Black clothes? by Saintless 2011/02/17 09:16
Why do people wear black when they attend funerals? Why balck, and why not probably other colours? Does black indicate sadness and mourn?

_HyPnOTiC_BaBe_ 2011/03/25 20:48
U dint read de topic greenpark /smiley
ACIDized 2011/03/26 07:43
Black resembles greif!
Manal 2011/08/16 12:11
We wear black cover(abaya)as traditional wear bt it doesnt mean sad
princ3z 2011/10/30 15:13
Quote: Mahesh: Because its dark, just like their mood. . /smiley
i agree

PrEM 2011/10/31 11:44
I will go with Mahesh.
And friends as you know players wear black strip when any player leave this world.
Recently two players weared a black strip in f1 race which was held in India.

Manal 2012/10/14 21:55
sign of respect
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/05/19 08:46
its depends on mood....
Page707 2015/11/26 23:07
it's a very old tradition to show respect
Black is somber
That's why people were black

Replies: 28

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