Cute SMS collection by Laketempest2011/01/21 19:16 ARE YOU A LOVER OF CUTE SMS?
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_dreamprince_2011/01/23 05:16 1 advice-take care, 1 Request-dont
change, 1 Wish dont forget me, 1
Lie-I Hate U, 1 Truth-I Miss U, 1
Hope-We 'll always be Good Friend!
_dreamprince_2011/01/23 05:18 If i get ur Smile, I dont need
Flowers,If i get ur Voice, I dont need
Music, If u speack to me, I dont
need anybody else,U just b my
Friend, I dont need the world!
_dreamprince_2011/01/23 05:19 Friendship is a little more trust, a
little more laugh, a little less cry, a
little more luv, a little less fight a little
more "WE" & a little Less "I"!
_dreamprince_2011/01/23 05:20 keep the lamp of friendship burning
with oil of love, bcoz sun rise in east
and sets in west but friendship rises
in HEART and sets after DEATH!
_dreamprince_2011/01/23 05:20 Have a "HEART" that never breaks,
Have a"SMILE" that never fades,
HAve a touch that never Hurt*,
Have a "FRIENDSHIP" that naver
ends , Like Ours!
LoneLy_heArt2011/01/23 05:20 I am in casualty now, don't say I
didn't tell you. After 5 minutes, I
will be transfered to ICU. Doctor
told, I will die if I don't STOP..
Missing You
_dreamprince_2011/01/23 05:21 The recipe of friendship:, 1 cup of
sharing.. 2 cups of caring.. 3 cups of
forgiveness &hugs.. mixx all these
together to make friends 4 ever..
LoneLy_heArt2011/01/23 05:21 God gave u 2 legs to walk, 2
hands to hold, 2 ears to hear, 2
eyes to see. But why did he give
u only 1 Heart?
Probably bcoz he wants u to look
for the other.
_dreamprince_2011/01/23 05:21 Hold 10 Roses in ur hand & stand
opposite of the mirror, U'll see 11
Roses & among them, the most
Beautiful rose in the World is U my
dear friend...
LoneLy_heArt2011/01/23 05:21 A hug for you means I need you.
A kiss for you means I love you. A
call for you means I'm missing
_dreamprince_2011/01/23 05:22 I cant find a reason why God gave
U to me , but that is not the
question to b asked,May b the
question is how did God knew that i
needed a friend like U...
LoneLy_heArt2011/01/23 05:22 The worst way to miss someone
is to be sitting right beside them
knowing you can't have them.
_dreamprince_2011/01/23 05:22 A good friend is like a computer,
Enter your life ,'Save' u in their heart,
'format' ur problam 'shift' u to
opportunities & never 'delete' u from
LoneLy_heArt2011/01/23 05:22 My eyes are hurting coz I can’t
see u, my arms r empty coz I
can ’t hold u, my lips are cold coz I
can’t kiss u & my heart is
breaking coz I’m not with u.
_dreamprince_2011/01/23 05:23 There r many stars but the Moon is
u. There r many friends but the
Sweet one is u. To forget me is now
up t@ u. To forget u is something i
will never ever do
LoneLy_heArt2011/01/23 05:23 I always knew that looking back
on my tears would someday
make me laugh, but I never knew
that looking back on my laughter
would someday make me cry.
Miss you.
LoneLy_heArt2011/01/23 05:23 There's no Special reason for this
msg, I just wanna steal a single
moment out of ur busy life &
hope I can make u smile n say: I
Miss U.
_dreamprince_2011/01/23 05:23 Some friends r worth 2b thrown,
Some r good 2 keep, Some r 2b
treasured 4 ever, and i think ur one
2 b kept 4 ever.
_dreamprince_2011/01/23 05:24 When ur alone, When ur crying,
When ur upset, Don't think of me!!
just call me coz incoming is free for
me.. my friend!!
LoneLy_heArt2011/01/23 05:24 Knowing a person like u, has
made me happy in a million ways
and if ever I have to let u go... I
would find a million reasons to
make u stay. I miss you.