Google + by d_3_m_3_n_t_o_r 2011/07/05 17:34
who wants to try there hands on Google +....interested ppl can leave there gmail ids here or msg me,il Invite you there !!!
Note: u must have a google profile for being able to use google+.

d_3_m_3_n_t_o_r 2011/07/05 17:39
I hope you all know about google plus.For those who dont know, i would like to describe it in one sentence -

Raul09 2011/07/05 17:42
SpArKo 2011/07/05 17:45
No use, my friend.. It won't work.
Despite the current users of google+ sent invite to others, they don't receive the invite. I tried it!

d_3_m_3_n_t_o_r 2011/07/05 17:49
i knw they arent receiving the invite but still if a request has been sent out ur way ,u will b allowed to manage ur account.i myself did it dat away.
SpArKo 2011/07/05 17:50
I'm not.. I am not able to login to google plus at all, despite showing singed in at the google plus..
d_3_m_3_n_t_o_r 2011/07/05 18:49
frn sparko,well juz chek out those snaps i put as attachments,those were taken a few mins back wen i last signed in there.its still open for those small number of users who hav been invited by..
SpArKo 2011/07/05 18:55
I trust the fact that u can sign in there, because a small group of people were sent invitation by google plus. But a user's manual invitation is not working.. If that's the fact, send me invitation at /smiley
ACIDized 2011/07/05 19:02
d_3_m_3_n_t_o_r 2011/07/05 19:18
sparko juz try logging in nw,after creating ur google profile.
d_3_m_3_n_t_o_r 2011/07/05 19:19
mister sinister u also
d_3_m_3_n_t_o_r 2011/07/05 19:28
invitation mite not reach ur inbox,but if u gona log in nw it would let u use it.
SpArKo 2011/07/06 05:48
I think it worked. Because i did get invitation, but when i clicked on it i logged in only through my old id. But thanks /smiley
d_3_m_3_n_t_o_r 2011/07/06 14:24
abhishek invited...
Basim360 2011/07/06 15:01
Interesting.. Bt let me create a new id 1st..
d_3_m_3_n_t_o_r 2011/07/06 15:40
Quote: Abhishek:

Nai aaya boss. /smiley
it mite take 8-10hrs.

ACIDized 2011/07/06 18:16
Thanks dude it's working.
d_3_m_3_n_t_o_r 2011/07/06 18:48
ur welcome...enjoy/smiley
d_3_m_3_n_t_o_r 2011/07/07 14:30
bLaCk_LiSt3d 2011/07/07 14:58
You need an invitation
Google+ is still in active development and not
yet available to everyone. You need an
invitation to sign in. Please check back later.

Replies: 33

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