Favourite Fairy Tale by Saintless 2011/05/28 23:21
What is your favourite fairy tale stories;

.Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs
.Sleeping Beauty
.Beauty and the Beast
.Mermaid Princess

And who is your favourite princess?

Princess Aurora of Sleeping Beauty
Snow White
Princess Jasmine of Aladdin
Ariel of Mermaid
Belle of Beauty and the Beast


Ice-Fairy 2011/06/01 13:17
Sinon2 2011/06/01 16:32
Mine is the dancing tree at the market square
Ice-Prince 2011/06/03 05:27
Alladin /smiley
_vANILLa_tWILIGHt_ 2011/06/08 22:08
Cinderella my all time fav.
Shanna 2012/03/19 09:02
alladin & Princess Jasmine
-Marizelle- 2012/04/01 18:40
Sleeping Beauty. Princess Aurora
Tweetylicious 2012/04/02 19:55
Quote: Lelsi: Beauty and the beast/smiley
and the little mermaid! Love the diversity!!! /smiley

aprillia 2012/04/03 10:03
i like shreek.
my fav princess is viona.

aprillia 2012/04/03 19:25
snow white n 7 dwarft.
n i hope have prince mscl me when i slept./smiley
i miss ur mscl my naughtyyy.....

Dreamy3 2013/04/17 00:21
Cinderella, i feel sad when they rip up her dress, and she runs into the garden where her and her dad used to sit, and was crying than her fairy god mother shows up
lyresh13 2013/04/27 10:12
beauTy and d beast...BelLe
KennedyC2 2013/04/28 00:58
Can't really tell, my problem is that I like all of them
little_mermaid 2013/04/28 14:11
i like belle in beauty and the beast
SE-RYUN 2013/08/03 00:32
Stolen 2013/08/04 16:56
Snow white
NAASH 2013/08/14 11:40
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/05/04 08:03
Snow white and 7 dfs
Tweetums 2019/06/09 16:35
I can't choose a particular favourite, because they shift around with my mood as does a song, or a picture, but one I was particularly fond of as a child was 'The Magic Porridge Pot', or whatever it was called.
Replies: 38

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