Black clothes? by Saintless 2011/02/17 09:16
Why do people wear black when they attend funerals? Why balck, and why not probably other colours? Does black indicate sadness and mourn?

Sweet_Divyanka 2011/02/17 09:25
Yeah black clothes indicate sadness /smiley
Laketempest 2011/02/17 09:31
Black represents the abscence of colour, its unknown, thats the reason
RaNcOrOuS 2011/02/17 09:46
Black is a Warm cloth
Laketempest 2011/02/17 09:49
Quote: MANAV: Black is a Warm cloth
it certainly attracts heat

RaNcOrOuS 2011/02/17 09:54
Quote: Laketempest: it certainly attracts heat

absorbes heat.

Mahesh 2011/02/17 11:19
Because its dark, just like their mood. . /smiley
BeeBee 2011/02/17 11:29
It depends on ur view abt it. Sm wear white 4 funerals. 4 me al colour ar nice
Laketempest 2011/02/17 12:14
Quote: MANAV:
absorbes heat.
/smiley i love the colour

____THe.bosS 2011/02/17 12:20
Its depend on m0od
Doncle 2011/02/17 13:24
Cadness black
lady_xyrelle 2011/02/17 13:29
black is dull....every color have significant and meaning....
TheMouse 2011/02/17 17:04
I want to go to a funeral with all the ladies dressed in black leather, darn, wrong forum again! /smiley
ImmaBE 2011/02/17 18:00
i don't wear black in funerals.
_rOcK_ 2011/02/17 18:12
no idea....i dont wear blk clothes.....
Lelsi 2011/02/18 12:24
In Japan,they wears white at funerals, and white color symbolize the sadness and grief ...
In most cultures in the world ppl wears black when they attend funerals ..
But I think that wearing a certain color at the funeral as a sign of sorrow and grief should not be matter, because you shuoldn't expresses the sadness with the color of of clothes, but with the heart ..

Int3rfaC3 2011/02/18 12:31
Thats belief for you.
Int3rfaC3 2011/02/19 14:53
Religion asks for it.
Ubah04 2011/03/02 18:39
It is a sign of sadness
-Annie- 2011/03/08 02:55
cos black is colour of sadnes
greenpark 2011/03/24 06:48
yes i love black clothes.special party n night it luk glamour.
Replies: 28

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