Rajnikanth. . .mind it. . .yanna rascala. . . . by teri-to 2011/05/07 11:33
English Movies Dubbed in Hindi:
Hurt Locker Ghayal Tijori
Batman- Ballebaj
Shes the man- Bobby darling
Blood diamond- Khooni Heera
Saw- Dekha
Saw2- Doabara Dekha
Saw3- Phirse Dekha
Saw4- Baar Baar Dekha
Superman,Spiderman,X-men,Hulk etc- Rajnikanth

teri-to 2011/05/07 12:23
Rajnikanth knows who the F*** is Alice. . .
teri-to 2011/05/07 12:23
Rajinikanth goes to court and sentences the judge. . .
KiNg_SouL 2011/05/07 12:23
This is hilarious
teri-to 2011/05/07 12:23
Rajinikanth can dodge Chuck Norris roundhouse kicks.. . .
teri-to 2011/05/07 12:24
Rajinikanth once ordered a plate of idli in McDonalds, and got it.. . .
_KJOE_ 2011/05/07 12:24
/smiley great comedy
teri-to 2011/05/07 12:24
Rajnikanth bought an iPhone now all iPhones are called Rphones!. . .
teri-to 2011/05/07 12:25
Rajnis wish agle janam mohe bitiya hi kijo.. .
THE_SPEAR_KING 2011/05/07 12:32

_rOcK_ 2011/05/07 12:42
nice collection /smiley
Eternal_Knight 2011/05/07 14:52
Awesomely funny. . . . .
Insenus_AmoR 2011/05/07 16:19
-hahaha- nice points
Undiscover 2011/05/07 19:25
-nicethread- keep it up /smiley
Rosay 2011/05/07 21:12
Hahaha nice
teri-to 2011/05/08 16:58
his Msg. is being Sent in the Interest of Humanity-

"Friends Please Stop making Jokes on Rajnikant or else he will Delete the FORWARD option/smiley

teri-to 2011/05/08 16:59
One day Rajnikant prchsed Sketch pens Set,

Nxt day

Guess wat happened???

Mughal-E-Aazam ws released in colour. MIND IT /smiley

teri-to 2011/05/08 17:00
Rajnikanth's dog's house has a signboard on it, saying..

Maalik Se Sawdhan. . . .

teri-to 2011/05/08 17:04
Once Rajnikant went for morning walk.
At noon he caught by US Police for entering USA without passport.. . .

teri-to 2011/05/08 17:05
Once rajanikanth kicked a sweeper boy with his broom.......now he is called HARRY POTTER. . .
teri-to 2011/05/08 17:07
shane warne to rajani"do u know how to spin?"
rajani:- "yenna rascala...wt do u think how the earth spins....?

Replies: 117

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