How many? by Saintless 2011/02/06 13:14
How many cans of fizzy drinks can you have in a day?

SAGITTARIUS 2011/08/08 02:46
3-4 in a day.but not now because its Ramadhan./smiley
CoDe 2011/08/08 06:02
Up to 5 /smiley
mEmALOYAHkuehLaPiz 2011/08/08 14:23
Juz 1 can. .
shacc 2011/08/09 01:47
4 to 5 is ok
P.girl 2011/09/02 17:41
Not more than six(6)
BraveS_HearT 2011/09/26 21:44
100000000000 cans
_-FiRe-PhOeNiX-_ 2011/09/27 21:09
3-4 canS /smiley
lion 2011/09/28 08:34
None, I'm already bordering obese, drinking more than one a day is a cinch way to put weight on and become morbidly obese. These drinks contain far too much sugar even the diet ones are weight pushers.
SAGITTARIUS 2011/09/28 20:03
3 or 4 in a day.
wiLLyRockz 2011/09/30 16:48
5 or 8
____THe.bosS 2011/09/30 18:02
Not every day but some times i had /smiley
Nesquik 2011/11/07 22:06
I prefer water or fruit juice
Ice-Fairy 2011/11/09 08:48
2cans a day
Manal 2012/10/15 07:17
not drinking that
detrimentum 2014/10/15 10:29
Lots and lots.
TemPEST 2014/11/15 19:50
5 every month
Replies: 36

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