Book Of Shadows by Laketempest 2011/05/26 17:48
A book of shadows/illumination is a personal record of spells, poems, rituals, and other useful information collected by the magic worker!
This thread will provide you with a collection of SPELLS which you may amaze you, it will be kept updated, and anyone wishing to add spells to it can freely do so!
* Spells and rituals can be very effective, because they focus the mind on one's problems or one's desires and they can sometimes give help in areas where nothing practical can be done. Spells can be a form of healing and love.
* Casting spells is a serious matter and requires forethought and planning.
None of the spells in this topic is designed to hurt either yourself or another person, and all magical practitioners agree that deliberetaly harming others will always bounce back threefold on the protagonist.

Avoid off topic posting/free posting/quoting of posts/it will be deleted!

Give a karma click on what you like and use this topic to share spells!

Laketempest 2011/05/26 18:05

This amazing modern spell, which is called the SONG OF ANTUF is taken from an ancient egyptian tomb of around 1300 B.C. settle yourself down quietly and recite the following:

"increase your happy times, letting yourself go, follow your desire and best advantage. And do your thing while you are still on this earth according to the command of your heart."

Laketempest 2011/05/26 18:07

Sit in a quiet room and light a candle or incense if you wish. Now imagine a figure-of-eight drawn in white on the floor. Sit in one loop of the figure-of-eight and visualize the whole design, with you in it, being flooded with healing energy. Now imagine the thing that you want to cut out of your life either sitting or placed inside the other loop of the figure-of-eight. Finally, imagine a large pair of scissors or knife cutting through the figure-of-eight at its thinnest part. Now see the other half of the figure floating away, out of the room, and out of your life, to some very far place.

Laketempest 2011/05/26 18:10

You will need- 6 tealights, a picture of your friend and a white ribbon.

Place the candles in a circle and light them in a clockwise direction. Put the picture of your friend in the middle of the circle and concentrate on his/her face, see him/her smiling and happy. Roll up the picture and tie it with the ribbon, then say "with this ribbon i protect you, with this magic i do seal."

Laketempest 2011/05/26 18:13

This is a spell which can be used if you have had a quarrel with a friend or a love, but you could use it to help a friend patch things up. Perform this spell on a waning moon because you are getting rid of a problem.

YOU WILL NEED; 2 small pieces of paper with your friend name on one and his/her lover name on the other, a small pot or container with a lid, a small pot of honey.

Place the two pieces of paper together with the names facing each other at the bottom of the container. Now take the honey and pour it into the container so that it covers the paper in the bottom. Think of your friend and say "sweeten ye up, in this healing cup." pass your hands over the container three times, thinking of your friend hand in hand with his/her love. Place the container in the freezer and make sure it is not removed.

In a few days there should be a big improvement in the friendship.

Laketempest 2011/05/26 18:15

This is one of those spells that will never stop being useful. Its perfect if you have an important exam, interview or other important data coming up. It is simple and very effective. It works on concentration and the belief in your heart.

YOU WILL NEED; a white candle, and white ribbon.

The day before the event, light the candle stand in a safe place, then spend about 5 minutes looking at the candle. Concentrate very hard on the candle, and see yourself achieving your goal. The candle plus your wish power will help you succeed. But you must be sensible. If you are really a B student dont hope to get an A+. About 5 minutes or when you feel your mine starting to wander, tie the ribbon around the candle, as you do so whisper your goal three times, then blow out the candle.

That evening, before you go to bed, undo the ribbon and place it where it will be close to you for the event. On the day, instruct someone who you trust implicitly to light the candle at the exact time the event starts. Remember to have the ribbon close by. When you return home blow yout the candle if it has not gone out by itself. You will see the results, if you have not seen them already.

Laketempest 2011/05/26 18:18

This is an old gypsy spell. Onions were thought to be especially human because of their layers of skin and the fact that we cry when we cut them.

YOU WILL NEED; an onion bulb, a toothpick, a pretty flower pot, some soil, an old photo of yourself, a red candle, a piece of dark plastic or paper.

On a new moon, take your nice onion choose one of medium size and the toothpick. Very carefully pierce the onion right through its middle with the toothpick, saying as you do so: "as i shed tears to pierce your heart, may you now bring forth tears of joy to cheer my future part." half fill the flower pot with soil, place the photo on top, then push the onion right down into the pot on top of the photo and fill around it and to the top with soil. The club should be covered by about 1cm of soil.

Light the candle and repeat the words above again. Imagine the onion growing healthily and see yourself in love in the image of the candle flame. Hold this thought for a few minutes, then place the pot somewhere warm. Cover the top of the pot with dark plastic or paper, keep checking over the next few weeks that the soil is still moist.

After one month, remove the covering and let the onion flourish. As it starts to shoot green your love life will also bloom.

Laketempest 2011/05/26 18:20

It is very important that you have a waning moon for this one so that you can drive away the irritations.

YOU WILL NEED; some salt, a pale pink candle, geranium essential oil.

If someone has been stirring you up, go and find a quiet spot, preferaly outside. Sprinkle some salt over your feet bare feet are best, but if this is not possible dont worry say: "i take your words with a pinch of salt, i cleanse my self of all your guilt." stand up straight and take a few relaxing deep breaths. Now moisten the tip of the candle with a little of the oil you can do this part inside if you like like the candle, breath in the scent and pink of the candle deeply, and click your heels once with a little salt still on them to walk away from your anger.

Now take a nice long walk, and dont look back over your shoulder!

Laketempest 2011/05/26 18:38

Imagine a huge beam of light working its way around in a circle to protect ourselves, a friend, the care or even our homes.

If your friend is in trouble, vividly imagine that you can see a beam of white light coming out of your ring or belly button and making its way towards your friend. As it travels, imagine you can see it growing brighter and thicker. Now envisage the light starting to make an anti-clockwise widdershins circle around your friend. The anti-clockwise direction removes the hostility and bad vibes. Spin the light faster and faster around your friend, imagine this for a few moments, then return the light to your own ring or belly button with a big bow tied to the end, your friend can now borrow your strength and will be able to rise about their difficulties.

You can use the same method to protect yourself or a friend for lots of different things, for instance someone going into an exam use golden yellow light, someone facing an operation use green light, or someone going on a first date use pink light. In fact, you will never stop thinking of ways to re-shape this spell.

Laketempest 2011/05/26 18:40

Have a cup of tea ready and say; "hiccup, hiccup, rise up, three drops in a cup, are good for the hiccup." then drink three sips of tea from the far side of the cup.

Laketempest 2011/05/26 18:46

This is a very old and sacred tradition, it has been practised by witches for hundreds of years. The cone of power is an energy source which you create and then direct. If you are used to practising magic with your friends, then you can do it as a group. And, in fact, the more of you there are doing it, the more power the cone will have. But dont worry, there is nothing spooky about this and its not going to harm you or anyone else in any way. First put on some music that you really like. Begin by all standing in a circle if there is only one of you, just imagine the circle. Start by dancing quite slowly around the circle. Go clockwise sunwise if it is for a spell to draw something or someone to you, and anti-clockwise widdershins if it is to send someone or something away. Continue to dance around the circle, going faster and faster as you go, until finally you can really feel a cone of energy developing within the circle, stop dancing and, concentrating very hard, mentally send the cone wherever you want it to go. Think of a place or person in your head, somewhere or someone for whom that energy is needed, or to someone in trouble, and send the cone. This gift of strong energy will have a huge impact. To make up a quarrel with someone, you came send the cone in this way, and as it goes, say to them quietly; "sorry! Lets talk".

Elfuego 2011/06/22 08:32
Where u get al dis stuffs 4rm, do they w0rk¿?
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/05/05 09:39
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