F.R.E.E.S.T.Y.L.E by Yungboss 2011/02/10 18:22
T.H.I.S I.S J.U.S.T T.H.E. F.R.E.E.S.T.Y.L.E

TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY 2013/01/26 00:02
Stil stealin ma rhyme,Bin Laden iz ma BROTHER/u alwayz go insane datz y u're off d BORDER/bitch,am in 4 MURDER/i 4uked ur sisterz n ma dog DOGGIE styled ur MOTHER/cunt,don't perish now i want u 2 move FURTHER/i need a real nigga 2 break ma rap, Y iz it dat no one iz tryin HARDER/R.I.P n join ur FATHER/ i spit mine lyk THUNDER/i married rap,barz joined us 2geda so don't put ASUNDER/u are tryin so hard 2 crack me put found urself UNDER/i hate copy n pasting cuz i got a lot of BoMb BLAST/no bitch tried me n LAST/u can't c me cuz am FAST/stop talikn about cum i got u dick CASTRATED/am d world most WANTED/haha, i laugh but am not EXCITED/am goin H.A.M witout indian HAM/stand under d feet of an elephant n get urself 2 BLAME/am d best in here, bitch iz d fact not a CLAIM.
Mikoto-Suoh 2013/01/27 01:49
Yo, my brother!
u keep hacking
into my facebook
but im the king!
cuz im snacking
meanwhile your hacking
cuz you're (you're) not the king
and imma name ur @** hellbound
& shove up a knife in it
so i can hear screaming sounds!

Mikoto-Suoh 2013/01/27 02:16
Snap snap snap!
whts all this crap?
its not rap
its bullcrap
i wanna give u slaps
make u eat all kind of craps

Mikoto-Suoh 2013/01/27 02:17
Quote: Mikoto-Suoh: Snap snap snap!
whts all this crap?
its not rap
its bullcrap
i wanna give u slaps
make u eat all kind of craps

i guess i did there too much crap lol

Yungboss 2013/01/27 20:50
Quote: Mikoto-Suoh: i guess i did there too much crap lol
pls creat a thream 4 poem n drop ur wacks dia,

TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY 2013/01/27 22:36
Quote: Yungboss: pls creat a thream 4 poem n drop ur wacks dia,
me..n! leave d yungsta alone.lol

Yungboss 2013/01/28 07:35
I wnt stop killin n havin ur pussy BURST/i knw what u lukin 4,bt 4uk it u wnt gain a TRUST/they made u luk bad bt im here to make u luk WORST/like i let ya mama blowjob ma pig n suck da cum 4rm ma HORSE/ima crush ya teeth wit ma Range~ROVER/bitch u tink that the game is OVER/c im d illest that makes 2wap world COVER/cuz i bounce out evday wit a rugged PUNCH~LINE/i c ntin to copy so i eat urz like ma LUNCH^TIME/i drop dope LINEZ/u dropin Gay~LINE/yes i left d world thousand yrz ago 4 da undaground to Serve TIME/ ma barz join u n ur dick TOGETHER/said u in 4 MURDA/bt i had ur ass flushd with WATER/blowin d kush high causin Strange CLOUD/bitch i choke u with 1 line nw u cnt speak LOUD/d freestyle is meant 4 niggaz with d illest STYLE/nt bitches like u wankin n displayin dia Gay^Life^STYLE/im like a japanese warrior sliting Throat like a SAMU^RAI/ur mama neva wanted me bt wen i bring ma dick out, she lov to say HI/no war without the Generals COMMAND/i wash ur ass like mony n hav u Price^TAG/bt nobdy wants ur ass on DEMAND/cuz u r a Born^FAG/Thats y sum niggaz dnt wana waste dia DISS(flowz)/bt i got u ass ma favourite DISH/bt its like u cnt take the hell i SPLIT/so i bury u n let u Rest^in^PI**
TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY 2013/01/28 14:34
same old shxt.
Yungboss 2013/02/17 18:40
Same old Shxt/4 same hoe Bitch/nigga take a dick like d same old Snitch/

Im diggin a Grave/yall betta Behave/ma flowz cum wit much magnitude/no Atittude/7 sticks 4 da Shaev/diz time no hidin in ya Cave(s)/n nobody inhere to Safe/put the A.k in ya mouth,n it laffs when u 4ukin Mis^behave/open tha hell Gate/ spitin n puttin yall in different Set/invicible for yall to See/got ma hand on d Desert^Eagle/b4 im dining with the Devil/nw d devil is dinin with Me/im ontop of da Food^Chain/knw the nigga that spit 'True' like 2^Chain/these niggaz Faker(z)/bt im in like a Taker/im hidin ghost like a Rider/destroyin their faith fill'em with bad Sorrow/i masturbate 2day kall ya mum to lick like no 2morrow/got six hand like d indian Hoe,bt im more like a Goroh/check out da Bizzare/so Irregular/i alwayz let ma gunz laff like Bra^ta^ta^ta/lemme teach u the gun Anthem/take a luk at diz bitch(tragedy)i shoot thru him like a T~System(transparent system)/nigga happy dead Day/neva 4get hw u lay on ur death Bed/u proved strong head tinkin u got d street Cred/im d street Cred so quit starin at ma flowz like sum Infra^Red/at the Oral verse got u talkin like a Preacher/if u are a teacher u mite get Burnner(stunner)/that bitch love goin up with losers n Fakerz/wel i dnt mind cuz in every sucesful nigga lies packs of Haterz/like Rocko i still do Me/kickin u niggaz out call that Bruce^lee/i dnt split wit Black^mask/got ma Black^flag/even tho i split with blackmask u still cnt stand ma Black^ass/

TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY 2013/02/17 20:28
I know Where ur pussy kum ^4RM^?/suck ma dick n serve as protection lyk ^CONDOM^/shld i play this in ^RANDOM^?/NO,ur cunt bn swimmin in ^PHANTOM^/
Gay check ma ^PUNCH^GAY^SHUN^ 0r PORN^CHEW^A^SHUN^(punctuation)/am rap ^PRO^NOW^SAY^SHUN^(pronunciation)/
Ur dick iz always ^PORN^TUAL^(puntual)/now u wanna b friends but i won't evn accept ^CAR^SUAL^(casual)/
u said u got a ^dream^/it's gettin dimer as it ^dim^/they said sleep is d cousin of ^death^/if so stop daydreamin cuz u're at sleep n it could b ur last ^breathe^/am d Alien dat came 2 ^earth^/now TRAGEDY decides ur ^faith^/haha.

Ask ur mama y her pussy is FROZEN/arrange ur shxt well cuz ur flow iz dime-a-DOZEN/ur soul on d table well prepared 4 dinner n devil is here 2 DINE/i know about 50cent so bitch u must b DIME/did i just MENTION.../hell yeah, check ur DIME^MEN^SHUN n u will DIE^MENTION^(dimention)/tym 4 murder R.Kelly ON ma IGNITION/unlyk wayne ur blood made here a red NATION/am technically n lyrically inclined in rap in case u got lost am rap DIRECTION/i can b friendly but am a playa dat iz MESSI^LESS(merciless)/wit d worst OPTION/ma rap brought death upon u wit fire n brim stonez worst dan Volcanic ERUPTION/u thought am ^fiction^ but now i stopd ur cum by gettin ur dick SHUN/left u breathless n dick-less wit no ERECTION/sarcophagus or casket,grave or tomb datz my DEDICATION/am worst than a CYBORG/i got u metamorphosed in2 a PIE-DOG/Congo man u're too short u can't reach ME/toe sized little man wat a PYGMY/am holdin rap off d ground cuz am rap PYLON/d flies in ur corpse are makin d noise i got u melted lyk NYLON/Tragedy da massacre i swallow pussies lyk u lyk PYTHON/left ur bonez n skull wit no flesh 2 FIGHT-ON/mtfk d flies n maggots in ur casket can bring d DISS_ON/


Yungboss 2013/02/18 16:22
Bodies gon Fall/n when they ask tell'em its Yung/ima kill u with kindness n that aint so Wrong/got u Cornd/Deformed/n ur dick Un^Informed/n hang u by ur ball 4rm tha Horn of a Unicorn/i resurrect this shxt/so Im Back/and im razor Sharp/cuttin out ur tiny little D**k/wit an Axe,no with a Sci^ssors/n d rest gun b Cur^rious/like y d rage n y hes so Fur^ious/ya mama fuckd up so i turn ma dick into a Bazooka/i tel her bitch giv me ur pussy or i eat ur corps like a Zombie or Dracula/i told u i creat flows 4 u 2 Copy/bt stealin ma shxt n postin on facebook isnt gotta giv u d Trophy/cuz i dnt battle 4 Glory/im here to wipe u out b4 u know It/diz aint slaughter house like Em n 59/at 6 the least mony i spent was 50 Dime/bt im still too broke to pay Attention/to ur wack so i put ma dick In^Dete^ntion(refegerated)/so when i bring it out it'll be cool 4 ur Vacation/oops bt that also is ur Damnation/diz aint God's Intervention/bitch this is Yung's Intervention/n i'll spitin diz flows putin d world in Confusion/were diz mofos at they down n u will soon Join'Em/dnt prove unshakable cuz ur rootz Soft/were ur fellow hoe(Ghost rida) braggin like hez so Tough/u niggaz like dot so i use u n design ma Baggy/4ukd ur girl Jacki/that bitch cn suck like Maggi/i fuckd her like Orgy n got her position for Doggy/she promise to Suck ma dick, n i knw she gon like It/
TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY 2013/02/18 22:40
Ur shxt so DAMN/y dropin wacks lyk a fowl wit no BRAIN?/ur brain flippin as i drop this knackin ur ass wit much VAN^KNACK^COLLAR(vernacular)/ma rap so ^solidified^ n am so ORACULAR/wit regular up-to-date rap but bitch stays IRREGULAR/a bitch 4rm ^Orkney^ in ^Scotland^ battle me n found his ass in ^MOCKERY^ in ^SKULL-LAND^/bitch am a prime NUMBER/many niggaz tried but i can't b DIVIDED/dial ma ass n call d wrong NUMBER/i split ur spleen cuz it's on demand n i don't want 2b REMINDED/ur mama's pussy is 4rm Hong-Kong/am dickin n deepin In lyk Sisqo n her pussy is singin me a THONG-SONG/she's on olympic race for ma dick wat d 4uk d bitch want 4rm a NIGGA?/once iz about breakin ur sisters virginity am Mean n EAGER/am gud in rap but not Prima-DONNA/call me d hand of God in rap cuz i ball more than MARADONA/am always victorious cuz am Nelson n ma broda is MANDELA/die wen u c me am a BLOCK-OUT/Nicki n Wayne knows i gve total KNOCK-OUT/Wayne faced me n sang pussy till end of TIME/now i got Nicki attendin church at ^diss^miss^sal(dismisal)TIME/haha,am a freaky-beast in rap wit rugged cross on ma CHEST/God saw me n ordered d angels 2 lock heaven's gate n have a REST/am d new-world dat is takin OVA/try me n u won't live 2 sing 4eva-young lyk d bitch J(jayz) dat said he's HOVA/i put y'all asses 2geda n ride y'all flat on d ground wit ROVER/am UN^DISS^PUTTED(undisputed)/kum lick ma spit ma DISS^IS^PUTTED/am down 2 SELL^A^BREATHE(urs)/have a skull of wine wit ur skull as i CELEBRATE/bitchez bn stayin in caves made 4 BIRDS/i burned their nest n their tears flow lyk River Niger on their BEDS/bitch said he's killin wit kindness dats a serious MADNESS/ma linez so precious lyk gold...FINESS/u now know u're a zombie n is pow on ya 4HEAD/go 2 hell n tell devil am RUGGED/bear in mind Dracula fears me cuz am a KILLER/b4 u die dig ur grave wit ur teeth lyk a gold DIGGER/ur sistas got pores n maggots in their pussy dats y u envy JACKI/unlyk ur bitch 4rm puerto-rico i deepd in n she screamd PAPI/she didn't suck ur dick she bite it OFF/now u respect her swagg as she's ROUGH/i'll murder u in a way ur corpse will neva 4GET/leave d history in museum n leave it on phones as WIDGET/get ur diss^connected life connected n i'll gve u death to COLLECT/SuCkA!


Yungboss 2013/02/19 16:45
Tel me what gud in d pussy when u bitch cnt F%*k/what gud is the mouth when u nigga cnt Talk/thatz ma doin bitch, i got a killin Cata^log/so quit Bluffin/got me rest u in a Coffin/made sure ur family exist No^More/startin 4rm the Born to d Un^born/killin anybdy u eva lovd n u 4eva wil Mourn/nw hw can i envy a bitch with a Pot~mouth~Pussy/i pore ma waste inside n even bury ur family in It/ima stay Dopin til d day i Die/but i cnt Die, cuz i kill u bitch to Multiply/ok everybdy here even smarty said u capin Non^sense/eventho i smile u dnt really wana mess with me weneva im with the Matchet/or with ur Casket/every line i spit is In^de^lible/that got me blood in^sati^able/stay down muda4ka cuz every bar i drop is so In^rev^oc^able/hpe u phne got no lite cuz ma flow r high in Flamable/im a walkin Dim^on(demon)/beta kneel n pray 4 mercy or if u tryna prove Strong/ur Gone/mistakes in here is so 4ukin Un^us^ual/so many skullz n bonez in ma grave got everybdy tink im into Ritual/sieve ur mama pussy n fuckin get a Resi^dual(u)/ma flows blind u even if u wia Visual/said u giv a nigga Pain/cum closa lemme show u d meanin of Insane/4ukd ur lil sista break her Virginity/pour an acid in her pussy,bury her beside ha gay fatha cuz she nids a Security/put a sickle in ya eye n hang u with Them/u fuckin entad d jungle inside the lions Den/hold up Hoe(tragedy)/pour a dirty water like a manure to make ur pussy Grow/in here u doing a Pussy Show/put a C4 n Blaw!! Ur pussy Blow/u lost like Who^am^i/ the game is Do^or^die/bt to u its kill (u) n Go/or Suicide/
Mikoto-Suoh 2013/02/27 01:30
i ws off fr sum time
but im on tonight
so i gotta rap really tight
i just said that cuz it rhymes
if u think u're slim shady
then get ready
cuz imma fkkk ur haley
just one hour
24 times daily

Yungboss 2013/02/27 07:29
bitch stp diz shxt u doin rap dnt fit u
Rebellion 2013/02/28 15:48
Sucka... Threatening a kid and thinkin he is a MASTER/ While his rhymes are whack & his flow a DISASTER/ Trya ta hide ya curd voice behind treble N BASS/ I'm gonna put that hoe's(stunner) karmas in ya F%*kin ASS/ A jealous shiit gonna Die a dog's LIFE/ He got no chicks & said 'never found the RIGHT-TYPE'/ Suck my di!ck and say how it FEELS suck it harder doing CART-WHEELS(hiphop)/ Your blood is black & mine is GOLDEN My life is free but you're BEHOLDEN/ You're struck in this tiny site AND fighting with the dudes like MIGHTY-MIGHT/Thinking to rule the WORLD in ya HEAD , while I get my Pic in DECCAN HERALD in my BED/ Kiddo you ain't my level you ain't my BOUT I don't fight pussies they talking about/ I dig you before I can dig you again/ You can't dig even the latest 'FASTLANE'/ Your verses leaves ya company Like parker leaves MARY JANE/ While you rap live Ya legs leaves on ya back/ Yungboss? is that what you had IT's the identity you LACK/ You're a Super-nobody in the mob of million Nobodies/ Chick runaway from u & u lick Hoe-Bodies/ I could dig you deeper than the EARTH-CRUST/ So don't fight with the life u cant TRUST/ It's just my lust TO watch u bust BUT at first I had to adjust my thirst/ It was must cuz ya dust was making me just NOT SO HAPPY/but when u started to rust before my stardust It was LOT MORE HANDS-FREE/ I hanged u many times like that jesus with SPIKES/ Ya rap is raped and crunched by my Flow like some 10,000 BIKES/ Ya mama does the Jingle-bell on ma D1ck daily/ U eat my sh!t and says Yummy! as in the DELLHY-BELLY/ I invent ya sh!t and u eat mine/ Lived life Like a slave & you SAY it's fine/ Keep ya Gay-fashion to ya-self Here's no Gay-party/ Even the bot won't reply u when u wud shout HEY SMARTY! /smiley
Spektralflamez 2013/03/03 04:47
i m not only a ~mere~FRIGHT~ soon a bitch is gonna be thrown down from a ~GREAT~HEIGHT~
Spektralflamez 2013/03/03 04:49
spektral sends warnings
Yungboss 2013/03/02 09:05
Quote: Alebi: I am the Astro-Creep
A demolition style
Hell american freak//
I am the crawling dead
A phantom in a box//
Shadow in your head
Say acid suicide
Freedom of the blast//
Read the fucking lines
Scratch off the broken skin
Tear into my heart make
Me do it again yeah!!!
hold up r u a male or female cuz i cnt blieve a female (like u)cn spit diz

Rebellion 2013/03/02 10:46
Quote: Yungboss: hold up r u a male or female cuz i cnt blieve a female (like u)cn spit diz

You fool bitch! this is a song 'More Human Than Human' by White Zombie... Get along with them sucker-copy pasters /smiley

#49 Rap BattleZ
Engage in lyrical battles with other 2wap rappers. Not for the easily-offended.