*CHEAT TENT FOR MTN, ETISALAT,ZAIN & GLO* by NinthElement 2010/11/18 02:14
Maclanry : M
(10:40) Tue, 10 Aug 10

Come in for free unlimited browsing to all network in 9ja.....all you need to do,just make request for them and get solution instantly.let go there!



Original topichere

Hen17 2010/11/30 05:42
after that u lauch the bolt..after accepting terms and conditions u press menu go to preferences locate https unmark it nd save.u are on@buddies like etka,raphealz,william
Hen17 2010/11/30 05:47
i wil be posting the one 4 operas all version,ucweb,ebuddy,2go,schmessenger.but let me first see ur post on testimonies...
Olukay 2010/11/30 07:15
E no go better for all of you
Good 2010/11/30 09:20
Please this is not a free post zone.stop abusing the rules guiding this thread.ok?
donwalzy 2010/11/30 09:31
Quote: Good: please this is not a free post zone.stop abusing the rules guiding this thread.ok?
olukay is the problem

Buchi 2010/11/30 19:31
See cheat o mtn is on fire
Alias007 2010/12/01 02:20
my guy make u use dis cheat etisalat opera4.2 ip: port:80 or go and create it as a prov cheat:mobile.etisalat.com.ng/go/nph-go.cgi/000111a/http/ put any opera server
donwalzy 2010/12/01 05:32
Quote: Alias007: my guy make u use dis cheat etisalat opera4.2 ip: port:80 or go and create it as a prov cheat:mobile.etisalat.com.ng/go/nph-go.cgi/000111a/http/ put any opera server
Gr8t jab

RAPHEALZ 2010/12/01 05:42
Quote: Alias007: my guy make u use dis cheat etisalat opera4.2 ip: port:80 or go and create it as a prov cheat:mobile.etisalat.com.ng/go/nph-go.cgi/000111a/http/ put any opera server
are dey going to dedute my money or witout money

donwalzy 2010/12/01 10:24
guys i beg make una take an easy 4 this thread because cheats will soon be out
etka 2010/12/01 10:26
Guys i hav tried it.. It works wel.. /smiley bro. -nicethread-
donwalzy 2010/12/01 10:35
Quote: etka: Guys i hav tried it.. It works wel.. /smiley bro. -nicethread-
so lets celebrate

Hen17 2010/12/01 11:22
i nid more testimonies@all.
wel thanks 2 ma buddy etka 4 confirming my tricks

donwalzy 2010/12/01 12:26
Quote: Hen17: i nid more testimonies@all.
wel thanks 2 ma buddy etka 4 confirming my tricks
my guy which way he be like say u they enjoy well well

donwalzy 2010/12/01 12:35
My people today na first of december so if he reach 24th of december make una come track me make i spend 4 una all of up go take bear small staut punch and calidon malt calipso and so many other drinks na him we go take ha ha ha the chairman go be HEN17 up chairman 4 real up donwalzy 4 LIFE
donwalzy 2010/12/01 12:41
Quote: donwalzy: My people today na first of december so if he reach 24th of december make una come track me make i spend 4 una all of up go take bear small staut punch and calidon malt calipso and so many other drinks na him we go take ha ha ha the chairman go be HEN17 up chairman 4 real up donwalzy 4 LIFE
na who won be the chairlady? ABEG MAke una answer me

osazeworld 2010/12/01 17:42
Where is cheat? Is it a cheat zone or u guys just change the topic.
2leg 2010/12/01 20:31
Naija guy pls i ned eti setins
Ade1 2010/12/01 22:11
Pls help me d cheat dat hen17 post work but on my phone when it start loading 0/0 it will write erro dat i should contact my service proverder 4 seting
donwalzy 2010/12/02 05:31
Quote: osazeworld: Where is cheat? Is it a cheat zone or u guys just change the topic.
guy there is no cheats and we did not change any topic ok

Replies: 2046

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