Cute SMS collection by Laketempest2011/01/21 19:16 ARE YOU A LOVER OF CUTE SMS?
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LoneLy_heArt2011/02/18 16:55 Here is my heart, it is yours so
take it,
Treat it gently, please do not
break it.
Its full of love thats good and
So please keep it always close to
LoneLy_heArt2011/02/18 16:56 Within you I lose myself...
Without you I find myself
Wanting to be lost again.
LoneLy_heArt2011/02/18 16:57 If u wanna know how much I
miss you,
Try to catch rain drops,
The ones u catch is how much u
miss me,and the ones you miss is
how much I miss
LoneLy_heArt2011/02/18 16:58 Memories sometimes behave in a
crazy way. They leave u alone,
when u are in a crowd & when u
are alone they stand along with u
like a crowd.
LoneLy_heArt2011/02/18 16:58 Your absence has gone through
meLike thread through a
needleEverything I do is stitched
with its color.
LoneLy_heArt2011/02/18 17:00 Life is so short, so fast the lone
hours fly,
We ought to be together, you
and I.
Miss you every hour and every
moment of everyday sweetheart
LoneLy_heArt2011/02/18 17:01 When the sky looks blue "I Miss
u" when the dreams come true "I
Miss u" when the flowers are
covered with dew "I Miss u"
when the day comes new "I Miss
LoneLy_heArt2011/02/18 17:01 I dropped a tear in the ocean.
The day you find it is the day I
will stop missing you.
LoneLy_heArt2011/02/18 17:02 I heard someone whisper your
name, but when I turned to see
who it was, I noticed it was
alone, then realized it was my
heart beat telling me “I MISS Uâ€
LoneLy_heArt2011/02/18 17:02 In the hope to meet
Shortly again, and make our
absence sweet
LoneLy_heArt2011/02/18 17:03 Missing you gets easier every day
because even though it's one day
further from the last time we
saw each other, it's one day
closer to the next time we will.
LoneLy_heArt2011/02/18 17:04 If you wake up 1 day and were
asked to have a wish, what
would it be? Mine would be that
our love would last until you see
an apple in an orange tree
LoneLy_heArt2011/02/18 17:05 I finally got my past, present and
future tenses correct today. I
loved you. I love you. I will love
you forever! .
LoneLy_heArt2011/02/18 17:05 Soul-mates are people who bring
out the best in you. They are not
perfect but are always perfect for
you. This is for you, my soul mate
who is the the love of my life.
ImmaBE2011/02/19 19:50 I make girls happy when i say "I love you"
you know why?
Because they respond a "hahaha" to me
LoneLy_heArt2011/02/20 16:37 Memories sometimes behave in a
crazy way. They leave u alone,
when u are in a crowd & when u
are alone they stand along with u
like a crowd
LoneLy_heArt2011/02/20 16:39 The best and most beautiful
things in the world cannot be
seen or even touched - they must
be felt with the heart. As my love
for you..
LoneLy_heArt2011/02/20 16:41 If I reached for your hand , will u
hold it ?
If I hold out my arms, will u hug
me ?
If I go for your lips, will u kiss
me ?
If I capture ur heart , will u love
me ??
LoneLy_heArt2011/02/20 16:42 The minute I heard my first love
I started looking for you, not
knowinghow blind that was.
Lovers don't finally meet
They're in each other all along.
LoneLy_heArt2011/02/20 16:42 As days go by, my feelings get
To be in ur arms, I can't wait any
Look into my eyes & u'll see that
it's true,
Day & Night my thoughts r of U..