Marlou: Do you kn0w...
That u are the love of my life?
But i kept it secret because
i'm afraid u w0nt love me t0o?
Do you kn0w...
That without u my day isnt c0mplete,
and the things i needed to do
just to be with you?
Do you kn0w...
That the happiest m0ment of my life
is whenever i'm with you
and it hurts coz i could never tell you?
Do you kn0w...
That i'm still h0ping and praying
that one day you'll realized t0o ,
that i'm n0t just your friend
Bv the girl you're dreaming of?
Do you kn0w?
Yes, not only I know but feel it it soni my love. Do you know that?