Eid al-Adha by Spoon 2010/11/17 22:33
Eid al-Adha (Arabic: عيد الأضحى‎ ‘Īdu l-’Aḍḥā) or "Festival of Sacrifice" or "Greater Eid" is an important religious holiday celebrated by Muslims worldwide to commemorate the willingness of Abraham (Ibrahim) to sacrifice his son Ishmael (Isma'il) as an act of obedience to God, before God intervened to provide him with a ram to sacrifice instead

Spoon 2010/11/20 01:03
Quote: Laketempest: /smiley no Nichole, it is reproduction you seem to be talking about, and that is not the same as giving life, think deep, who created the first human? When you find the answer of how Adam and Eve was created you will realize man cannot create life, if man could have create life do you think man would fear death or be sad over the death of their loved ones?
thats where i disagree yes we create life, we mayb a reproduction of our parents and thats a combination of both parents but we r not a reproduction of out forfathers, we r a new creation of our parents, and each person still has differences from the same parents, no 2 ppl r the same, so when we produce children we create a new creation of 2 ppl

Laketempest 2010/11/20 01:07
Quote: _blAze_: lol well you and I can't but you and your gf and I and my gf surely can.. Just wanna know one thing, if we're created by god, who created the almighty god?
man and woman having children is reproduction, that is something different from creation, can you create a girl or boy child according to your mind and desired gender? Allah created himself, no one created him.

DareDevil 2010/11/20 11:25
Quote: Laketempest: man and woman having children is reproduction, that is something different from creation, can you create a girl or boy child according to your mind and desired gender? Allah created himself, no one created him.
how can somebody create himself? I mean this question's like who came first the hen or the egg, isn't it? Cuz how can god or anyone create himself when he isn't created at the time of creation? /smiley

6Mike9 2010/12/06 21:33
Quote: _blAze_: how can somebody create himself? I mean this question's like who came first the hen or the egg, isn't it? Cuz how can god or anyone create himself when he isn't created at the time of creation? /smiley

gud question
simple answer,
DONT worry yrslf wit wats beyond ordinary ppls comprehesion n concern.
Keep yrslf amused wit hen n egg theory
while we get back to topic.

spoon gr8 topic but illogical wit yr prejudiced contradictions of teaspoon reasoning

Firstly u r a PAGAN
other ppls beliefs dont concern u as u proudly claim in yr topic on paganism
cut out your HYPOCRICY & LIES
lets get back to topic u create to mock Allah n show world hyprocate, liar n fool u r.
Wil reply yr every pm one at a time.

6Mike9 2010/12/06 21:57
Quote: Spoon: well according to wot i believe in nut and set was sky and earth and made everything and thats according to the gods and goddessesi believe in

pagans make gods n goddess of CREATURES like themslves.

Word God is used wit them at their capacity of understanding when trying to communicate abt The Lord, The Creator.
U notice d difference already, God, Lord, Creator not spelt like god or dog wit small letters, capital letters used unlike u spell Allah wit small "a"
showing yr prejudiced hypocricy n disrespect of others beliefs n The Lord.

Any nut we see set here is u.

6Mike9 2010/12/06 22:43
Quote: Spoon: When both father and son had shown their perfect obedience to Allah and they had practically demonstrated their willingness to sacrifice their most precious possessions for His sake—Abraham by laying down his son for sacrifice and Ishmael by lying patiently under the knife – Allah called out to them stating that his sincere intentions had been accepted, and that he need not carry out the killing of Ishmael. Instead, Abraham was told to replace his son with a ram to sacrifice instead. Allah also told them that they had passed the test imposed upon them by his willingness to carry out God's command

do u understand yr statements?

"both father n son demonsterated their perfect obdience to SACRIFICE whats most treasured"
The ultimate sacrifice
The ultimate test

"Allah also told them that they had passed the TEST IMPOSED UPON THEM"

Does that stil not make sense to u?

In simple words it was just a TEST IMPOSED upon them.

If stil dont understand then not d place 4 person who lacks common sense, but its not simply that but a way of picking fite wit others to bully them in accepting yr belief.
Sori girl yr beliefs r yrs n ours r ours strop trying impose paganism upon us, that falls in CATOGRY of Satanism!

6Mike9 2010/12/07 07:13
Quote: Spoon: thats where i disagree yes
1.WE create life,

2.WE mayb a reproduction of our parents and thats a combination of both parents but

3.WE r not a reproduction of out forfathers,

4.WE r a new creation of our parents, and each person still has differences from the same parents, no 2 ppl r the same, so when

5.WE PRODUCE children

6.WE create a new creation of 2 ppl

Contradictions! more
With yr WE, WE,WE
Miss WEWE!
U grossly confused n TRYING to fool d FOOLS.

Below 1 to 6 is wat u say n where u WRONG.
1. We create life.
Show us one of yr CREATIONS besides attempts to create

a reproduction of our parents.

3.We r NOT a reproduction of our forefathers.
Rite if yr forefathers we apes but WRONG
we are reproduced, sex is an act of reproduction sumthing perverts change to recreation lol (thats a topic on its own)

4.We a creation of our parents... & no 2 ppl r the same.
NOT a creation of our parents thats y none r identical take 4 example those like u,
a totaly confused n misled bunch lol.

5.We produce children.
Sex is animal act of reproduction so we produce or reproduce.

6.We CREATE a new creation of new 2 ppl.
All u TRY to create is mischief
None fooled by u besides few of u
there is hunt 4 mad monkey missing from bushes by chance arnt u that mad monkey?
Please do tell!

6Mike9 2010/12/07 07:38
Quote: Spoon: um man can CREATE life its called CONCEPTION and how we have children it is US that give our children life

Buy a dictionary girl!

Create never was n will NEVER BE Conception.

Can sumone look up n post meanings of these two words.

6Mike9 2010/12/07 08:35
Quote: _blAze_:
1.For ex - jesus came in time when people were sick of the romans.

2.Ram, Krishna, etc killed cruel kings too to save the humanity in those kingdoms.

3.The greek gods also lived on earth with us and killed bad people didn't they?

4.And thats what makes them the GOD ! Trust me, even if superman was actually born some millions of years ago today we'd be worshipping him as a god too !


1.Jesus came long after Ram, Krishna etc.
He continued age old teaching passed by The Lord to Adam, Noah, Abraham, Ismial, Moses, David & finally Muhammed, all chosen n blessed by The Lord.

2.Haanumaan a super being was sent by Bhagwaan(The Lord)
to help Ram n Seetha against evil Rawaan.

3. Greek on any other gods n goddesses r MYTHS hence Mythology
if u pagans study myths n Mythologv u wil understand y superman or any above average being is given higher status, cos they r higher than us.
Undestandabl but not acceptable cos u required to look beyond yr noses.
Stop picking yr noses & others try look beyond it to d horizon, u may get glimpse of BELIEFS of an unseen Lord n Creator.

6Mike9 2010/12/07 09:07
Quote: _blAze_: oh GOD ! /smiley
1.Actually there's NO such thing as a god,

2.ok ! Its just an honour, its an honour given to a person or thing

which make us feel safe, cuz we fear to be alone, the gods were humans like us and lived here on our planet, they're worshiped cuz they ended the evil and saved numerous of lives !

Praise The Lord!
Atleast u not so stupid as paint picture of yrslf.

Theres NO SUCH THING as god!

gods, goddesses, demi gods & demi goddesses are MYTHS!

Theres no such THING as god just a title given to sumthing or sumone above d rest.
Thats how title of God given to The Lord who is way beyon d creation n mankind the most
unappreciate, disrespectful, slanderous, illogical CREATURE as sum in this topic.

6Mike9 2010/12/07 09:34
Quote: Spoon:
1.every1 has there own opinions and answers to those questions depending on there beliefs and every1 shld b allowed to believe wot they wld like to and have there own opinions in regards to it

When suites u then
"every1 has their own opinions n answers depending on THEIR(not there) beliefs n shld b allowed to believe wat they wud like to"

it was n is like that

u may cut n paste a bit here n there but u no authorithy on anything. Suggest stick to yr witchcraf which u call magic like pulling rabbit out of yr hat

6Mike9 2010/12/07 10:30
Quote: Spoon: actaully i said no god i didnt say allah it was in reference to any god in any faith or religion

"referance to any god in ANY FAITH OR RELIGION doesnt exclude Islam or
NOT spelt wit small
"a" like big ass we know lol
shows height of yr prejudice n hatred of The Lord.
Allah is just one of the many names he is known by.
There is no god but Him!
Old witch(u claim to b one) all yr gods n goddesses r MYTHS
n any superiority u assume over The Lord n believers in Him.

Spoon 2010/12/09 12:33
actually i dnt claim to b a witch altho others may see me like that i do claim to b a kemetic spiritualist
6Mike9 2010/12/09 23:52
Quote: Spoon: actually i dnt claim to b a witch altho others may see me like that i do claim to b a kemetic spiritualist

U" dont claim to b a witch altho others may see u like that"

we see wat u show

u"do CLAIM to be a kemetic spiritualist"
as u did in topic id: 2652633 where again
u try mislead us by saying "its part of your belief but U dont see yourself as either pagan or wicca yet it does incorporate a LOT OF THESE THINGS"

Lake pls correct me if my dictionary is wrong, wil hav to borrow yrs if it doesnt say a kemetic spiritualist is a WITCH.

Sandra88 2010/12/11 11:54
Quote: Spoon: ive never said that i was puting my opinion which is allowed now im going to put y this is my opinion and i hope u will then respect that it is my opinion. most of u know im kemetic/pagan/wiccan well if u ask most that r like me this:

Q: Do you do blood sacrifice?
A: Goddess NO! The nature of sacrifice is to give up something of one's own in order to gain something more important. Wiccans believe in the sanctity of all life. Most pagans believe that animals are part of the same natural cycle of life as humans are. Witches have long been associated with animal companions known as "familiars

is that why you hav 13 cats.

Sweet_Divyanka 2010/12/11 21:03
Nice thread sweetie thanks /smiley
Sandra88 2010/12/13 05:49
Quote: Spoon: as i said its my opinion i dnt believe there is just 1 god and even if there was that GOD still doesnt have the right to make u go to sacrifice a life to prove anything to him/her.

like u believe in more than 1 just god u say its another of your opinions.
best leave others to ther opinions, beliefs & practices then cry when others pick on yours even when you contradict yrslf many times.
Your opinions & beliefs are yours & theirs are theirs.

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