haris 2010/11/17 11:06
Why do Muslims slaughter the animal in a ruthless manner by torturin it n slowly n painfully killin it? .
The Islamic method of slaughterin animals, known as 'Zabiha' has been the object of much criticism from a large number of ppl.
6Mike9 2010/11/22 08:07
Everyone AGREES n CANNOT be proved otherwise that Islamic Method of Sacrifice ISNT ruthless n is MOST HYGIENIC What Islam taught Centuries Ago science discovered recently that blood is carrier of many types of bacteria n diseases. Whatever ISLAMIC even if be right ISNT appealing and ALWAYS HATED by enemies of Islam! As cannot prove Islamic method wrong enemies of Islam go offtopic trying to wrong the inital Divine Order That Divine Order was ONLY A DIVINE TEST from The Divine Lord to His Divine Messenger. Another topic on its own.
DareDevil 2010/11/22 20:19
Fdasankop : in arabic "Lain yanal Allahhu lahum aha wo ladema Waha walakin yanalahul taqwa min kum"
< MEANS > Lord has no need of animals flesh & blood But true belivers must sacrifice the evils within themselves to become pious & worthy" : source book quran.
now this's something which makes sense !
DareDevil 2010/11/22 20:20
haris : can you prove it kid??
like Ajibola choosing it not enough? Just shut up oldy if you got no knowledge.
haris 2010/11/22 21:29
_blAze_ : like Ajibola choosing it not enough? Just shut up oldy if you got no knowledge.
so then?? He's a moderator. He has got that right like other moderators. What's wrong if ajibola chooses my topic for topics of the day.
Smarty 2016/12/17 03:55
Do you still ?
K_shaka 2016/12/18 15:07
well seyd Sheikh haris
Replies: 46
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