With your boyfrnd/girlfrnd by Rasheed1992 2010/11/11 21:43
Can you take your bath with boyfrnd/girlfrnd?

Mid-exl 2010/11/22 10:05
Hell no
Dotu 2010/11/23 09:53
Yet get girl frd
Dotu 2010/11/23 10:00
Yes both
Eleto 2010/11/23 10:00
Why n0t. Yep
-Annie- 2010/11/24 12:54
why not (blush)
Sweetdoct247 2010/11/24 16:20
When she's still a girlfriend the answer is no, but when she becomes a wife, yes.
Soul.papa 2010/11/24 16:35
/smiley i dunno -not me-
Mr.Reehan 2010/11/25 15:14
yes sametime/smiley./smiley
FalleN 2010/11/25 21:52
Done already, but only once. Never got another chance. It was great btw. /smiley
KenMane 2010/11/27 20:10
No way
shakti 2011/05/27 06:58
I have no gf...
Gerald24 2011/05/27 11:33
/smiley i can take a bath alone
_KJOE_ 2011/05/27 16:35
Yes of course in there we can -sex-
Ice-Fairy 2011/05/27 19:16
No way
Juanita 2011/05/28 05:34
No way /smiley
ACIDized 2011/05/28 09:58
Yeah it will be very helpful for water conservation /smiley
farooqpatel 2011/05/29 18:22
Am not having girl to bath wid her wen i have that time i will do
ibanish1 2011/05/31 19:01
taken with gf be4 marriage
P.girl 2011/07/07 12:43
I can't
____THe.bosS 2011/07/10 06:52
Yeah i DO ,
Replies: 55

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