Yes I laugh at my own Joke! by shacc 2011/01/16 19:04
your so stupid u stick batteries up ur asshole and sing ''i got the power''!

TheMouse 2011/01/17 20:46
Quote: Hearts.Devil: lol it should be in comedy club. /smiley
No, news and debate, that's the one.

Femi2 2011/01/17 21:21
why do you laugh in your own joke
P.girl 2011/07/25 08:22
Hareesh 2013/06/22 10:02
Nice gud jb. . '
Hareesh 2013/06/22 10:03
Nice gud jb. . ',
S-ALI.RAZA 2014/01/26 10:38

Replies: 26

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