Unlocking Numerology by EloraM232010/11/06 04:04 What's your number? (don't give it to me please) Without hesitation, the first thing that comes to mind is a telephone number, right? That number only tells people how to reach you. There's another number that not only defines you, but helps you understand and connect with others on a deeper level.
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You'll find Description of The Meaning of Numbers 1-9 here.
The number 2 “wins†its reward from life through a natural desire to live in peace with its fellow man. Its success is not gained through force, dominance and will. It seeks to gain results without discord. It is gifted with the ability to bring others together for a common purpose. It is not the outstanding executive, but through tact, diplomacy, and spiritual insight, of which it may not be aware, it persuades others to accomplish what no one could accomplish alone. It gives its talents, its keen perception, and its gift of mediation to the final goal for the good of the many, rather than for the few.
It can be depended upon to gather facts and place them where they belong – to strengthen and support any undertaking to which its accuracy and alertness are assets. It is capable of being impartial, and its goal is to find the harmonious way for all, that many may benefit and good be the result of its work and endeavour. To the more aggressive, dominant, and self-interested character the number 2 appears to be too easy-going, too considerate of others, weak, a go-between; but in the face of criticism and opposition, number 2 should always remain true to its own soul dictates and remember it was born to be the peacemaker, the mediator, and the light-bearer to all. Then continuing to gather facts, information, hidden or unknown statistics, to dwell in its love of beauty and the things of the spirit which represent peace, and harmony on earth – slowly but surely it becomes the leader of men – sought after by all, even those who condemned it. The number 2 belongs to the masses.
“Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called the children of God.â€
Many fields of endeavour are open to the number 2. The ability to gather facts and statistics, its gift for accuracy, its ability to put 2 and 2 together, a fine sense of timing and rhythm, its appreciation of beauty and esthetic taste and its spiritual intelligence – all give it a wide scope of opportunity and financial success.
The finer or more technical fields of electricity, electronics, radio, television; dealing with the laws of sound, space, and light on both the material and spiritual planes are fields of opportunity.
Banking, financing, distribution, and control of money for the welfare of the public are possibilities.
All lines of medicine, healing and health matters – brain surgeons, nerve specialists, laboratory technicians, as well as lines of healing which have to do with new or advanced methods, are open to the 2.
The ministry attracts many 2‘s – religious activities, the teaching and training of those who need spiritual guidance.
The number 2 has musical talent, often neglected or untrained. Musical instruments, orchestra leaders, or group entertainment may be the outlet.
Artistic feeling and a fine sense of timing and rhythm give opportunity through dancing, instruction and the theatre.
There is opportunity through designing, and where good taste is of value.
Fraternities, organizations and institutions where others are brought together for education, training, care, and good citizenship are places where 2‘s may be found.
All lines of diplomacy, governmental and foreign assignments where personality, charm, goodwill, and ability to bring others together for common agreement can use the 2‘s.
Art galleries, mnuseums, and as the appraiser and connoiseur estimating the worth and value of what is presented give interest and opportunity.
Bookkeepers, accountants, secretaries, hostesses along any line of activity may be the 2.
Consultants in lines of endeavour where weakness, faults, or the undesirable must be discovered could successfully be the 2.
Should the number 2 find itself limited by routine endeavour, finding little use for its skills and love of helping others, it should take up a hobby or many hobbies, until it finds that special thing which gives an outlet for its desire to bring beauty, peace, and comfort to the world.
When the deep inner sensitiveness of the number 2 is not understood, much suffering and unhappiness results. Self-confidence and daring to be itself are the lessons the 2 has to learn. The number 2 is a strong character. It should remember this at all times. To want to please and to feel consideration for others is not weakness. The number 2 is like a cosmic mother who, with intelligence, love and soul-like qualities, endows her children with faith in themselves and the knowledge of a better way of life. The need for someone to pour oil on troubled waters is always present out in the world of competitive affairs.
When not understanding this truth about itself, the 2 may fall into self-depreciation, indecision, timidity, hurt feelings, dependence upon others, fear of failure, fear of what others think and say, and also into negative states of mind and action. It should change this attitude of thought and feeling and realize that its amiability, its desire to please, and its endless patience have as much commercial value as any other talent.
However, it is not advisable to push the 2 too far. It can show quick and hot bursts of temper. Sharp and blunt speech in retaliation for criticism surprise those who thought the 2 lacked spirit.
There is something of the “extremist†in the nature of the number 2. It may get so carried away by a plan or desire that it becomes argumentative and difficult to reason with. The gentle 2 may develop strong likes and dislikes and unexpectedly bring confusion and discord from which it may have to be rescued if it is to go forward into better things.
The number 2 is determined about little things, exacting about some things – food, clothing, cleanliness, personal appearance. It can build up a complex anout some personal feature – its feet, nose, or an imagined lack of beauty – causing discord and misunderstanding in love affairs and marriage.
The number 2 grows in a harmonious and refined environment. A dominant father, mother or employer will fail to bring out the best in the 2. Vulgarity, coarseness, and lack of refinement should not surround the growing and developing number 2 child. It should be brought up to be the lovely character it is.
Out in the world of romance and social activity, the number 2 is very popular. Its courtesy, kind nature, and charming ways cause it to be sought after as sweetheart and companion. It needs love and marriage for its happiness, for companionship and sympathetic understanding are very important to it. It can be most unhappy when alone or not loved. The mate of the number 2 will need to provide a charming environment – an orderly and artistic home. The number 2 is very fastidious, and can be offended, unconsciously, by lack of cleanliness, neatness, and beauty in its mate and in its surroundings. When living up to its finer nature, it is a gracious host or hostess, a refined, intelligent character, successful and in demand for its skill and knowledge out in the world of specialized endeavour.
EloraM232010/11/09 04:46 Number 3
Watchword: Joygiver. An Introvert Number.
Creative talent
Gift of words
Gift of the vision
Artistic feeling
Prophetic impressions
Love of pleasure
Fads, Fancies
Too much talk
Lack of direction
Scattered energy and possessions
Unfinished undertakings
Moodiness, Criticism
Colours: Rose, Ruby, Amber, Russet, Blood
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made.â€
“And God said, Let there be -â€
The number 3, the child of God, forever young, ever renewing, touched with the fire of enthusiasm, is gifted with the magic power of the word, turning the impossible into the possible – bringing into being that which has never been before.
The number 3 dreams – visualizes in its mind’s eye – speaks the word and dreams come true. Touched by the heavenly fire, a child of the infinite father and mother, the number 3 is a “chosen one†and amocods the gifts of the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth. Beauty rewards its efforts when it dares to speak of its inner sight and feeling and responds to the ever-flowing exuberance which floods its being. Never truly practical, it depends upon the other numbers to catch and put into form the prophecy which lives in its imagination.
EloraM232010/11/09 04:46 Opportunities:
The number 3 is at its best when the strong inner urge to create and beautify finds channel for expression. A narrow or limited field of activity, which restricts or represses the use of imagination and demands constant practical application, or kills the impulse to take flight into fancy, may lead to a mediocre existence and little happiness. To deaden the enthusiasm for imagining is to kill the spirit of the cheerful, happy, merry and believing number 3.
The number 3 likes to do things on a broad scale. Its vision of accomplishment travels over space and time and through the unfinished to that which will be there in the end. At times it may seem to live in delusions of grandeur, but the desire to add beauty, feeling, and emotion to its undertakings has commercial value.
The number 3 has a keen mind, learns quickly and easily. It can be a brilliant student and clever businessman. It may even be practical at times, under pressure to accomplish and gain its desires, for it can do anything it makes up its mind to do. It wants the best life has to offer and will give its all to attain this. But unless it has something creative to work with, it will not feel the happiness it dreams about. If compelled to live under strict practical rules and routine, it should take up studies which train the imagination or develop the gift of speech and use of words. These will lead to wider accomplishments and personal satisfaction.
3 is a lucky number. It has a natural attraction for money. It possesses the talents and skills to attain its desires without hard work. It is not a laborer. It is a creator. Its enthusiastic way of talking about what it is doing and what it wants to do inspires others to help and to take part in its plans. Enthusiasm has a commercial value for the 3.
In the kitchen, the butcher shop, the road camp – or in the studios of the musician, artist, decorator, designer, writer, inventor – the number 3 finds scope, expression and successful use of its special, God-given endowment – creative imagination.
All lines of endeavour expressing the arts and crafts give business opportunity:
The entertainment field as actor, actress, musician, singer, and the theatre. Success through illustration, decoration, designing. Creation of books – authors of fantasy and unreality, appealing to the emotions of young and old. Opportunity through the desire for luxury on the part of humanity and for the extravagant things which fill the home and environment, beyond the commonplace.
The gift of words, one of the number 3‘s outstanding talents, opens many doors for success and financial reward: Lecturers, speakers on any subject, commentators, salesmen, advertisers, teachers, and instructors.
Stocks and bonds, investments, real estate – especially where the design is to be developed or the outline to be created – big business, having to do with toys, fashions, amusements, travel, and all lines of commercial art.
Gift shops, clothing and cosmetics, beauty parlors, libraries, kindergarten teaching, rest homes, care of the aged and young, restaurants, bakeries (as chefs and fancy cooks) often interest the number 3.
The number 3 has a strange gift of prophecy. Being inwardly sensitive and intuitive, it often senses events before they happen. Presentiments, when not coloured by fear or personal feeling, guide and protect the number 3. It possesses a natural psychic ability as the medium or clairvoyant. It is often found in the ministry where the spiritual feeling is combined with the gift of words and inspiration.
Should the number 3 lack in opportunity or financial success, it should overcome moods, criticism or strong dislikes and return to its natural happy nature and dare to believe in its wonderful power to attract what it desires by its natural gift of imagination.
The number 3 often finds opportunity in the Army, Navy, and in aviation.
To be popular, to be loved, and to love is a basic part of the nature of the number 3. Without love, admiration and friendship, especially of the opposite sex, the numer 3 does not grow and develop into usefulness and a balanced emotional life. It is capable of a deep love, affection, and loyalty in marriage, home, and family – sometimes giving with lasting self-sacrifice for love’s sake. It is generally called upon to meet this experience sometimes during its lifetime – through friends, relatives, brothers and sisters, husband or wife – imposed upon by those it loves and trusts.
The number 3 meets many interesting experiences and the happenings are so many, odd, and emotional that a story book or novel could be written about its life, the eternal triangle, the plot of the story. More than one love, more than one interest, more than one admirer keeps the emotions deeply stirred. Its desire for popularity and admiration, its awareness of its charm, beauty, and attractiveness, linked with great self-confidence add to the possibility of many emotional experiences.
The enthusiastic number 3, having many talents and filled with the joy of living, follows its own interests fully – many times to the exclusion of the interests of others. What it thinks and feels, what it desires to do are of the utmost importance to it. To the more serious-minded person the number 3 may seem self-interested, self-centered, and lacking in consideration for others, since it’s a good talker and is never lacking in something to talk about. When the number 3 is living only for ease, luxury, pleasure, and social ambitions, not making constructive use of its creative talents, it is possible for it to become lost in thoughts of self and self-interests to the point of selfishness.
The number 3 is very conscious of what is said to it or about it. Words spoken in criticism can change the whole life. It may say very little, but it will always remember and may not forgive. Number 3 children should not be told of weakness, unlovely features or handicaps. They should be encouraged to grow and develop the imagination.
The number 3 can talk too much and lose friends and opportunity in this way. It should remember it has the gift of words and make each word a talent and means for success. If hurt, it can be reticent, retiring, and aloof, turning away from the person or situation which hurt it – learning only through loneliness to turn back again into the world and to take its place, filled with creative endeavour.
The number 3 is easily influenced by environment. It like nice things, fine clothes, and pretty accessories. Even the masculine number 3 has a desire for the colourful in living, dress, and attire. The number 3 can be a pleasing host or hostess, entertaining with generosity and extravagance – sometimes even in the midst of its own sorrow. Whatever its faults, the number 3 can be readily forgiven, for its natural sweetness, its inner beauty, and its bubbling interest make the world a happier place to live in.
EloraM232010/11/09 04:48 Number 4
Watchword: Construction. An Extrovert Number.
Form, Method
Sense of values
Seriousness, Determination
Relationship of facts
Foundation for accomplishment
Lack of imagination
Extreme seriousness
Great detail
Contrariness, Stubbornness
Opposition, Slowness
Very fixed opinions
Confusion from change
Colours: Green, Blue, Indigo, Emerald, Coffee, Silver, Maroon.
“And God said – Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after its kind, whose seed is in itself upon the earth; and it was so!â€
The number 4 holds the key to all arrangement and interpretation of form, plans, dreams, ideas, and patterns from the material, mechanical, and natio to the artistic, esthetic, religntr, and spiritual levels of thought and feeling. It provides the foundation upon which all things stand to sustain life and entity.
“It is the number of rational exposition of principles and ideas. It explains, arranges, constructs, builds, maintains, carries out, and makes exact the system and formulas which provide the matrix for lasting and tangible results.â€
It turns raw material into particular forms, phases, and moulds them into harmony with each other. It demonstrates the cosmic order of growth and attainment, and with a powerful and firm hand brings time and space down to earth. It arranges that which has been imagined and dreamed of and makes it concrete and applicable to human living.
The number 1 conceives ideas and presents them for form and use.
The number 2 draws the blueprint and gathers information.
The number 3 sees the beauty and envisions the possibility of the plan.
The number 4 finds the material and builds the form into which the idea is shaped, moulded and made concrete.
There is an urge in the heart of the number 4 to make all things real. It finds opportunity through undertakings which require patience, perseverance, determination, careful and expert attention to detail. It sees things in a common-sense manner and likes to establish system and permanent and lasting form.
It is not an originator, but when the idea has been provided, the form outlined – and the number 4 is convinced of its practical worth – it has a way of getting things done, establishing practices, rules and regulations, even traditions which way carry on long after the work of the number 4 has been accomplished. Emotion and imagination, even impulse may touch the mind of the number 4, but it is not dreams which have no apparent foundation or practical aspects.
The number 4 has high standards of honesty, courage, the gifts of concentration, application, the ability to appraise and evaluate worth and value. It gains through hard knocks, teacher for the number 4. Through this it gains the “know how†which is its place of power out in the world of business accomplishment.
The number 4 is a steady, industrious worker. It likes to keep busy and is not its best without something to build, construct, fix, mend, organize, or arrange according to rules and regulations. Because of its ability to evaluate and conform to patterns, systems, and established order, it generally finds it slowly but surely becomes the head, the manager, and the authority in many undertakings.
During its lifetime, the number 4 finds it cannot work for selfish purposes. It will always be called upon to take care of others: to attend to the work left undone by those who have failed to complete and accomplish what they have promise to do. It is often called upon to give more than it receives, because it is so capable and does many practical things easily. It manager its own affairs carefully with the thrift and practical judgement. Sometimes the 4 gives too much to those it loves, and may be dominated by relatives and associates. Until it finds and evaluates its own worth it may lead a very ordinary, workaday life. When the number 4 makes use of its active energies, its strong capable hands and mind along constructive lines, it finds everything it touches becomes successful. It eventually, too, takes its place among those who do life’s important work.
The number 4 is a natural mechanic and can succeed in all endeavours having to do with machinery and mechanical construction from the most intricate device to heavy industry. All types of engineering come naturally to the number 4 as it understands form and procedure. Manufacturing, and the production of fabrics, clothing, furniture, and public utilities give opportunities.
The number 4 has a scientific mind, is interested in natural law and order. It finds opportunity through research, discovery, investigation, and delving into the hidden relationships of material form and being – the geologist, biologist, archeologist, research chemist, and explorer of nature‘s hidden secrets.
The number 4 is a lover of nature and willing to work hard; so farming, cattle-raising, dairies, horticulture, landscaping, and real estate give it useful work for success and satisfactory accomplishment. All lines of construction, from the building of its own home to world-wide construction projects, call to the number 4.
The number 4 being careful, cautious, and not inclined to take too many chances with money, succeeds in banking, the management of money, savings, and practical investments along all business lines where money is managed. It is put to work as the economist or authority on ways and means.
Legal matters, dealing with contracts, agreements, mortgages, buying and selling; plus the ability to evaluate worth and security, to estimate price and appraise, give the number 4 a wide range of business opportunity.
Pomp and ceremony or where protocol and conventional procedure are “according to Hoyle†are avenues of expression for the number 4.
The ministry attracts the number 4, having fixed opinions on right and wrong. The military – where adherence to rules, regulations, and discipline are required, also attracts the 4. The number 4 has the ability to become the commander. In fact, the number 4 can become the head of any undertaking when it trains and develops its talents for rules and regulations.
Education is an open field of endeavour – professors, heads of schools, and educators where knowledge has been proved and certified. The general work of the world is done by the number 4 – stores, shops, offices, and where routine work must be carried out day by day, and results must be depended upon.
The number 4, having a deep desire to establish, construct, or build something in its own way, often establishes its own business or shop. It may work in a small way, but through application, steady endeavour and good and dependable service, may become the head of a very successfull business, with many employees.
The number 4 enjoys a practical joke and may turn this into success on stage and in the field of entertainment.
The number 4 is the salt of the earth – the wholesome, dependable, helpful, and straightforward human being. It likes people and desires to be liked by others. It seeks to be recognized as a useful citizen in its community and to take part in civic, religious, and political activities. It loves its family and enjoys life, simple pleasures, good food, a comfortable home; it is fond of animals, and is indulgent to those it loves.
It is fundamentally serious, conscientious, has strong opinions of right and wrong, and lives by these opinions. It does not like to have these contradicted, for without them the number 4 loses self-confidence and ability to plan and work. First, last, and at all times, the number 4 feels the need for security in business, in marriage, and in the right to be itself. It gives its time, energy, talents, and love to the end. It like to plan, work, look forward, and wait until results are attained. When its mind is made up, it goes ahead and can therefore be confused by sudden changes or by demands of others which do not coincide with its desire.
This leads to many problems in association. The number 4 is willing to perform any task when requested, if it feels this is right and needs to be done, but it can be suddenly aggressive, argumentative, irritable, stubborn, or show temper when “ordered.†It does not like to be “told†without being consulted. It subconsciously feels the need of being in control over what it is doing. It may take the opposite side of the question, go off at a tangent, or express an unreasonable determination to have its own way until it is convinced or understands.
Those who work with and love this fine character should try to understand its seeming stubbornness and be willing to talk things over patiently – take a roundabout approach to gain agreement and cooperation, until the number 4 thinks it out in its own way.
Family and in-laws are a responsibility for the number 4 throughout its lifetime. Many domestic problems have to be met, with unfair responsibility or dominant opposition. The number 4 manages to take care of these problems if it feels its efforts are respected and its own rights considered; otherwise the will of the number 4 is weakened and the financial opportunity lessened.
The number 4 should not allow resentment to build up into dislike or moods. It should try to understand others also – then go ahead quietly and with perseverance, training and developing its true individuality. It is the duty of the number 4 to place a foundation upon which others may stand, work, and be protected.
With self-control and understanding, the number 4 makes money, saves, builds, and in the end gains a financial security not possessed by those of more impulsive and imaginative nature.
The number 4 does not like to be hurried. It works slowly, sometimes moves slowly. It may seem unlucky or miss opportunity even though it works hard, because it does not act, think, or work with quickness and speed. It will gain much through taking up public spreaking or by taking part in sports and games and by going with those who think and act with directness. This will help to quicken its own adaptability and methods.
EloraM232010/11/09 04:50 Number 5
Watchword: Progress. An Introvert Number.
New Ideas
Freedom loving
Quickness in thought
Restlessness, Nervousness
Sharp speech
A rolling stone
Many irons in the fire
Impatience, Hastiness
Impulsiveness – lacking in application
Colours: Cherry, Pink, Cerise, Raspberry, Claret, Wisteria.
“And God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living that moveth upon the earth.â€
With this command government began – the right of action - the development of resourcefulness – the wonder of being alive – the stimulation of choice.
The number 5 is life’s field of action. It represents experience. It is at all times the administrator.
Opportunity lies in all directions for the number 5. The command to be fruitful, replenish and subdue opens up an unlimited field of endeavour and choice for the busy, active number 5.
The number 5 is not an originator, but its quick mind, excellent powers of observation, pep, speed, energy, wit, enthusiasm, desire to know what is going on in the world and to take part in public and worldly activities enable it to become a leader in activities of a progressive and forward-moving nature. It belongs to the public, promotes public interests, and through its resourcefulness, can turn failure into success, and, fire and stimulate big undertakings to broader usefulness. A prominent place in all business endeavour is given the number 5, who is a rapid thinker with a fertile mind and a gift of words and languages and perception as to the need of the public and the masses.
Being a natural law-giver, it can govern and control from the legal and polictical to the religious, philosophical, and even the odd and mysterious in thought, feeling, and aspiration.
The curious number 5, anafraid of experience and enjoying worldly interests, has brought the stigma of “wine, women, and song†to the reputation of the freedom-loving number 5. The number 5 adioss fullness and tiring routine. “Don’t fence me in†and “Let’s go†sum up the worldly side of the number 5. Freedom of thought, freedom of action, and freedom of worship emphasize the finer spiritual qualities colouring the activities of the seemingly worldly number 5.
The number 5 not only supports but understands the law of change. In its own personal experiences change often comes suddenly and unexpectedly. Opportunily is always to be found through changing events. The number 5 needs to extract from experience the value it represents, and should weigh and balance each experience, practically, emotionally, and spiritually. However, too many changes, too many interests, too many irons in the fire lead to lack of application and lack of discipline and can bring failure and loss. To be the “rolling stone that gathers no moss†is the blue that, even though the number 5 is “smooth,†it is not fulfilling its destiny of the original command. After all, even in the midst of many plans, ideas, and opportunities, the number 5 should keep roots down to the substance of life which promotes growth, stability, dependability, and the permanent and lasting.
The number 5, being the number of progress and growth, finds happiness and success through lines of work or business that deal with the public and its interests. And kind of endeavour that calls for long hours of routine work or confinement without variety or contact with people does not give the number 5 the chance to grow or develop. Monotony is death to the number 5.
The number 5 loves to travel, to be active, coming and going from one thing to another. All lines of business having to do with transportation give opportunity – railroads, tourist bureaus, sightseeing guides, and management of public entertainment. Advertisement is an open field of endeavour for the number 5. All lines of entertainment, sports, games, amusements, and activities which interest the fun-seeking crowd and pleasure-loving public are a challenge to its resourcefulness and administrative ability.
The number 5 is often and entertainer on its own, enjoying the applause and approval of the crowd as well as being a versatile actor or even being something of the clown. The challenge or obstacle which can be overcome through stick action, wit, and cleverness appeals to the number 5. It learns easily’s but it is not naturally the deep student, gathering much information but often changing its interest before lasting results are gained.
Because of its innate and sometimes not recognized respect for law and government, the 5 finds success and opportunity in the legal profession and in all lines of civics and government, from the clerk in the office to the judge or high official. It is a natural stickler for the law and likes activities which fomulate and regulate the legal side of any undertaking.
The number 5 is a natural salesman and can sell anything from a silk stocking to a new religion. In fact, the number 5 is always selling something – a product, a method, or an idea – and being a good talker, is also a good speaker or lecturer. The number 5 likes to help others, to show them how to do this or that and has many ideas of improvement. The basis of its desire is to influence others.
Clothing stores and dress shops, which present the new, different or unusual, are managed by the number 5.
Newspapers, reporters, columnists dealing with the news in any manner interest the number 5, especially when responding to the public’s desire to know, and fulfilling the public’s right to freedom and advancement.
Number 5 has the ability of the administrator, and becomes the head of companies and organizations, not because it is the true executive, but because of its ability to keep affairs moving forward, to get others to act. It gathers information and can handle or keep several lines of endeavour going at the same time. However, the number 5 needs rest and relaxation often to avoid tenseness and nervous and mental strain.
The number 5, being observing, can be the critic and the judge as to methods and good procedure in any line of work, business, or professional activity. The number 5, having the ability to find out things, can uncover and reveal crime and wrongdoing.
Even though the number 5 appears to live in worldly interests, because it is an introvert number and reticent within itself, it finds interest in occult, mystical, and religious presentations. The number 5 seems to grasp the meaning and usefulness of these studies and is able to bring them down to the level of those seeking the higher or soul side of living. It finds opportunity as the teacher, as the psychologist, and along lines of progress having to do with health, diet, and emotional disturbances. The number 5 is happiest when it has a feeling of usefulness through promotion of individual and public welfare.
The number 5 is found in lines of business having to do with speculation and money-making endeavours which get quick results. here is a touch of the gambler in the number 5, liking to take a chance. Also the number 5 can be gullible and be taken in by the fast talking of another salesman. The law of change and the unexpected which operates in the life of the number 5 makes it doubtful for it to speculate, and it should find ways and means of growing into sure and lasting success. The number 5 can turn change into success through understanding that all progress comes through change and through building its life on a work or vocation that, even though dealing with the changing interests of the public and life iteslf, has a permanent and growing usefulness.
The number 5 has more extremes of temperament and more ups and downs than any other number.
The restless inner nature, the natural curiosity, the venturesome spirit, and the desire to be part of and to know what is going on in the world result in many experiences and sometimes knowledge and success the hard way. However, this makes the number 5 an interesting and entertaining companion. Life is never dull when the number 5 is on the scene. The life of the number 5 is shaped and directed by its independence, demand for personal freedom, and its desire and sometimes unconscious determination to escape from routine.
A touch of the Bohemian and the uncoventional colours its moods and action. In fact, the unexpected and the law of change always follow the number 5 wherever it goes, for change is the keynote to progress for all 5‘s. It is natural for the 5 to quickly lose interest in the old, the dull, or “the same old thing†and “to enter in where Angels fear to tread,†causing the 5 many problems, often blamed on others or the environment. However, having great resourcefullness, clever wit, and quick perceptions, it can just as easily get itself out of the same deep waters. Also that inner and natural respect for law and government gives it fine qualities which redeem it from its careless or hasty actions at any time it desires – lifting it to a place and position of worth, even controlling and regulating the actions of those who fail to respect the law of the land. These traits and characteristics make 5 a complex personality.
There is a social side to the number 5‘s nature. It like to be one of the crowd or the gang and to know many people. It generally has many friends and acquaintances, assets in business as well as sociallly. It is fond of the opposite sex, but may hesitate to marry for fear of losing its freedom; or it may break up its marriage or companionship if it fingd it dull or binding. Also the 5 is not a truly domestic type nor too interested in repeated or binding responsibility. All this makes it an outstanding type of individual and should be taken into consideration by anyone marrying or going into business with number 5.
The progressive spirit keeps those with whom it works “on the ball†and up-to-date. The marriage parnter of the 5 should recognize this and adjust to its desire to be active and doing something all the time. The husband or wife who tries to reform the 5 and to restrict its activities without understanding, or to curb its forward-moving spirit, is likely to lose in the end and find sorrow and unhappiness instead of the loyalty which is really there underneath the restlessness. The news stories of the daily papers and the divorce courts tell this story of these misunderstandings. The 5 needs an active, eventful, entertaining, and useful life. Then it is a happy and protecting companion.
Without training and good education the 5 can go to extremes, show hurtful temper, haste and undisciplined impulse, bringing accidents, quarrels, and legal matters. Legal problems often beset the number 5 in spite of right living, for problems in the environment can cause irritation and impatient action and speech.
A lack of appreciation for it has received or for all that has been done for it may seem unfair to others. The 5 may even claim as its own that which belongs to others because it has helped to make improvements or to guide another in business or personal projects, again leading to great sorrow or loss. A critical manner of the 5 temperament is also one of its trying traits, when used to hurt others. The 5 is more dependent upon others than it wishes to allow and may resent this within itself without realizing it. It should recognize this and learn to share more honestly.
All other numbers depend upon the 5, for it represents civilization. It has a flair for living. Its money comes and goes, but it is the “administrator†of the common wealth, which gives it a very important part to play in the affairs of the world.
EloraM232010/11/09 04:52 Number 6
Watchword: Humanitarian Service. An Extrovert Number.
Truth, Justice
Harmony, Approval
Love of home
Conventional influence
Fixed opinions and beliefs
Welfare worker
Others’ troubles
Family ties
Slowness in decisions
Egotist, Falling for flattery
“And God said, Behold, I have given every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a used yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
“And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to everything that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat; and it was so.
“And God say every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the 6th day.â€
Therefore, the rewards of creation are provided for and are at hand for the number 6. Divine inheritance is its blessing. Having been given the refer of all life, it becomes the storehouse, the provider, and the caretaker of all mankind. The fruits of its labour gives comfort, happiness, protection, abundance, and richness to all people. Harmony, usefulness, beauty, and the privilege of service should follow it all the days of its life.
The “humanitarian†establishes the place of the number 6 in all human and spiritual affairs. Its crowning glory is the good it has done for others. Intelligent, capable, and practical, yet it is a dreamer of dreams, living on a high plane from which it senses and expresses the grandeur and beauty of life and living