DO YOU SMOKE? by Laketempest 2011/03/05 10:12
Do you smoke? If so at what age did you start?

Gerald24 2011/05/19 08:03
shakti 2011/05/20 05:04
I dont smoke
lion 2011/09/28 08:41
i started cigarettes at 13 and weed at 15 at 17 years old i got an asthma attack and was hospitalized and haven't touched any of that since
im now 21.
don't smoke, terrible habit, though it is personal choice, but try and refrain, it hits
you hard when you get sick! /smiley

WilLow_DarkSky 2011/09/28 13:20
i tried wen i was grade 6...but now never....
____THe.bosS 2011/09/30 18:11
Well i hate smoking because i know the people's near around me. I love my self /smiley
peddy 2012/07/05 02:00
im no't smoke
J_Dz 2012/07/05 14:00
I'll never try
Mcwilly 2012/07/06 06:56
I dont. Dont even know how to smoke
aprillia 2012/07/08 00:18
nope n never.
yemyem1 2012/07/11 18:58
Smoking is not my thing
HandsomeDon 2012/07/12 05:44
never smoking :.....
donprecious 2012/07/12 19:30
nope /smiley
Tony-rizzy 2012/07/14 05:29
No i didn't and wil neva be
yemadep 2012/07/14 12:26
I hate even people smoking. I will never do it.
sant_01 2012/07/17 02:32
once, but now i dont smoke /smiley
Princess_Jasmine 2012/07/23 14:58
No i dnt smoke n i hate the who do it in public place.
Ashton 2012/07/23 21:58
It had been 7 yrs now I started smoking
TemPEST 2012/07/25 02:16
I would hate maself if i were to
Male1974 2015/01/30 10:31
Yes,and no plans on quitting yet..
GhAyAl 2015/02/13 15:43
alot ... so much ..proud to be a smoker
Replies: 47

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