your dream, signifies a new surge of energy, growth, ambition and renewed confidence. It may also represent the rebuilding of your own life.

EloraM23 2011/07/14 08:29
Contact Lens

To see or wear contact lens in your dream, suggests that you need to focus on the task at hand. You need to pay closer attention to a situation before acting on it. The dream may also be a metaphor that you need to get in "contact" with someone.

If you have difficulties putting on your contact lens in your dream, then it indicates that you are having trouble paying attention.

EloraM23 2011/07/14 08:29

To dream that you enter or are in a contest, indicates the need to prove yourself as worthy and deserving. If you win the contest, then it represents your self-confidence, pride, and/or conceit. If you lose the contest, then it indicates a lack of self-esteem. You may not be fully applying yourself to the task at hand.

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