Sexiest game character. by Harpielady 2006/06/17 08:01
Who's your sexiest game character?

RyogaIkari 2011/01/22 01:13
CHUN LI and MAI SHIRANUI .THEy are beautiful
Password 2011/01/22 08:54
Jill valentine form Resident evil 3... they really created a character i'll never forget
Ice-Fairy 2011/04/20 21:48
Vayne Aurelius 4rm mana khemia
Crowhunter_21 2011/02/15 08:32
Railai CrestFall of DoTa is d best.
Int3rfaC3 2011/02/19 15:57
Lara croft
Muwale 2011/03/20 21:12
Anything you say.
____THe.bosS 2011/03/08 02:08
Lara croft
Ice-Fairy 2011/03/18 09:01
What about Rayne 4rm bloodrayne guys?she is way hotter than lara croft
Lastborn20 2011/03/18 12:16
long tip
Ubah04 2011/03/21 10:21
Agelina jolie
African_Snowbeast 2011/05/13 10:16
Lara Croft, the original and the girl Leon Kennedy Saves in resident evil 4
THE_SPEAR_KING 2011/04/26 04:18
Anna . .
soulty 2011/05/21 07:07
zuma revenge
_k_StaR_ 2011/05/31 10:01
leon in resident evil4
Ice-Fairy 2011/06/11 11:29
austin336 2011/11/25 01:20
lara croft, for sure
Aamir 2012/04/03 21:05
silly shy.
ZiKoFaMe 2012/03/26 20:36
Lara croft
Gotts 2012/04/13 07:06
Aya Brea from Parasite Eve.
Hikaru 2012/10/05 21:26

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