most painfull truth by _dreamprince_ 2011/03/24 15:32
Wat is the most painfull truth to u

ajya 2011/06/20 10:40
Quote: jacki:
t0 kn0w dat d truth is n0t d truth
Oh that nOt true

Spoon 2011/06/20 14:07
to truely see the truth can b the most painful
scarllete 2011/06/25 15:42
Quote: Cherry_mae: Someone flirting with my the most painful i ever experienced..
who cud dat be? /smiley

scarllete 2011/06/25 15:47
when the fact that u see ur ex moved on already while yours is not really hurts.... /smiley
-TheCoOLBoY- 2011/06/25 15:49
i have hole in my heart(ASD).
0_o 2011/06/25 16:15
Quote: -TheCoOLBoY-: i have hole in my heart(ASD).
Com on guyz this isnt love zone, this up here is the ugly truth everyone doesnt want. God bless u bro and get well soon /smiley

Rita 2011/06/26 09:43
Some1 who made me mad inside.cnt be trusted
P.girl 2011/08/26 19:19
Being fooled dat one rily luvs me /smiley
waleed_khan 2011/08/27 07:17
abbey4united 2011/08/27 07:53
Bn tell d truth
Horlahmighty 2011/08/27 08:16
That the person i trusted is a sly
BraveS_HearT 2012/01/24 04:45
Wake up early
DOLPHINLADY 2012/07/02 10:01
Histrypa 2012/12/29 11:49
The painfull thing in the world is as i think loss of honest,poverity,loyality,loved one,agreement,care,parents,life.............
Fairyflexy 2012/12/29 17:36
A very very close friend from childhood who now blank me in d name of bein ''very busy'' anyways m Alive!
detrimentum 2015/06/19 17:36
when something i thought to be real turns out to be the opposite.
ladyme 2015/06/19 23:05
Quote: ethereal: when something i thought to be real turns out to be the opposite.

Hmm . I think you are strong though dear buddy /smiley

Rockstar_sunju 2015/06/20 10:43
I'm useless.. /smiley
Ibrahim820 2015/06/23 19:53
Truth pain 1s but one false or lie get pain whol life. So beter is face to truth bcoz truth is always 100 steps forword from false
anewor 2015/06/25 16:28
dat wer nver meant 2 b,
Replies: 41

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