Quote: Ade1: Any body with Mtn cheat should please pm me or post it
with all pleasure
Rilwan2011/02/07 18:40 BOLT&UCWEB IP: PORT: 8080 FQ: or Host: www.mtnonline.com Leave Every Other thing Blank! New latest cheat 4 opera rebirth/cast http://80.239.243/ . 2/ socket:// Host: www.mtnonline.com
Rilwan2011/02/07 18:42 CHINA FONE Ip: Port:8080 Ip: Port:8080 @sneakme.net For NOKIA For UCWEB use this in opera socket:// host: www.mtnfootball.com Opera 4.2 nd 5.2 http server&socket server= FrontQuery:wap.mtnonline.com@oR host: UCWEB FOR JAVA FrontQuery: Host:
Rilwan2011/02/07 18:46 BROWSE FREE ON MOZILLA WITH MTN NO SOFTWARE NEEDED. Posted by williamshpg REQUIREMENTS: 1.DOWNLOAD THE MODIFIED HEADERS https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/modify-headers/ 2. DOWNLOAD moxilla f Firefox Setup 3. INSTALL FIREFOX and drag modify headers into firefox to install and intergrate modify headers with firefox 4.AFTER THE INSTALLATION click on TOOLS>>>MODIFY HEADER ADD-ON WILL BE THE LAST ON D TOOL OPTION.NOW D MODIFY HEADER WINDOW DISPLAY.THERE YOU SEE.YOU VE 5 BOXES THERE AND THE FIRST ONE HAS A DROP LIST CONTAINING THE FOLLOWING>> ; ADD ; MODIFY ; FILTER
Rilwan2011/02/07 18:46 CHOOSE ADD AND FILLIN D FOLLOWING VALUES UNDER THE NAME BOX WRITE:host UNDER VALUE write www.mtnfootball.comand lastly under comment write 8080 now save.do the same for modify and dontchoose filter you will see two red ball beside ur configuration now and they mustbe green NEXT GOTO THE EXTREME RIGHT YOU WILL SEE SOME BUTTONS ONLY CHOOSE ENABLE ALL and automatically the red buttons turn green.you can now close modify headers tab next is for us to configure your mozilla to listen to modify headers and this is how you do it GOTO: TOOLS>>OPTIONS>>NETWORKS>>SETTINGS.
Rilwan2011/02/07 18:48 . THEN CHOOSE MANUALL CONFIGURATION SETTINGS AND WRITE IN HTTP proxy and write 8080 in PORT save and exit that is all start your firefox and enjoy browsing free 1. you must know that modify headers works mainly or can only be install betweenfirefox Firefox Setup 3.1 Beta 3.exe and Firefox Setup 3.0.19.exe not newer. HOWEVER YOU CAN ALSO TEST WITH LATEST VERSIONS OF FIREFOX WARNING and DISADVANTAGE 1. though modified headers has so many advantages like speed stability and simplicity, it however has its disadvantage and it is it doesnt work with HTTPS SITES the ones dat will affect you most is FACEBOOK YAHOO and gmail HOWEVER YOU CAN TRY THIS SIMPLE TRICK login to your yahoo inbox by visiting http://m.yahoo.comor first signin to your facebook,gmail, or yahoo mail with ur IWPand select keep me logged in then continueusing modify headers to continue browsingunresticted.you can aswell visit ur face book e.t.c thru flyproxy.com,vimuto.com,sneakme.netor any other one you know.
alickdavid2011/02/07 22:47 @ Rilwan. U tried with d cheat. Wel I've bin usin d cheat 4 over a month now. But I gotta remind u dat it works with only 3G network. It does not work with EDGE network. Good work though...
Cyril4u2011/02/08 02:44 Any odinary web browsing cheat 4 nok 2626