Would you rather lose your teeth or your hair? by saab 2011/05/18 05:04
Mine: Hair. I can always wear a wig. :P wbu? At least choose one dohh

KiNg_SouL 2011/05/18 05:12
Juanita 2011/05/18 09:09
TheMouse 2011/05/18 09:20
My hair, of course. /smiley i've made a start.
SAGITTARIUS 2011/05/18 10:08
Same answer, None..
Muwale 2011/05/18 10:46
My hair I think.
Mahesh 2011/05/18 11:32
Haha, even though i'd rather not lose any of them, if i had to choose i'd choose my hair. If i lose all my teeth i could barely eat anything and it would even be hard to talk. ^.^ very interesting question, lol..!
agbemafleaugustine 2011/05/18 11:45
/smiley none /smiley
_rOcK_ 2011/05/18 11:54
none /smiley
SpArKo 2011/05/18 15:32
I wont mind loosing hair, infact i want to.. Provided if its not from my head! You know what i mean.. /smiley
FalleN 2011/05/18 16:06
I'll loose my teeth, I heard kissing is very good when you don't have teeth. -hahaha-
CorbettRaven 2011/05/18 23:00
Yes, I'd rather lose my hair but let's hope I will not. Teeth, you need lots of money to make them... :-/
jaQui 2011/05/18 23:11

b0th r scary...my teeth/smiley

Terry 2011/05/19 00:36
i rather lost my teeth /smiley
Kumz 2011/05/19 01:07
I'm a foodholic. I can't can't CAN'T lose my teeeeeeeth!! Fake teeth can never rip the juicy yummyness off a pork rib. /smiley Take my hair, anytime!
shakti 2011/05/20 05:06
Manal 2011/08/17 07:57
Hair bt not my teeth
bLaCk_LiSt3d 2011/08/18 19:51
Hair ..
Bald is fine to me..

Dallah 2011/08/19 07:03
My teeth
jay6600 2011/08/19 11:19
I need my teeth for biteing ladies arses /smiley
princ3z 2011/10/30 15:16
My hair.shrt hair is bttr thn losn my hair
Replies: 25

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