Unlimited free worldwide SMS by VijaY 2011/05/12 14:03
Hei, guys, we all are eager to know if there is any site which can send unlimited SMS world wide without any cost, Well atlast i found one such site .. SMSfreaks.tk it will be real surprise for you all... check it out & comment... you must see this

Kumz 2011/05/15 16:29
Did anyone try this yet??? Can anyone confirm it's safe or whatever? I'm a little weary of free stuff.
AngelDevil 2011/05/15 16:58
I'll try it surely.
VijaY 2011/05/17 01:11
bro its 100% safe, & verified by hundreds of users.. more doubts ???? contact me ..

jaQui 2011/05/17 01:17

thanx 4 sharing .flower1.

Gerald24 2011/05/17 01:36
Ok thanks/smiley
Manal 2012/10/04 23:01
will check................./smiley
Replies: 26

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