Sweetlove2008/06/25 08:08 I use the QURAAN bt cn sum1 say whch Bible 4rm the Christians is m0st in its 0riginal f0rm
Sweetlove2008/06/25 08:09 I use the QURAAN bt cn sum1 say whch Bible 4rm the Christians is m0st in its 0riginal f0rm,wud lyk 2 n0 jus 4 research purp0ses pls
UnFoRgIvEn22008/07/03 15:28 I guess english would be the easiest to understand. . .Thats y. . . .
ShArOn2008/07/03 19:01 I only read the King James Version.
huge222008/07/10 02:00 As far as bible translation is concern. The recomended bible for me is KING JAMES VERSION, revised king james versin, american standard version. But as I brows in the internet there is someone I foune he is bro. Eli SORIANO. He is good in preaching the bible. And he suggested that I should use ESWORD and go back to the GREEK and HEBREW translation. Wherein there is no vested interest of the translator. May be you visit this person to. At www.esoriano.wordpresr.com Gud day