BANK OF ALL CHEATS by Godwin94 2011/04/10 13:58
i am here to just drop it likE its hot and let 2wapworld b d cheat kings of all site.This is d beginning of d end.

Godwin94 2011/04/13 13:12
BOLT 210 MTN custom http-,or,or front query-
HEARTH 2011/04/13 13:29
Think u
Godwin94 2011/04/13 21:42
Godwin94 2011/04/14 11:08
Speedy opera custom http-
Godwin94 2011/04/14 11:16
SNAPTU custom http- or or front query-
Godwin94 2011/04/14 11:24 or port-80
Godwin94 2011/04/14 14:23
Quote: Godwin94: or port-80
4 web browser

Dunrichie 2011/04/15 03:14
Quote: Godwin94: here is a cheat on 10mb data plan.STEP 1.change ur date to 2007 then recharge 100,then send 104 to 131.STEP 2.then wait 4 the return message and then change ur date back to 2011.correct date.
hey bro, this cheat didn't work.

Dunrichie 2011/04/15 06:30
Ok, i need opera4.2multiop cheat.
Godwin94 2011/04/15 14:44
Quote: Dunrichie: Ok, i need opera4.2multiop cheat.
custom http:
tick remove port from url

Dunrichie 2011/04/15 15:46
Quote: Godwin94: custom http:
tick remove port from url
bro my opera have only custom server, nd the cheat didn't work for me.

Godwin94 2011/04/15 22:10
Quote: Dunrichie: bro my opera have only custom server, nd the cheat didn't work for me.
download opera 4.2 mod and create prov file

EBONY 2011/04/15 22:32
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Dunrichie 2011/04/16 04:29
Quote: Godwin94: download opera 4.2 mod and create prov file
which ip am i going to use to create the prov?

Godwin94 2011/04/16 08:47
Quote: Dunrichie: which ip am i going to use to create the prov? port 8080

Godwin94 2011/04/16 08:50
OPERA 4.2 OR 5.2
custom http-
custom socket-

WheezyAde 2011/04/17 12:05
plz godwin- does dis download also 4 etisalat
Godwin94 2011/04/17 12:54
Yeah it downloads
Dunrichie 2011/04/17 16:47
Quote: Godwin94: sory 4 spamming
but u know b4 u spam.

Dunrichie 2011/04/17 16:49
Quote: Godwin94: sory 4 spamming
but u know b4 u spam. K that's no problem.

Replies: 43

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