Can Music Change the Mood? by shakti 2011/05/31 21:22
Can Music Change the Mood?

ACIDized 2011/07/23 12:59
Music doesn't change my mood, I select the ones that go with my mood.
RyTz_SCANDALISME 2011/07/24 18:54
yup,,music can change the mod. .hehe .mmm.
SugarpLum 2011/07/28 07:06
Definitely music can change our mood when your get mad or lonely! thats why i love music../smiley
Convict-hezytruelove 2011/07/31 06:47
Ya it can.
Basim360 2011/07/31 08:07
_-FiRe-PhOeNiX-_ 2011/07/31 22:43
yEah it can .music.
mEmALOYAHkuehLaPiz 2011/08/08 17:24
Dpend on genre
BrAvE 2011/08/11 07:38
yup music cn
LoVeGaLsIaN 2011/09/09 09:43
ACEWAYNE 2011/09/09 22:32
kazzy 2011/09/12 21:35
music change my mood
wiLLyRockz 2011/09/13 15:32
yeah bcz i luv muzic
Vinter 2011/09/18 03:29
obviously it change our mood
dim_star 2011/09/20 11:59
BraveS_HearT 2011/09/27 14:44
Yahhh ..
____THe.bosS 2011/09/29 06:53
Yeah always when i want to change ma m0od then i play music ,eyes close and fEel the music
wiLLyRockz 2011/11/26 11:03
yeah .... jst feel d music
TemPEST 2011/11/27 06:49
Sure music cn nt only change ur mood
But sometimes direct ur mind to change its orignal state

Male1974 2011/12/23 19:00
yes,music can change my mood,it always is a goos stress reliever.
_EdGE_ 2011/12/26 05:47
Of course music can change the mood /smiley

Replies: 45

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