Love Poem Collection by Laketempest2011/01/23 14:13 2wap LOVERS OF LOVE POEMS!
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_dreamprince_2011/01/23 17:16 Flaming heart amidst the fire
of belligerent wings
and anger colliding
- yet you separate from
foggy intentions,
steering clear and
overriding those
ominous air storms.
You are my kind of beautiful.
_dreamprince_2011/01/23 17:19 He sits in her room, right next to
her side,
An inch from his love, a gap a
mile wide.
Not daring to move, furtive
He's been there before, never
Talking into the night, sitting on
her bed,
So much has been spoken, but
not all is said.
They share their secrets, so
much is revealed,
Except for that one thing he still
keeps concealed.
The impenetrable barrier that
lies in between,
Prevents them from touching, is
totally unseen.
Its name: it is friendship, built
over two years,
He hides scared behind it,
avoiding his fears.
Three little words, is all it would
To see what's behind, maybe one
big mistake.
Break down the barrier, how
would it matter,
Destroy friends forever, making
them shatter?
The night continues, and it gets a
little colder,
A blanket covering them makes
him a little bolder.
Things unseen surely can't hold
any fears,
Legs now touch, the barrier
under disappears.
He's closer now than ever,
desperate not to move,
Frozen in this moment, a love
still yet to prove.
It's time for him to go though,
leaving at this height,
She says she has a headache,
starts to say goodnight.
He can't believe he said that:
why, he can only guess,
A head massage offered, an
answer that was "yes".
Her head now in his hands: how
come, he doesn't know,
Still fearing every move, the love
that each might show.
His fingers through her hair, he
feels in such a daze,
Her eyes are firmly closed, her
face he now surveys.
Her eyes, her nose, her lips, not
daring to even blink,
His heart now overflowing, no
longer can he think.
She only has to look, to see eyes
intently staring,
A barrier smashed to pieces,
past the point of really caring.
His fingers finally speak, for they
are not afraid,
Her face gently caressed, his
love is now betrayed.
And then it finally happened, one
second of his soul,
One he'd relive forever, the one
that made him whole.
Her face answers his fingers,
the silence still unbroken,
Not a single thing's been said, but
everything now spoken.
_dreamprince_2011/01/23 17:21 You're the reason i am me,
you're the breath that i breathe,
you give me life,
and when i look at you its as if im
in heaven,
and when i hold your hand its like
im holding the whole world in my
hand and i relize its you and i
couldnt be happier,
i honestly dont know what i would
do with out you!!!
_dreamprince_2011/01/23 17:27 I finally found my missing piece,
but this puzzel isnt completly
I found out , where when my
tears needed to be dry, in their
arms i could run. The one who
broke the wall away, taught me
how to trust.
I know this for certain, this is
love not lust.
I wish i could describe it, but no
words can even explain,
The feelings and emotions that
sweetly drug my veins.
I never thought you would be the
one, who graces my mind.
The one who can say nothing but
ease the pain with a blink of an
The one i look back on memories,
to smile apon time to time.
The butterflies you give me,
seem murderous and wild,
i guess this is the feeling you get
when youve been falling for a
So lets make what we can of
this, and love like its going out of
I promise you i wont hurt you, i
will never let you down.
How is it so easy to make me
smile, when all i can do is frown?
I quess some questions will never
be reveald, and even if i wanted
I'd lock all the awesners up, for
theyre not ment to know.
I love the way our fingers
perfectly interlock, how you can
know whats going wrong, when i
dont even talk.
How you have shown me, i can be
loved for me.
That maybe sometimes, reality
is truly better than a dream
_dreamprince_2011/01/23 17:41 The moment I saw your eyes,
time stood still,
My mind asked my heart to beat
faster, as I wondered if it was
The music faded as I thought
what your name was, sinking in
the beauty that just shook my
I looked around for Jesus, coz I'd
repented and maybe he came
down with you I thought,
As I knew standing before me
was a dream come true from a
previous prayer I had sought,
Then you smiled back at me and
that was the begginning of my
heart feeling sweet.
_dreamprince_2011/01/24 14:55 What are you doing the rest
of your life?
North and south and east and
west of your life?
I have only one request of
your life .
that you spend it all with me.
All the seasons and the times
of your days,
All the nickels and the dimes
of your days;
Let the reasons and the
rhymes of your days
all begin and end with me.
I want to see your face in
every kind of light,
In fields of dawn, and forests
of the night;
And when you stand before
the candles on a cake,
Oh, let me be the one to hear
the silent wish you make.
Those tomorrows waiting
deep in your eyes,
In the world of love you keep
in your eyes,
I'll awaken what's asleep in
your eyes .
(it may take a kiss or two).
Through all of my life,
Summer, winter, spring and
fall of my life,
All I ever will recall of my life
is all of my life ...
with you.
_dreamprince_2011/01/24 15:00 My love for you is as cool as the
as we walked through the waves
with love and devotion
my love for you is not as
it’s not just your looks or the
great sex
it’s your personality that shines
to me
being with you shows what love
can be
I look at the picture that you
sent me
knowing your waiting makes me
all the times we’ve spent
I just hope the good times can
last forever and ever
I never want anyone to tear us
a piece of you will always be in
my heart…
_dreamprince_2011/01/24 15:00 When you wear those faded blue
Or that varsity jacket,
All the girls stare.
But inside I know,
They do not love you for who you
But what you are.
For I love you all the time,
Not just in your jeans,
Or your varsity jacket.
And you love who I am too.
_dreamprince_2011/01/24 15:01 There's pain in my heart
that won’t let me live.
There's pain in my life
only you can relief.
I'm so glad it was you
that stayed by my side.
You know and I know that
our love will never die.
Our love will always come
It's like a dream come true....
_dreamprince_2011/01/24 15:01 Your eyes are what made me
I gave you my number and you
really did call.
We've been together almost 3
We actually made it through the
hard times and tears.
I count the seconds that we are
The day seems so long but
you’re in my heart.
I really do hope that you feel the
same way
because I want to be with you
forever and a day.
_dreamprince_2011/01/24 15:02 Baby, we may not be the best
of what we are,
we may not talk often,
I just want you to know
that no matter
how difficult things can be,
In the long run
You will still have me
_dreamprince_2011/01/24 15:04 I love you so much
I can’t even explain
You are my love and forever
There is nothing I could want
More than you.
You are so special
In your own unique way.
There is nothing I could trade you
because I love you too much,
To just pass you by
And say my last goodbyes.
_dreamprince_2011/01/24 15:04 I love you more than anything
More than a diamond ring
You smell like the flowers in the
You bring the joy of everything
You're my all
I love you more than anything
_dreamprince_2011/01/24 15:05 Our love, that started as a
I never thought I'd one day be
with the feeling of never ending
The day you looked me in my
I never thought you could tell so
many lies,
one day you were there and the
next day gone.
But I still love you the same,
even after you did me wrong.
_dreamprince_2011/01/24 15:12 Symphonies,
Intricate within my heart,
The sweet music, you control,
Hypnotic tunes play vividly in my
Images dance through out my
Nourish this love.
A masterpiece,
Rapture from every cord,
Gateways to our future song,
Heartfelt moments,
Everlasting music will play,
Symphonies, this is where we
Evolving love.
**I'd like to thank Samantha(I coz
this Pain) for helping me out with
this acrostic...thanks a lot
_dreamprince_2011/01/24 15:19 I love you because you make me
I love you because you make me
feel safe and secure
I love your smile
I love the way you say my name
I love the look in your eyes when
you tell me you love me
And how you laugh at me when I
do something stupid, when
others would put
me down.
I love the fact that when I'm
around you I can be myself and
not worry
about what you may think of
me, because I know you love me
for who I am.
No matter what my faults may
I love being able to wake up with
you by my side... It makes my
At night I love watching you
sleep, hearing you take each
breath, and
feeling your heart beat with the
palm of my hand... reality hits
that you
are not a dream YOU ARE MINE.
I love the way you wrap your
arms around me and hold me
really tight, like
there is no tomorrow
And I love the way I feel when
your lips barely touch mine for a
kiss, the
love and emotions that go
through me at that moment are
I love your laugh
I love hearing your voice
I love that you get along with my
family and friend, no matter
how much
you dislike them, or who they
And hearing you tell me your
stories, you could tell them to
me a thousand
times, and I will never get tired
of them, because they are a
part of you.
But the main reason I love you is
You are you!
_dreamprince_2011/01/24 15:45 After awhile you learn the
difference between holding
hands and falling in love
You begin to learn that kisses
dont always mean something
Promises can be broken just as
easily as their made
And sometimes goodbyes really
are forever
_dreamprince_2011/01/24 15:57 I MiSs ThE tImE wE SpEnT
2GeThEr-I mIsS tHa* wAy YoU
uSeD 2 hOlD mE-tHe wAy yOu RaN
YoUr FiNgErS tHrOuGh mY hAiR-
EvEn tHa* TiMeS wHeN yOu HuNg
uP iN mY fAcE 4 TeLLiN* yOu 2
sHuTuP!-ThE wAy YoU tOlD mE yOu
LoVeD-ThE wAy iT mAdE mE fEeL-
I mIsS tHa* CuTe WaY yOu LaUgH-I
mIsS hEaRiNg YoUr VoIcE-I mIsS
sEeInG yOuR *#* oN tHa* CaLLeR
ID aFtEr We GoT iN a FiGhT-HoW iT
mAdE mE fEeL wHeN yOu SaId i
WaS yOuR "FaVoRiTe"-ThE wAy
We LoOkEd iN 2 eAcH oThErS
EyEs aS iF tHe WhOlE wOrLd HaD
StOpPeD aNd We WeRe tHe oNlY
oNeS LeFt oN iT-I mIsS StAyIn* oN
tHe PhOnE w/ YoU aLL HoUrS oF
tHe nIgHt-ThE wAy yOu UsEd 2
aSk StUpId ?*s, aNd GeTtIn* mAd
@ mE 4 nOt AnSweRiN* tHeM-I
MiSs YoU!
*** iM tIrEd oF aLL tHa* HuRt-Im
TiReD oF aLL tHa* pAiN, I rEaLLy
JuSt WiSh yOu WeRe hEre!***
_dreamprince_2011/01/24 15:59 I miss you when something really
good happens, because you are
the one I want to share it with. I
miss you when something is
troubling me, because you are
the one who understands me so
well. I miss you when I laugh and
cry because i know that you are
the one that makes my laughter
grow and my tears disappear. I
miss you all the time, but I miss
you most when i lay awake at
night and think of all the
wonderful times we spent with
each other; for those were
some of the best times of my
life .