Feng Shui(fancy) by Manal 2011/07/01 05:25
Hello world,Im ur Feng shui expert(gap)i can read ur mind,ur future,ur bad and good lock i mean luck,even love life,single life,no life(dead)or even who is ur future wife/husband/chiwawa just anything u wanna know. I expert in that i mean Feng shui-gap-so Come and sit while my lucky toinkz! Will round ur mind nyahaha!

Manal 2011/07/01 05:27
Who will be the 1st person or my feng shui user-hahaha-
Manal 2011/07/01 05:40
Come bebe c'mon down toinkz!
bLaCk_LiSt3d 2011/07/01 05:44
Where's my red g string?
Zaphara 2011/07/01 05:45
Cn you read my mind? Whats on my mind? /smiley
Ice-Fairy 2011/07/01 05:47
What am i thinking rite now?.lol.
Boet 2011/07/01 05:48
Where were you all my life? -hahaha-
Manal 2011/07/01 05:50
Quote: bLaCk_LiSt3d: Where's my red g string?
First of all thank u for the gift so i give u/smileyon ur forehead/smileysecond is Your G-string.../smileykids took it and used to pull and add stone to hunt the birds-hahaha-

Manal 2011/07/01 05:53
Quote: Cherry_mae: Cn you read my mind? Whats on my mind? /smiley
haha oh yeah! Accourding to Toinkz! Ur mind inside ur brain that covers the strong skull haha and as im expert to read,i need reading glasses cz lots of typing ther-hahaha-

Manal 2011/07/01 05:55
Quote: Boet: Where were you all my life? -hahaha-
oh ur still live and alive and ur life is with u unless Dashman took it/smiley

Zaphara 2011/07/01 05:56
Quote: manal: haha oh yeah! Accourding to Toinkz! Ur mind inside ur brain that covers the strong skull haha and as im expert to read,i need reading glasses cz lots of typing ther-hahaha-
/smiley you forgot 1 thing im thnking right nw,cn you read it?

Manal 2011/07/01 05:58
Quote: Ice-Fairy: What am i thinking rite now?.lol.
oh well,since ur fairy u should know that/smileyaccourding to my Toinkz! Ur thinking is under process and u need to update or download micro mind software/smiley

Manal 2011/07/01 06:00
Quote: Cherry_mae: /smiley you forgot 1 thing im thnking right nw,cn you read it?
/smileyhmmmmmmm/smileyhmmmmmm its bad gateway error 502/smiley

_GuL_ 2011/07/01 06:44
can u read my bra size! And my new fancy shoes size! -cute3-
_GuL_ 2011/07/01 06:45
what in my hair tonix meanz in mind ./smiley
Laketempest 2011/07/01 08:24
/smiley can you tell me when i'll get me desert date with you missy? .lol.
bLaCk_LiSt3d 2011/07/01 09:06
Quote: manal: First of all thank u for the gift so i give u/smileyon ur forehead/smileysecond is Your G-string.../smileykids took it and used to pull and add stone to hunt the birds-hahaha-
what gift?lmao..okay now gve me solutions to that problem,coz i dnt like wearing boxers..so..loose-lmao-

Muwale 2011/07/01 12:25
Tell me what am thinking.
bLaCk_LiSt3d 2011/07/01 12:32
Quote: Muwale: Tell me what am thinking.

Manal 2011/07/01 13:00
Quote: _GuL_: can u read my bra size! And my new fancy shoes size! -cute3-
size of ur bra is 108-205 xxxxll and ur shoes is/smileydo u shoes/smiley

Manal 2011/07/01 13:01
Quote: _GuL_: can u read my bra size! And my new fancy shoes size! -cute3-
size of ur bra is 108-205 xxxxll and ur shoes is/smileydo u wear shoes/smileyits like titanic size

Replies: 59

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