Ways of meditate and its benefits.. by _ARviN_2011/05/05 09:45 With the hectic pace and
demands of modern life, many
people feel stressed and over-
worked. It often feels like there
is just not enough time in the
day to get everything done. Our
stress and tiredness make us
unhappy, impatient and
frustrated. It can even affect
our health. We are often so busy
we feel there is no time to stop
and meditate! But meditation
actually gives you more time by
making your mind calmer and
more focused. A simple ten or
fifteen minute breathing
meditation as explained below
can help you to overcome your
stress and find some inner
peace and balance.
Meditation can also help us to
understand our own mind. We
can learn how to transform our
mind from negative to positive,
from disturbed to peaceful,
from unhappy to happy.
Overcoming negative minds and
cultivating constructive
thoughts is the purpose of the
transforming meditations found
in the Buddhist tradition. This is
a profound spiritual practice
you can enjoy throughout the
day, not just while seated in