RapBattleZ News Update by Resphanto2010/11/20 14:13 Read the latest News in RapbattleZ and 2wap World,but the news is generally for RapBattleZ which includes the development of RapBattleZ and the Mcees.
This is made to update other Mcees that have not been around the hood(RapbattleZ) for a while,and when they are fully back,they can always come here for the latest news updates of Rapbattlez.
NOTE! If anybody got any news concerning RapBattlez,Mcees or 2WAP World as a whole that is not yet posted in the Rapbattlez news update should PM shaev7, Resphanto or bLaCk_LiSt3d.
100+s will be given to the INFORMANT
...If you are not informed,you will be deformed...
The rapBattlezone shall be undergoing clean up any moment from now to reduce the unnecessary flood due to the rap competition that will be commencing soon. All threads that are not duely closed and has complete votes shall be shut down.
The above clean may take some days or weeks.
Please bear with us.
A pre-rap tour battle shall be organised here to build up fitness and rap skills against the forth coming rap competition that will commence soon.
Please as soon as the pre-season mach is concluded, the RapTour shall begin
Please always see and look out the announcement page for the link/links of registration.
Thank you.
Sleekgurl decides to hate Spektraflamez as both mcess frequently beefs each other.
New to the zone, REBELLION picks on 2waps RapLegend, Shaev7.
Rebellion confirms that Sleekgurl is more doper than Spektraflamez.
Shaev7 sets the stage open for mcees to Battles.
Now the details.
1. Not later than a month old, as some beefs went up between mcees like Shaev7, Sleekgurl, Spektraflamez and Rebellion. The beef got flamed as Sleekgurl came visiting the zone after a while. While she made a freestyle, Spektral and Rebellion claimed she is a bitch and cannot drag with the stage with dope mcees here.
2. Sleekgurl never ceasfire rhymes on spekraflamez as she continues to hit the Nigga with hard and metaphorical rhymes which she later describes as lines no one can decipher. As she spits venom, Spektral never relents, the nigga keeps bangin the beats as he claims he still keeps fucking her holes.
3. As the beefs progressess, Rebellion took the courage, as claimed as he is dope, to pick on Raplegend Shaev7. This brawl is set to hold on 18th July, 2013.
Meanwhile, Shaev7 who has been silenced in battle for over 2yrs has deemed it fit to accept the brawl as he beleives with his freestyles in SlaughterHouse and the other threads, he can handle the brawl between Rebellion without any fear of loosing the match.
4. Rebellion on his last rhymes says that, Sleekgurl is better than Spektraflamez but he will still keep doing it big and doper.
Meanwhile there is no further response yet on either mcees.
5. Mcee Shaev7 sets the floor open on battle, should anyone wanna battle, indicate in SlaughterHouse.