*CHEAT TENT FOR MTN, ETISALAT,ZAIN & GLO* by NinthElement 2010/11/18 02:14
Maclanry : M
(10:40) Tue, 10 Aug 10

Come in for free unlimited browsing to all network in 9ja.....all you need to do,just make request for them and get solution instantly.let go there!



Original topichere

GOODNESS 2010/12/11 05:39
Quote: Heart4real: please i need the freedom cheat 4 mtn
explore the site

abbeylabs 2010/12/11 05:49
This thread is going down, why ?
starly 2010/12/11 07:51
Any mtn cheat?
RAPHEALZ 2010/12/11 08:01
pls i need the numerous ip 4 airtel web browser pls pm me
given 2010/12/11 08:29
plz any java s60 boltbrowser
starly 2010/12/11 10:28
Quote: Rilwan: LATEST UPDATE FOR S40/JAVA USERS Ip: Port: 80880 Put this in your Custom Server http:// oR http:// wap.mtnpulse.mtnonline.com CAST OPERA MINI & OPERA REBIRTH FOR S60 SYMBIAN USERS! This is For Symbian Users Only! Ip: Port: 8080 Custom Server: http:// Host: www.mtnonline.com OR host
u much!!!!!

Hen17 2010/12/11 10:33
Quote: starly: u much!!!!!
so all this while u knw there is cheat 4 mtn u just want to ask bcoz u feel like pls we shld all explore b4 requesting

Xclusiveguy 2010/12/11 12:29
Quote: Hen17: ok i shall attach bolt210 cast with host ,to my next post
plz bro upload airtel prov

Monsur-16 2010/12/11 15:58
Pls post airtel gprs settings
samowos 2010/12/11 20:38
4 all kind of provs mtn barren,airtel rocker,etisister,go 2 myrov.wapka.mobi
samowos 2010/12/11 20:42
4 all kind of provs mtn barren,airtel rocker,etisister,go 2 myrov.wapka.mobi download it wit opera5 or other operas and send it 2 chiko or sony erison,and send it back 2 yah phone,dis apply 2 on nokia s40
Hen17 2010/12/11 22:16
Quote: Xclusiveguy: plz bro upload airtel prov
2wap does nt support the extension

peck 2010/12/12 00:01
Pls i nid mtn cheat dat download for my 2760
ontopformi 2010/12/12 00:28
Can i enjoy opera mini free on my 2626
RAPHEALZ 2010/12/12 02:21
Quote: peck: pls i nid mtn cheat dat download for my 2760
go use airtel web browser cheat! Very fast.

GOODNESS 2010/12/12 09:33
Quote: ontopformi: Can i enjoy opera mini free on my 2626

Tolastage 2010/12/12 09:59
I hail oo! I beg,anybody with the various airtel web ip? I mean the various working proxies!
Hen17 2010/12/12 23:51
Next post is zain prov with the latest ip but in zip extension so you have to make use of your xplore and extract the file
Buchi 2010/12/12 23:55
Quote: Hen17: helo@buchi
any mtn java fone cheat

princeken 2010/12/13 00:19
4 ur prov downld goto kingspack.mywibes.com
Replies: 2046

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