Best africa country by shacc 2010/11/06 22:00
In your opinion!
Whats the best country in africa to visit ..?

LORD 2010/11/06 22:07
Nigeria remain the best! /smiley
jaQui 2010/11/06 22:15
South Africa the Rainb0w nati0n and m0st butiful c0untry
3xpl1c1t 2010/11/06 23:12
Ma broda it's 9ja 4 sure.
youngwizzy 2010/11/06 23:38
Omo na 9ja b d number1 country.
Mahesh 2010/11/07 01:54
South africa /smiley
-Annie- 2010/11/07 02:32
southafrica maybe
_KeViN_ 2010/11/07 02:49
_dreamprince_ 2010/11/07 02:51
Quote: jacki: South Africa the Rainb0w nati0n and m0st butiful c0untry

DotmonKing 2010/11/07 05:28
Nigeria... Via sentiments tho
STAIN 2010/11/07 06:51
Nigeria is the best in terms of manpower and resources while South is in terms of infrastructures.
Manal 2010/11/07 06:56
Egyptian,morocco,tunis,algeria ect ect
_-FiRe-PhOeNiX-_ 2010/11/07 07:00
maY b
Action-unisex 2010/11/07 07:09
Great people of nigeria 4 sure
Dashman 2010/11/07 07:35
Quote: jacki: South Africa the Rainb0w nati0n and m0st butiful c0untry
.. I wish i will be there

shacc 2010/11/07 10:36
Quote: DL_jamZ: Egyptian,morocco,tunis,algeria ect ect
/smiley that is right

bLaCk_LiSt3d 2010/11/07 11:37
korea /smiley /smiley
KennedyC2 2010/11/07 11:38
I thnk d best place 2 visit is my HOUSE.
FalleN 2010/11/07 11:42
Egypt i guess. /smiley
SAGITTARIUS 2010/11/07 13:06
Whole world knows,its South Africa..Power House of african economy.
SAGITTARIUS 2010/11/07 13:10
missing text;Business Hub of African Continent. /smiley
Replies: 45

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