*sh0cking news* by jaQui 2011/03/03 23:48

When you discover that the beliefs you followed all your life were wrong?

After all those pious years you'll still get send to hell or
whatever penalty will
be imposed.

What will you do humm?

_dreamprince_ 2011/03/05 21:47
Quote: THE_HERO: they are not blind .lol. But still no one answered your question, only i answered your question with explanation /smiley
than y u r doing .funny. posts

jaQui 2011/03/05 21:51
Quote: Nurudeen: your question cant be answered by anyone who has a 'conviction' that they are on the right path. And also, you can do nothing if you find out about such cos its all over after death and its only after death that you can find out about such info. ''Nothing'' is what you can do and what you will do.

As a muslim... I will be amongst those on the right path. Such is the fate i have in islam.

thank y0u my dear friend in Jesus, n0w i understand/smiley .flower1. See, even stupid d0es

Musafir 2011/03/05 21:52
Quote: _Mr.RaO_: than y u r doing .funny. posts
to make her understand, that stop quoting peoples and pointing them to answer according to her suggestion .funny.

_dreamprince_ 2011/03/05 21:53
Quote: Nurudeen: yea God and Allah are thesame. God is written in the english qur'an.
but u fought in "there is on GOD" TOPIC does it mean there is no allah too,according to u

_dreamprince_ 2011/03/05 21:55
Quote: THE_HERO: to make her understand, that stop quoting peoples and pointing them to answer according to her suggestion .funny.
again other joke,u r not seeing u quoting her but telling her to stop quoting others /smiley

jaQui 2011/03/05 21:59
Quote: _Mr.RaO_: than y u r doing .funny. posts

i d0 f0r +s n u /smiley

Musafir 2011/03/05 22:01
Quote: _Mr.RaO_: again other joke,u r not seeing u quoting her but telling her to stop quoting others /smiley
if someone beats you, you will hit him back lol /smiley grow up child.

jaQui 2011/03/05 22:03
Quote: _Mr.RaO_: again other joke,u r not seeing u quoting her but telling her to stop quoting others /smiley

yeah, n0t my t0pic anym0r but revenge is s0 sweet /smiley

_dreamprince_ 2011/03/05 22:36
Quote: THE_HERO: if someone beats you, you will hit him back lol /smiley grow up child.
its u doing /smiley

jaQui 2011/03/06 09:26
Quote: Rilwan: Okay /smiley lol dont know what to say

yeah me2...i guess it'll be sh0cking t0 open y0ur eyes and c dat ur in hell instead of heaven and all ur life u were abs0lutely sure dat u are right in every way and act /smiley

Zeast 2011/03/06 10:46
Quote: jacki:
When you discover that the beliefs you followed all your life were wrong?

After all those pious years you'll still get send to hell or
whatever penalty will
be imposed.

What will you do humm?

. . I see that Almighty God has illumined yua heart with light ov divine kn0wledge, s0 ye sh0uld'nt all0w it to go 0ut by darkness ov dis0bedience. Its yua s0ul just sp0ke 0ut and i h0pe inshallah yua search will end s0on n ye'll be in c0mplete Peace. . . Peace iz yurz.

Musafir 2011/03/06 11:47
Quote: jacki:
yeah, n0t my t0pic anym0r but revenge is s0 sweet /smiley
/smiley -

Spoon 2011/03/06 11:49
i wld accept wot my fate is when that happens if i was wrong then so b it.
jaQui 2011/03/06 16:50
Quote: Zeast: . . I see that Almighty God has illumined yua heart with light ov divine kn0wledge, s0 ye sh0uld'nt all0w it to go 0ut by darkness ov dis0bedience. Its yua s0ul just sp0ke 0ut and i h0pe inshallah yua search will end s0on n ye'll be in c0mplete Peace. . . Peace iz yurz.

thanx f0r the nice msg, and wise advice... im n0t searching any thing th0ugh, its just an imaginati0n of h0w disap0inted one wud be if dat shud happen .flower1.

Musafir 2011/03/06 19:42
Quote: jacki:
thanx f0r the nice msg, and wise advice... im n0t searching any thing th0ugh, its just an imaginati0n of h0w disap0inted one wud be if dat shud happen .flower1.

i will not disappoint infact i will fight with opposite god to whom i dont belive and i will say him that i m your god.

haris 2011/03/06 23:49
Quote: Spoon: i wld accept wot my fate is when that happens if i was wrong then so b it.
hmmmm wil u not care to bother about the punishment u wil receive for ur wrong?? if u were wrong..

mustafa 2011/03/07 08:21
Some of us ar joking with our life by making fun of serious issues like this when its a no-joke matter.
Do you think that God/Allah sent is messengers to this world just for fun...? ...Moses,Jesus,Muhammed all came to dis world for fun? hmm, Somebdy must b joking and that persn is nt God neither is it His messengers,rather, they've come to warn u about this matter..."heell"

Rolingstone 2011/03/08 04:44
Quote: jacki:
When you discover that the beliefs you followed all your life were wrong?
h0w do u discover that????
jst do it yrself as;
“Watch out for false prophets.They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles?. Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.
. . Bad fruits r abundantly in yur topic n around yu, discover them, it wl help ya discover of right path. -happy-

jaQui 2011/03/08 16:05

pls ppl, d0n't judge me, leave dat t0 G0D f0r u d0n't kn0w me/smiley

God kn0ws wh0's true and wh0's n0t...
And as i already explained, it's just an "imaginati0n"
of h0w disap0inted one wud be " if " dat shud happen .flower1.

Thanx! Enj0y p0sting

Fairyflexy 2012/10/08 15:22
As it is, only aft death cn we really knw whether or not we've bn deceivin ourselves. My religion believes in Ressurrection/life aft death merited only through holiness by God's grace. So if i die then discover there's nothin like Heaven or Hell, aft living a 'Just Life'' of not submittin to ungodly desires, & having deprived myself of enjoyin wot som pple wud call d ''gud life''; i'l av nothin to lose for then i wud just rest in peace. But shud i die aft an ''unjust life'' of satisfyin ugodly cravings, only to discover there is Hell ! Wot an hopeless situation! For then one cn neither just rest in peace nor b given a 2nd chance to live one's life again. Tis God's wish d@ all be saved but d choice of Life & death rily lies in our own hands! Aft death there's nothin any1 cn do
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