HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL INDIANS by vijay.jadav 2010/11/06 12:55
tomorrow we will celebrate new year,so my best wishes to all indian members here

"Keep the smile, leave the tear. Think of joy, forget the fear. Hold the laughter, leave the pain. Be joyous, because it's new year's day!!"

Laketempest 2010/11/06 13:03
-drag- happy new year to the indians coming from the west indies -trinidad-
klm 2010/11/06 13:05
Hapy new year
Mz_Endowed 2010/11/06 13:06
Happy new year
Mahesh 2010/11/06 13:08
-happy- /smiley year to indians bhai's and ladies /smiley

Mahesh 2010/11/06 13:12
Quote: Vaughan: /smiley
-happy- NEW year to indians bhai's and ladies /smiley

Sancata 2010/11/06 13:16
new year?
RAMBLESKILLCKY 2010/11/06 13:21
Wat else if not happy new year.
__-dEvIL-hUNt-__ 2010/11/06 13:22
Wish u a veRY hapPy NeW year to AlL USerS
Dunrichie 2010/11/06 13:23
Happy new year dear indians
Omotayo 2010/11/06 13:27
I don't understand your New year..
Laketempest 2010/11/06 13:31
May you all have a good year ahead /smiley
OkiJ 2010/11/06 13:36
Hapy new year to all my india frndz..
MisIndependent 2010/11/06 13:39
Hapyhapyhapy new yr. 2 y'all
-DeMoN_OvErLoRd- 2010/11/06 13:42
Aint New Year till January first! /smiley But Happy New Year to Those who think its New Year Tomorrow! /smiley
STAIN 2010/11/06 13:46
All they best as you guys celebrates your new year.
ANGERprincess 2010/11/06 13:48
Happy new year! /smiley
Don_jazzy 2010/11/06 13:57
Happi new year 2u ol at INDIA
-Annie- 2010/11/06 14:30
happy new year
_N0t0rri0uS_NaVI_ 2010/11/06 15:10
hapy new year? /smiley
FalleN 2010/11/06 15:29
New year??? Really i didn't know that.
Replies: 26

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