AURAS (an explaination for each colour) by Laketempest 2011/02/25 19:20
Auras are the energy fields that surround everything. Human auras usually contain a combination of several different colors, though most people have at least one color that dominates their auric field. No single color is good or bad to be, and there are both negative and positive qualities found in both!

There are three types of aura colors;
primary, secondary, and tertiary. With auras, the primary colors are the base colors, indicating strong, extremist personalities. Secondary aura colors are blends of other colors. In aura colors, tertiary colors are those that are unusual, rare, and indicate very unique people, or unique times in a person's life!
Laketempest 2011/02/25 19:38

RED > Red is a color of strength, passion, and creativity. People with predominately red auras approach life with gusto, seizing opportunities and living for the moment. Unfortunately, this can sometimes get them into trouble, because this gives them a tendency to leap into a situation before they look. When something or someone catches a red's attention, be it a friend, lover, job, hobby, religion, or cause . red will throw caution into the wind and pursue the person or situation with a strong intensity. Likewise, when a red is forced into a situation they care little about, or to be with a person they feel indifferent towards, they will easily grow bored and restless. Reds are very physical people, and enjoy experiencing the physical pleasures of life. They are also often popular people, but have difficulty maintaining long-term, close, interpersonal relationships. A clear, bright red aura usually surrounds a person who indulges in all kinds of physical pleasures. They are also immensely creative, but in an unbridled, undisciplined, spontaneous way. A great deal of dark red in an aura can indicate the person leads the life of a warrior, always passionate and always fighting for something. For example, they may spend much of their time fighting on the battlefield, defending the innocent, or living in a war zone. If, instead of a red aura, there is a red layer surrounding the aura, it can indicate traumas in the past.

YELLOW > People with yellow auras are intelligent, analytical, and energetic. They are the over-achievers, and usually succeed in school and business. They often can be found in leadership positions. They like to figure things out and solve problems. While yellows will excel in the classroom or in the board room, they usually have little patience or interest in the arts. Being so driven, they can also be somewhat selfish, with a "what's in it for me?" attitude. While they often attract others with their sunny charm and bright aura, they often have problems in interpersonal relationships, because they can become jealous and demanding with their mates and close friends. A bright, lemony yellow aura usually indicates a "people person" type of yellow. These individuals are great in public relations and social gatherings, they read people well, and are often wise and have answers that others are seeking. They are outgoing and comfortable and friendly, which draws others to them. Those with dark yellow hues to their auras are sociable, but they also have a tendency to be cold or haughty, and prefer small groups of friends with a more intellectual mindset.

BLUE > People with blue as their main aura color are sensitive, emotional, and caring. They are usually most concerned with feelings, both their own and others. They are strong empaths, with the emotions of those around them rubbing off on them. Because of this tendency, they can be very moody and experience dramatic mood swings throughout the day. Blues care deeply about other people, unfortunately to the extent where they are easy targets for those who would take advantage of their loving nature. Blues are the people who cry at sentimental commercials one moment, and can grow giddy from a silly joke the next. They are the big brothers/sisters of the world, always offering a shoulder to cry on or an ear to bend. Light blues have a tendency towards the spiritual/metaphysical, and are very intuitive. Dark blues have a tendency towards manic depression. They can be overcome by the woes of the world that they feel far too deeply, or hurt immensely by people they love who treat them with insensitivity.

Laketempest 2011/02/25 19:39

ORANGE > A predominately orange aura denotes a person who is creative, intelligent, and adventurous. People with orange auras are usually very artistic, and usually very skilled and learned in their arts of choice. They like to learn for learning's sake, and like to explore new things and situations. They don't like small talk or chit-chat, or hanging around without accomplishing something. Because of this, they are usually socially inept, seen as quirky by others, and always feeling awkward around new people and crowds. For the most part, oranges are loners, pursing their many interests on their own. They usually have very few people in their lives they consider true, close friends, but, when they do meet what they feel is a kindred spirit, the relationship is usually very long term, if not permanent. People with an overall orange in their aura are ever the student. You'll find these people always taking classes, or visiting the library to study up on their new interests, or surfing the web to gather information on a number of different subjects. Those with a more reddish-orange aura will more likely be drawn to the arts that are more hands-on or physical, while those with a more yellow-orange aura will more likely be drawn to arts that require analytical or philosophical skills.

GREEN > Strong, earthy, practical people usually have a predominately green aura. They are smart, but not usually the book-learned intellectual; greens have a well developed common sense, with a pragmatic way of looking at things and solving problems. They are the work horses, and take pride in a job well done. Greens are the tough-love caretakers, who will tell it like it is and do what needs to be done for a person's own good, which can make them appear insensitive to others. Having little patience for that which is frivolous, excessive, or complicated, people with green auras usually care little for aesthetics, can be stubborn about doing things their own way and shy away from new experiences. Their tendency to be savers and very careful spenders can make them look cheap, or greedy with their money. People with bright green auras are nurturing, but not coddling. They will want to make sure you are fed and healthy, but won't sugar-coat things, and they're going to rip the band aid off in a swift motion. Tears do not move them, as they see them as a waste of energy. Greens will do a good job of taking care of any household, making sure bills get paid and things stay clean and in good repair. They will often love the outdoors, and can be found either keeping gardens, fishing or camping in the wild. Dark green usually indicate stinginess, a preference to stay away from people, and adherence to a strict routine.

VIOLET > Violets are visionaries, spiritual, those who aspire to a higher purpose. People with predominately violet auras often grow up with a feeling that they were destined to do something great. They want to help save the planet or give a message of hope to humanity. If a violet from a young age was discouraged from their high ideals or strayed from their course, they live with a sense of restlessness and are constantly searching to get back on course. Violets are usually kind and generous people, willing to go out of their way for others. Often they find themselves becoming teachers, spiritual leaders, or getting heavily involved in humanitarian causes. They have a strong need to find harmony and balance in all things. They usually have strong psychic tendencies, and are able to recall past lives or intuit things easily.

pINK > A pink aura is usually found in a person who is affectionate, a dreamer, and aesthetically inclined. These bubbly people like to surround themselves with things that are soft and pretty and cozy. They are very appearance-conscious, and are prone to enjoy fantasy more than reality. They have a strong capacity to love, and are ever the romantic. Reality can be a rude awakening for them, so they prefer to stay away from it. Someone with a pink aura despises anything ugly and drab, and hates harsh words or rude behavior. They avoid reading the news or dealing with problems, and are more likely than any to design and live in a fantasy world of rainbows, unicorns and fairy dust. Ever the optimist, they look for the beauty in everything, and turn their back when they cannot find it.

AQUA-MARINE > This blue-green color in an aura indicates a person who is serene, content, and honest. Their calm demeanor can rarely be shaken, for they are at peace with the world as it is. They can look at things or people and see them for what they really are, without passing judgment or feeling the need to change them. Because of this, they can be indifferent towards people and situations, and rarely strive for change. This indifference can make them seem apathetic. Aqua-marines go with the flow and follow life where it leads. They accept the hands that they are dealt, and have no ambition driving them towards change. While they are very caring about people, do not expect emotional outbursts or excessive sentiment, they live life one moment at a time, and easily let go of the past. They keep their lives and relationships as uncomplicated as possible and are content to coast through.

BROWNS > Browns are people who are solid, steadfast, and hard-working. These people are the work horses of the world who do monotonous or menial labor, who are very routine-oriented. This can lead them into living life in a rut and prevent them from looking around and seeing any beauty or fun in the world. Brown auras indicate people who are emotional rocks, little moves them, either to depress them or uplift them. They move through life like a pack mule, shouldering their responsibilities without complaint and won't stop as long as they are physically able to go on. They feel more comfortable in uncluttered surroundings and express little emotion.

GRAY > This color in all of it's shades indicates a person who is secretive, protective of the self, and wishes to be left alone. Grays like to fade into the background unseen. They despise being the center of attention and will shrink back when called on in class or if anyone brings attention to them. A predominately gray aura indicates a loner, not so much out of preference but out of fear. Usually, grays have been so hurt or so disillusioned that they would prefer to be invisible. It's not uncommon for grays to be hermits, or to find one person that they care about to whom they will cling for all of their needs.

Laketempest 2011/02/25 19:45

INDIGO > Indigos are fairly new and rare colors in auras, only having turned up in the auric field in the last 30 years or so. They are wise, strong-willed, fearless people. At this time, most indigos are children, though there are some adult indigos who came here earlier to pave the way. Indigos are old souls who are here to usher in a new consciousness, a higher awareness to inspire humankind towards enlightenment. Indigos are often androgynous in appearance and mannerisms since they have a more perfected balance of the yin/yang, or the masculine/feminine energies within them. Parents of indigos usually report unexplained phenomena with their children, such as vivid past life recollection, communicating with spirits or otherworldly creatures, or psychic abilities. Indigos who are grown often report feeling odd and out of place in the world, and misunderstood by others.

WHITE > It is rare to find a child or adult person with a purely white aura, though it is not uncommon to find babies with white auras. White indicates purity, innocence, and a connection to spirit. Someone with a white aura may be going through a spiritual evolution or epiphany. They also might be in close contact with the spirit world, perhaps because they are currently in close contact with an angel or a higher spiritual power. It may also be either because they have just come from the spirit world birth, which explains why newborns often have white auras or will soon be returning to it their spirit is voluntarily preparing to move on. However, you should not tell someone with a white aura that you think they are going to die, not only would this be unethical, but you might very well be wrong, since this is only one possibility among many.

BLACK > While many people think a black aura indicates death is immanent, this is not necessarily true. Black can possibly indicate terminal illness, though, again, it is unethical to tell people you think they are going to die because of the color you sense in their auras. Black could also be indicative of a recent tragedy, or someone so filled with hate and negativity that it consumes them. It is very, very rare to see someone with an entirely black aura, or for one to harbor a solid black aura for a long period of time.

CRYSTAL > Most crystals at this time are young children, as it is the rarest and the newest auric hue on the planet. However, there are some adults who are evolving into crystals. Crystal is the [u]chameleon[u] aura color. These people's energies vibrate at a higher rate. Their empathic and telepathic abilities are so highly developed that they tend to take on the emotions and personalities of whomever they may be with at the time. This shifting personality can be confusing to others, but it gives them the ability to relate to and communicate with all kinds of people. As indigos are here to usher in a new consciousness, it is believed that crystals are here to exemplify it and bring balance back to the world. How they will accomplish this remains to be seen.

ImmaBE 2011/02/25 20:01
cool auras /smiley
Zaphara 2011/02/26 11:05
Wow! Magnificient colours,i love it/smiley
Marlou 2011/02/26 11:35
Perfect!/smiley pers0n's aura is serve as a charm that invites people attenti0n to them. It adds also beauty to ones pers0nality/smiley
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/05/14 08:33
#34 Myth&Mystery
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