Unlocking Numerology by EloraM23 2010/11/06 04:04
What's your number? (don't give it to me please) Without hesitation, the first thing that comes to mind is a telephone number, right? That number only tells people how to reach you. There's another number that not only defines you, but helps you understand and connect with others on a deeper level.

Let me know via PM if you want me to do your numerology for you.

You'll find Description of The Meaning of Numbers 1-9 here.

EloraM23 2010/11/09 04:51

Opportunity lies in all directions for the number 5. The command to be fruitful, replenish and subdue opens up an unlimited field of endeavour and choice for the busy, active number 5.

The number 5 is not an originator, but its quick mind, excellent powers of observation, pep, speed, energy, wit, enthusiasm, desire to know what is going on in the world and to take part in public and worldly activities enable it to become a leader in activities of a progressive and forward-moving nature. It belongs to the public, promotes public interests, and through its resourcefulness, can turn failure into success, and, fire and stimulate big undertakings to broader usefulness. A prominent place in all business endeavour is given the number 5, who is a rapid thinker with a fertile mind and a gift of words and languages and perception as to the need of the public and the masses.

Being a natural law-giver, it can govern and control from the legal and polictical to the religious, philosophical, and even the odd and mysterious in thought, feeling, and aspiration.

The curious number 5, anafraid of experience and enjoying worldly interests, has brought the stigma of “wine, women, and song” to the reputation of the freedom-loving number 5. The number 5 adioss fullness and tiring routine. “Don’t fence me in” and “Let’s go” sum up the worldly side of the number 5. Freedom of thought, freedom of action, and freedom of worship emphasize the finer spiritual qualities colouring the activities of the seemingly worldly number 5.

The number 5 not only supports but understands the law of change. In its own personal experiences change often comes suddenly and unexpectedly. Opportunily is always to be found through changing events. The number 5 needs to extract from experience the value it represents, and should weigh and balance each experience, practically, emotionally, and spiritually. However, too many changes, too many interests, too many irons in the fire lead to lack of application and lack of discipline and can bring failure and loss. To be the “rolling stone that gathers no moss” is the blue that, even though the number 5 is “smooth,” it is not fulfilling its destiny of the original command. After all, even in the midst of many plans, ideas, and opportunities, the number 5 should keep roots down to the substance of life which promotes growth, stability, dependability, and the permanent and lasting.

EloraM23 2010/11/09 04:51
Vocations & Talents:

The number 5, being the number of progress and growth, finds happiness and success through lines of work or business that deal with the public and its interests. And kind of endeavour that calls for long hours of routine work or confinement without variety or contact with people does not give the number 5 the chance to grow or develop. Monotony is death to the number 5.
The number 5 loves to travel, to be active, coming and going from one thing to another. All lines of business having to do with transportation give opportunity – railroads, tourist bureaus, sightseeing guides, and management of public entertainment. Advertisement is an open field of endeavour for the number 5. All lines of entertainment, sports, games, amusements, and activities which interest the fun-seeking crowd and pleasure-loving public are a challenge to its resourcefulness and administrative ability.
The number 5 is often and entertainer on its own, enjoying the applause and approval of the crowd as well as being a versatile actor or even being something of the clown. The challenge or obstacle which can be overcome through stick action, wit, and cleverness appeals to the number 5. It learns easily’s but it is not naturally the deep student, gathering much information but often changing its interest before lasting results are gained.
Because of its innate and sometimes not recognized respect for law and government, the 5 finds success and opportunity in the legal profession and in all lines of civics and government, from the clerk in the office to the judge or high official. It is a natural stickler for the law and likes activities which fomulate and regulate the legal side of any undertaking.
The number 5 is a natural salesman and can sell anything from a silk stocking to a new religion. In fact, the number 5 is always selling something – a product, a method, or an idea – and being a good talker, is also a good speaker or lecturer. The number 5 likes to help others, to show them how to do this or that and has many ideas of improvement. The basis of its desire is to influence others.
Clothing stores and dress shops, which present the new, different or unusual, are managed by the number 5.
Newspapers, reporters, columnists dealing with the news in any manner interest the number 5, especially when responding to the public’s desire to know, and fulfilling the public’s right to freedom and advancement.
Number 5 has the ability of the administrator, and becomes the head of companies and organizations, not because it is the true executive, but because of its ability to keep affairs moving forward, to get others to act. It gathers information and can handle or keep several lines of endeavour going at the same time. However, the number 5 needs rest and relaxation often to avoid tenseness and nervous and mental strain.
The number 5, being observing, can be the critic and the judge as to methods and good procedure in any line of work, business, or professional activity. The number 5, having the ability to find out things, can uncover and reveal crime and wrongdoing.
Even though the number 5 appears to live in worldly interests, because it is an introvert number and reticent within itself, it finds interest in occult, mystical, and religious presentations. The number 5 seems to grasp the meaning and usefulness of these studies and is able to bring them down to the level of those seeking the higher or soul side of living. It finds opportunity as the teacher, as the psychologist, and along lines of progress having to do with health, diet, and emotional disturbances. The number 5 is happiest when it has a feeling of usefulness through promotion of individual and public welfare.
The number 5 is found in lines of business having to do with speculation and money-making endeavours which get quick results. here is a touch of the gambler in the number 5, liking to take a chance. Also the number 5 can be gullible and be taken in by the fast talking of another salesman. The law of change and the unexpected which operates in the life of the number 5 makes it doubtful for it to speculate, and it should find ways and means of growing into sure and lasting success. The number 5 can turn change into success through understanding that all progress comes through change and through building its life on a work or vocation that, even though dealing with the changing interests of the public and life iteslf, has a permanent and growing usefulness.

EloraM23 2010/11/09 04:52
Human Relationships:

The number 5 has more extremes of temperament and more ups and downs than any other number.

The restless inner nature, the natural curiosity, the venturesome spirit, and the desire to be part of and to know what is going on in the world result in many experiences and sometimes knowledge and success the hard way. However, this makes the number 5 an interesting and entertaining companion. Life is never dull when the number 5 is on the scene. The life of the number 5 is shaped and directed by its independence, demand for personal freedom, and its desire and sometimes unconscious determination to escape from routine.

A touch of the Bohemian and the uncoventional colours its moods and action. In fact, the unexpected and the law of change always follow the number 5 wherever it goes, for change is the keynote to progress for all 5‘s. It is natural for the 5 to quickly lose interest in the old, the dull, or “the same old thing” and “to enter in where Angels fear to tread,” causing the 5 many problems, often blamed on others or the environment. However, having great resourcefullness, clever wit, and quick perceptions, it can just as easily get itself out of the same deep waters. Also that inner and natural respect for law and government gives it fine qualities which redeem it from its careless or hasty actions at any time it desires – lifting it to a place and position of worth, even controlling and regulating the actions of those who fail to respect the law of the land. These traits and characteristics make 5 a complex personality.

There is a social side to the number 5‘s nature. It like to be one of the crowd or the gang and to know many people. It generally has many friends and acquaintances, assets in business as well as sociallly. It is fond of the opposite sex, but may hesitate to marry for fear of losing its freedom; or it may break up its marriage or companionship if it fingd it dull or binding. Also the 5 is not a truly domestic type nor too interested in repeated or binding responsibility. All this makes it an outstanding type of individual and should be taken into consideration by anyone marrying or going into business with number 5.

The progressive spirit keeps those with whom it works “on the ball” and up-to-date. The marriage parnter of the 5 should recognize this and adjust to its desire to be active and doing something all the time. The husband or wife who tries to reform the 5 and to restrict its activities without understanding, or to curb its forward-moving spirit, is likely to lose in the end and find sorrow and unhappiness instead of the loyalty which is really there underneath the restlessness. The news stories of the daily papers and the divorce courts tell this story of these misunderstandings. The 5 needs an active, eventful, entertaining, and useful life. Then it is a happy and protecting companion.

Without training and good education the 5 can go to extremes, show hurtful temper, haste and undisciplined impulse, bringing accidents, quarrels, and legal matters. Legal problems often beset the number 5 in spite of right living, for problems in the environment can cause irritation and impatient action and speech.

A lack of appreciation for it has received or for all that has been done for it may seem unfair to others. The 5 may even claim as its own that which belongs to others because it has helped to make improvements or to guide another in business or personal projects, again leading to great sorrow or loss. A critical manner of the 5 temperament is also one of its trying traits, when used to hurt others. The 5 is more dependent upon others than it wishes to allow and may resent this within itself without realizing it. It should recognize this and learn to share more honestly.

All other numbers depend upon the 5, for it represents civilization. It has a flair for living. Its money comes and goes, but it is the “administrator” of the common wealth, which gives it a very important part to play in the affairs of the world.

EloraM23 2010/11/09 04:52
Number 6
Watchword: Humanitarian Service. An Extrovert Number.


Truth, Justice
Harmony, Approval
Love of home
Conventional influence
Fixed opinions and beliefs
Welfare worker


Others’ troubles
Family ties
Slowness in decisions
Egotist, Falling for flattery

Colours: Orange, Henna, Mustard, Leather, Scarlet, Heliotrope

EloraM23 2010/11/09 04:53
Cosmic Pattern:

“And God said, Behold, I have given every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a used yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
“And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to everything that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat; and it was so.
“And God say every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the 6th day.”

Therefore, the rewards of creation are provided for and are at hand for the number 6. Divine inheritance is its blessing. Having been given the refer of all life, it becomes the storehouse, the provider, and the caretaker of all mankind. The fruits of its labour gives comfort, happiness, protection, abundance, and richness to all people. Harmony, usefulness, beauty, and the privilege of service should follow it all the days of its life.
The “humanitarian” establishes the place of the number 6 in all human and spiritual affairs. Its crowning glory is the good it has done for others. Intelligent, capable, and practical, yet it is a dreamer of dreams, living on a high plane from which it senses and expresses the grandeur and beauty of life and living

EloraM23 2010/11/09 04:53

The number 6 is wise and conscientious. It lives from the precepts and guidance of the heart. It has deeply ingrained principles and strong convictions, even from childhood, concerning religion, right and wrong, truth and justice – demanding fairness in all things and for all people. It will fight for ways according to its own beliefs and ideals.
The number 6 prefers to act in a conventional manner and according to established standards and seeks the harmonious way of adjustment rather than discord; it is deeply disturbed and confused by the unlovely and sordid in relationships or situations. It seeks to right wrong at all times and in a kindly, generous way, thus giving it its place as the humanitarian.
Responsibility follows the 6 all the days of its life and in all its undertakings, but it is capable of taking this, for it is motivated by a high sense of duty. It finds pleasure in doing good and worthwhile things for friends, family, and community. It can give to the point of exhaustion and act without reason. On the other hand, to fail to give is to fail to receive the rewards given the number 6 for its service and helpfulness.
Responsibility becomes a pleasure and privilege when the 6 understands the beauty of service and gives of its abundance in reverence and wisdom.

Four opportunities await the 6. It may choose one or all of them:

1.the standard bearer
2.the humanitarian
3.the provider
4.the entertainer
The number 6 has only to choose which pathway of service it will follow for it has a real attraction for wealth, luxury, and the good things of life and has the ability to make these good things possible for others as well as for itself.
It may choose to teach, minister to others, and to guide and protect mankind chains evil and wrongdoing.
It may choose to heal, to be the welfare worker and to find a better and happier way for those in distress.
It may go into business and provide the means and sustenance which make life worthwhile.
It may choose to ring sweet songs, write music, plays, opera, illustrate, paint, decorate and colour the activities of every day with beauty and music of the Spheres.
The number 6 is called the cosmic mother or the cosmic father. It gives its devotion to God, its fellow man and to its country.

EloraM23 2010/11/09 04:55
Vocations & Talents:

The number 7 should always endeavour to become the skilled worker. With application to the task, it generally gains this distinction. Education and training should always be the goal.
A number 7, claiming lack of opportunity and education, has not made use of the public libraries of the country or dared to be true to its longing for knowledge and to know the reasons of things. To drift – due to restlessness or the feeling the grass is greener on the other side of the fence – brings delay and unhappiness. The 7 normally loves to read and study and should surround itself with books and scientific periodicals. Even if placed in the most ordinary circumstance, feeling deeply the lack of education, it can always find broader opportunities if it applies its mind and hands to the present task, even if seemingly beneath it, until its natural ability eventually leads it to better positions and a higher level of activity.
The ovcational field is wide and unlimited. The number 7 finds success through research, calculation, observation, and analysis. It should endeavour to excel and to be expert in what it is doing. The 7 is the “specialist” with the ability of synthesis as well as analysis. When it gains skill, its intuition and soul power add colour to its endeavours. The 7 can enter the fields of science, investigation, technical research, and finds opportunity through laboratory and statistical work. Chemistry, invention, history, old and ancient subjects often avenues of interest and business success.
The 7 can succeed through insurance and mathematical lines of business – is generally quick at figures, charts, and graphs. Law is a splendid field for the 7, often the criminal law and the technical rather than the general practice. Medicine, medical research, the surgeon, often the brain specialist, or some outstanding line of specialization in the field of healing and health can be the 7‘s career.
The 7 deals successfully with books, literature, and all lines of education, for, even with all its talents, it is fundamentally the educator. Professors of universities and schools give wide interest and success. The 7, due to its powers of observation and hunches, makes a good detective, criminologist, secret service man; and the ability to be silent and self-controlled helps in these fields.
The 7 is artistic and is often the connoisseur of literature, sometimes of food – giving opportunity through high-class restaurants. Having skill with its hands, it can develop skill in carving, etching, and the use of finer tools and instruments. The 7, living in its mystical side, finds interest and opportunity through occult teaching and secret societies and religion, not in blind faith, but as a seeker after the truth. It is not uncommon to find the 7 a reformer at some time during its lifetime, endeavouring to present an idea or principle it has discovered to change the world. The 7 likes to have a plan well in mind before it undertakes its accomplishment and sometimes hesitates or wastes time because it cannot find the perfect and exact method it senses and wants to bring forth. The 7 should not fear to take a step at a time, gaining perfection as it goes along. Fame and fortune can follow when the 7 has gained knowledge and found itself and its purpose. It can be an engaging and compelling speaker.

EloraM23 2010/11/09 04:56
Human Relationships:

The well-adjusted 7 is a most charming “gentleman” or “lady,” poised, dignified, gracious, proud, a good companion, quick of wit and repartee, somewhat exclusive and reserved, normally kind and helpful, and greatly admired for its talents and accomplishments.

However, there is something of the “lone wolf” in its nature, giving the impression of being distant and hard to meet and talk to. Being a perfectionist and selective in all things, the 7 does not mix well and always waits to know better or to find real interest in those with whom it comes in contact. The need of the 7 to retain its poise and dignity is always present and, if forced to live in uncertainty or confusion in work or human association, it loses its power of attration so important to its success.

The 7 often builds a protective wall of silence and reserve around itself until it is sure it is on familiar ground. As to friends and environment it is selective, but when well-acquainted it reveals all the charm of its inner nature.

The 7 is not an adaptable person generally. It is rarely changed or reformed, and attempts to influence it cause withdrawal into a shell of silence and untouchable manner. It is, however, more sensitive in feeling and emotion than it cares to acknowledge and, like all other people, it needs love, sympathy, understanding and is responsive to approval and appreciation.

The 7 is extremely averse to being asked questions, especially point-blank, and will seldom answer or may express its irritation through sarcasm or contradictory speech. Even bursts of temper may mar the moment, out of tune with qualities of the “gentleman.” It is always best to wait until the 7 is ready to tell or answer on its own accord – then the full story will come out. This is true for children as well as the adult 7. The 7, nevertheless, does not hesitate to ask questions and can be very disturbed by an evasive answer. It sometimes shows itself as the doubter or skeptic and demands proof and, while this is the keynote of its success in business or reserch, in domestic relationships this can be a source of difficulty and unhappiness. It may be surprisingly suspicious and secretive, leading to negative habits and repression. It should give the same confidence to others that it demands for itself and take time to talk things over. Understanding is the watchword for the 7 and, being hard to understand and realizing it, the 7 gains much by trying to understand others and endeavouring to make itself, its feelings, and its actions clear to others.

The 7 likes and needs a good environment. It always wants the best. A good home, well-furnished, elegant and well appointed is what it will strive for, especially the feminine 7, with all details correct.

The 7 does not like to have the house filled with many people, only those who have a common and intellectual interest. It is the head of the house, and, in marriage, which is not always an easy adjustment for the 7, it should select one of the opposite sex who also seeks knowledge, books, and the finer things of life. If, by chance, the 7 marries into a large family, its lack of true domesticity is revealed and it may express many strange moods or likes and dislikes. The number 7 needs to be alone from time to time and should be allowed to have its moments of quiet, rest, and time to read, think, and study.

The emotional and sex nature of the 7 is strong, but the fine qualities of self-control and the tendencies of the stoic enable the 7 to live alone or even to retire into the priesthood or ministry. Many strange expressions of character may be demonstrated because of the repression of the feelings or again as an unbridled play of emotional nature. A marriage based on the deeper attractions of the soul and mind brings the happiest and most rewarding experiences of the 7 life.

Being selective and fussy about food is charcteristic of the 7. The 7 should always follow rules of diet and corrective eating. Rest combined with directed exercise are very fine rules for the 7. The spine, glands, and spleen are sensitive parts of the body.

The number 7, careful inregard to money, is often considered close in many ways. It is extravagant regarding its own wants but sometimes thoughtless or careless about the needs of others. The 7 is not destined to be the world’s caretaker, but is instead its educator. However, if thoroughly convinced, it will give abundantly to a worthy cause or real philanthropic need.

The 7 should find something of the soul and divine in all things and keep a warm heart as well as a keen mind.

EloraM23 2010/11/09 04:57
Number 8
Watchword: Judgment. An Extrovert Number.


Executive ability
Direction of business activity
Recognition gained
Character analysis
World affairs
Strenuous action
Demanding of others
Seeking power
Working for a cause

Straining to attain
Too much energy
Love of display
Repressing others
Demanding recognition
Lacking true humanitarian feelings
Money difficulties
Impatience with others
Few illusions
Colours: Tan, Canary, Bronze, Buff, Opal, Ivory

EloraM23 2010/11/09 04:57
Cosmic Pattern:

“And the Lord said, If I find Sodom fifty righteous people within the city, I will spare all the place for their sakes.”
To bring the infinite and the finite into harmonious relationship is the purpose and divine inheritance of the number 8.
“Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.”

Armed with divine awareness, learned through many part lifetimes, the number 8 plunges into depths of experience; touched by the knowledge of the great mysteries of Being and the secrets of occult art and science, it presents to the people of the earth the reality of the divine dream of creation.

The number 8 is a double number. It is the masculine and the feminine – the masculine, strong, demanding, active; the feminine, passive and capable of being molded. Together they express the celestial in material form. Separated, they bring sorrow and destruction – heaven and hell.
The number 8 represents authority and can guide and direct mankind – not as the humanitarian but as the arbitrator, controller, the judge who weighs and balances with wisdom and without prejudice. The number 8 must not allow the 7 days of creation. It provides the order, the knowledge, the supervision and the stability to cement the dreams and visions of all the other numbers, that growth and progress may be even greater than before.

Its task is great; it has many burdens. As its righteousness remains true to divine command, it becomes the noble and greatly respected judge and is rewarded from on high. It is the Solomon of numbers.

“Judge not, the ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.”

EloraM23 2010/11/09 04:57

When awakened and developed, the number 8 becomes the Master Mind working for the cause of humanity and finds its perfect reward in the great accomplishment.

Often it does not understand itself or the great power within, awaiting birth, to bring forth fine deeds and broad attainment. Personal ambition may throb within; love of money and power may colour its plans and dreams, only to result in loss and long periods of frustration, because it has failed to listen to the higher command: “on earth as it is in heaven.”

When a backboce through moral integrity, spiritual feeling and material gain has been found, unusual opportunity and worthwhile authority is given, bringing success in any undertaking with the power, influence, recognition, and financial reward so deeply desired.

The rewards of life are not easily attained, however, for it is the destiny of the 8 to give “its all” to whatever it undertakes. Repeated effort is often necessary to get results, accompanied by mental strain and long periods of frustration. At the same time, repeated effort and patience, until the work or dream is accomplished, are part of the strength and character of the number 8.

The number 8 finds its greatest opportunity through a real purpose or goal: something to plan for that has usefulness, beauty, and wide service to the community or nation. It is always called upon to plan, supervise, lead, and to take up the plans and dreams of others in order to bring them to lasting and permanent accomplishment, not as the humanitarian, but as the one who loves the work and the thrill of the successful attainment of a worthwhile goal. Money comes to the 8 through its efficiency, excellent mental powers and good judgment – which is impartial and for the good of all concerned. It does not have the natural and easy attraction for money like the 3, 6, and 9. Success is the result of work well done, outstanding ability, its own unceasing effort, mental attainment, combined with fine character and sigh action.

There is a philosophical trend to the nature of the number 8. It likes to theorize, to discover the motives and feelings behind human action. It is clever in relating feeling and facts, due to the feminine side of its masculine nature. Often it is the wise counselor, guiding and directing without prejudice or illusions, an ability gained only after many experiences and a few hard knocks by life itself. When the energies are spent striving for wealth and grandeur, the will may be broken by strong outside forces and a new start must be made. Through these struggles, an inner awareness of higher purpose is finally gained; and a calm unprejudiced management of affairs and fine powers of leadership enable the number 8 to rise to emergencies, to become the outstanding character and the “Master Mind,” the reward granted from the beginning.

EloraM23 2010/11/09 04:58
Vocations & Talents:

Industry, commerce and organization on a large scale give the 8 broad opportunity to make use of its natural talents. The 8 is the supervisor, director, controller, one who has charge of the business affairs of others. It is successful in building up run-down business activity of firms, corporations, and organizations; able to spot or uncover the weakness and to guide those in association to the goal to be accomplished. A natural efficiency expert, it impartially places facts, both as to cause and effect, in proper relationship.
Governmental affairs, civics, and political management interest the 8, giving opportunity to direct affairs of State. Statistical departments and all lines of research are fields of success, as the 8 likes to gather facts and to relate them to the goal or undertaking to be developed. Civil engineering or building on a large scale, world-wide contracts and agreements are possible, linked with general improvement for many people and combined with education and instruction.
Real estate is a broad opportunity, or loans and trusts dealing with the buying, selling and management of property and estates. Even in a small way, the 8, at some time during its life, is concerned with the management and maintenance of property, land, buildings, or homes.
The literary field attracts the 8, and success can be gained through printing, publishing, newspapers, magazines, correspondence, more in the nature of the reporter, educator or traveler than along lines of drama and romance.
Business having to do with transportation, travel by land, sea, or air are fields of endeavour. The 8 enjoys having more than one iron in the fire and likes to know what is going on in the world; it is always seeking, digesting, and adjusting information.
The intelligence service is a natural field, as the keen mind, powers of observation, courage, and strong self-control make the 8 adaptable to many situations.
As the two loops of the number 8 give it a desire to be fair and to see both sides of a question, it makes a fine judge and counselor and when trained, takes its place amone those holding high positions. Recognition for dependability and trust generally crowns the work of the 9. Even in a small way, the 8 has a way of being known in its locality for its outstanding character and good works. The number 8 does not like subordinate positions and generally seeks important contacts. When the command from its spiritual nature for righteousness is carried out, it gains power and influence. The number 8 should always train and educate its hands and mind. It should never trust to luck.
As nurses, physicians, heads of institutions of health, the 8 find opportunity to manage and direct. The 8 has an outstanding ability to control others, even the insane. This ability to direct and lead is sometimes only discovered when an emergency arises, forcing the 8 to make use of its inner strength, will, courage, and executive skill.
Sports, games give pleasure and success. Hotels and summer resorts, especially in the country can lead to desirable business success.
The philosophical side of its nature, as natural to its character as its executive ability, gives the 8 interest in secret societies where there is form, organization and mystical training. It is often found reading, studying or teaching all lines of the mental sciences and ancient philosophies and is interested in studies of character and vocational analysis. This is brought about because of its desire to know about life and its relationship to divine purposes. The 8 has the ability to be a public speaker and is more direct than flowery.
The 8 has musical talent, not always trained. It is attracted to musical instruments, finds interest and success through antiques, museums, art galleries.
The 8 makes money-making activities, but others may often receive more than the 8 that has given the effort, the brains, and the “know-how.” However, as the 8 continues to make use of its mental powers and its wise judgment, it never lacks for right compensation. It is a mental worker, not a physical laborer

EloraM23 2010/11/09 04:58
Human Relationships:

The number 8 is always busy. Its strenuous driving force may make it try to be all things to all people, to take part in a variety of activities, wearing out its health and overwhelming its more plodding associates. Its intensity of action now and then defeats the very purpose for which it is working. It should learn to take time to rest and relax and to find an inner peace which will take away the sense of strife, strain, and frustration which accompanies “too much” effort.

Being a strong character it is naturally a doer and others depend upon it; but it is part of the 8‘s lesson in life to strike a balance between doing and resting for lasting results.

The 8 has a strong personality and is a good companion because of its many interests and varied activities. It gets on well with others, likes important people but associates with persons in all walks of life. It enjoys big houses, good clothes, and to make a good appearance with a touch of showmanship.

It is a number of honesty and frankness and may, at times, speak out bluntly and severely, for it is annoyed and may even show temper over repeated blunders and inefficiencey on the part of others. Its anger is soon over and it is more likely to feel condemnation for itself than for others. The 8 has a tendency to indulge in repeated self-analysis and self recrimiation. It should not carry this too far, especially in times of seeming difficulties and problems.

In love, marriage, and romance it is loyal and true, but with so many plans and ambitions it can be too busy for sentiment or love-making even though it may be deeply in love. It needs love and admiration to soften its nature, and should find time to express love, beauty, and sweetness to those it loves. Life becomes happier when the 8 learns to deal more patiently with others and to realize its own sometimes overwhilming driving force.

There is a contradiction in the character of the 8. Filled with purpose and capable of seeing great possibilities in a plan, business activity or worth-while endeavour – supervising with great skill, and generally correct in its prophecy of final success – still the 8 may hesitate to take its rightful position and surprisingly stand aside to allow others to gain the reward and recognition. A little more self-confidence at the right moment would give the 8 its rightful reward and the great satisfaction in accomplishment which it has desired about all else.

EloraM23 2010/11/09 04:58
Experience and research have proved that the number 8 is greatly misunderstood by Numerologists and students. It is a power number which gives success, recognition, and leadership qualities. Fine character, ability to weigh and balance, and seeing both sides of the question give it position and authority. Howver it has more than its share of disappointments. But its success is earned by repeated effort, well-directed purpose, and giving its all to maintain and hold on to what it has rightfully earned. Just at the last moment others may receive the reward and the wealth when the goal was just at the fingertips of the number 8. The word Karma digits to the total 8. A philosophical turn of mind helps the 8 understand itself and others, so that it takes its place as the counselor, having learned the problems of others through its own long, slightly defeating experiences.

EloraM23 2010/11/09 04:59
Number 9
Watchword: Forgiveness. An Introvert Number.


Love, Compassion
Charitable ways
Brotherhood of mankind
Leaders in philanthropic endeavour
Artists, Writers
Having big opportunity in life
Capacity for living by Divine Standards
Money attraction
Leaders in art or good works
Dramatic talent


Too much love of self
Jack of all trades
Personal interests
Impulsive action, Taking no blame
Changeableness in love affairs
Demanding approval and appreciation
Moods and depression
Failure to use talents for good of world
Dissipation of higher forces
Carelessness in financial affairs
Seeking an easy time and approval
Wrong habits
Wanting to hale fellow
Colours: Red, Carmine, Lavender, Olive, Straw, Smoke

EloraM23 2010/11/09 04:59
Cosmic Pattern:

The number 9 represents the Beginning and the End of all human experience.

It is the Force of the outgoing number 1,
the Light and the Peace of the number 2,
the Imagination of the number 3,
the Form and Order of the number 4,
the Life and Progress of the number 5,
the Responsibility of the number 6,
the Intelligence and Perfection of the number 7,
the Judgment of the number 8,
the Compassion and Benevolence of the number 9.
The number 9 represents mankind’s last earthly lesson: “Forgiveness.”

“Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.”

The number 9 is the heart and harmony of God’s Plan; it is also the Law and the Principle of Love that maintains, supports, and fulfills the promise of Eternal Life.

“Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.”

Many disappointments may colour the experiences of the number 9. However, awakened to the “Music of the Spheres” and to the great Harmony of Being, it is finally redeemed out of all peoples, all religions, all breeds into the One Self which is in all and through all.
Then life becomes a glorious experience to the number 9. All who touch its life are warned by the Divine force of compassion radiating from its heart.

EloraM23 2010/11/09 05:00

The opportunities of the number 9 may span the whole world, raging from the center of local activity to foreign contacts and foreign businesses. The affairs of the number 9 naturally move in wide circles and great achievements. When the desire is awakened to promote civilization, to educate, comfort, and protect mankind, its possibilities are unlimited.

So all-embracing is its scope of service, life’s gifts seem to be handed it on a silver platter, placing it in command of the greatests good life has to offer, as it keeps the Law of higher purposes as its goal. Only in this way does it keep and gold its reward – love, money, and philanthropy.
The number 9 is a number of imagination, intuition, sympathy, and generosity of such power and high voltage, that it can warm the heart of all mankind when this is poured forth without personal motive and desire. It must be bigger than all others in all situations and in all motives. It must grow in compassion, tolerance, forgiveness, and the understanding of true service to reap the fullness of its promise of greatness and to gain its goal.

Early in life it is hard for the number 9 to undertame many hurtful experiences of loss, sorrow, and disappointment which may occur until the great love which pervades its soul is turned from the personal to the impersonal. To plan its goal or achievement as a means to personal gain alone, to desire love, money, and power for personal satisfaction only, is to wreck its life, destroy its power to accomplish, and to suffer personal pain and crucifixion.

The number 9 is divinely protected. It has every power within itself to succeed nobly. When it finally learns to love life, success, and people in unison with the great universal “good” rather than for personal progodna or favour, it receives greater love, personally impersonally, than it may have ever dreamed of.

The number 9 attracts:

money (46557) = (27)9
fortune (6692355) = (36)9

It may make a fortune and just as easily lord it more than once during a lifetime. “Easy come, easy go,” for it is generous, impressionable, and idealistic. It can be influenced and imposed upon because of its generosity, giving where it should not or without reserve, until, eventually, it learns to serve, to promote, and to help without personal loss and without taking from others the responsibility of their own growth and development. Number 9 must give to sustain usefulness and not from generosity alone.

The number 9 has been blessed with the ability to restore its position, to redeem itself from failure, and to re-establish its success at all times. As the 9 goes forth into life, conscious of the brotherhood of man, serving all people, all races, all nations, not in self-sacrifice, but in the realization that God has given it a heart of gold, silver bells of many talents, and a shining faith in the highest good for all, its life becomes great and wonderful.

EloraM23 2010/11/09 05:00
Vocations & Talents:

The number 9, being endowed with imagination, vision, and artistic feeling, is naturally the dramatist, and showman, and succeeds through plays, theatres, and all lines of endeavour which appeal to the emotions of others.
The literary field – books, novels, publications – give opportunity, for the number 9 can express moods and feelings with force and appeal, ascending from the heights of exultation to the depths of despair. The 9 can be the actor, actress, the painer, the designer, the architect, or along any line calling for feeling, dash, and the use of colour in bold and unusual manner; sometimes the mimic and comedian.
Creative ability, artistic talent, and underlying practical ability enable the 9 to turn objects of little worth into something useful and original. In the more practical fields, the number 9 may be the cabinet maker, upholsterer, technician repairing works of art. The number 9 is not happy in a menial position and need not remain there if it keeps its standards of usefulness and service to all. It can rebuild and reconstruct human lives as well as material objects and become the lecturer, orator, religionist, and educator along lines of corrective living and charitable inspiration.
The number 9 may be a fine lawyer with appeal to the heart or a surgeon with the skill of perfection, as the 9 is a perfectionist in all things.
All lines of business having to do with foods and health matters, and businesses which appeal to the comfort and luxury of the people in general appeal to the number 9. The number 9 likes the best and has a splendid ability to attract the best in living conditions and surroundings.
The number 9 can deal with the unusual and has an appreciation of sound and its influence and value as well as of color and beauty. Being able to ascend to the heights of intuition, it may become the inventor or composer and bring into being that which has never been known or experienced before.
All lines of industry which have a broad scope of usefulness give opportunity, for the 9 adds finer qualities and something of the soul even in business. Travel means much to the 9, and through this finds many chances for success and use of its talents. To be broadminded is a fundamental required of the 9

EloraM23 2010/11/09 05:01
Human Relationships:

The number 9 has charm of personality. Its sympathy, understanding, and warmth of feeling give it popularity and ability to infulence others. It is generally well liked and is a good companion, enjoying life and the fun of living.

Early in life, the number 9 seems to have two sides to its nature, leading to many experiences, even to sorrow and loss until these are blended together for a ture purpose in life. Ther personal and the impersonal, acting together, tend to make it seem inconsisten and difficult to understand. At one time it will be warm, helpful, tolerant, and woderrfully generous, giving without thought of self and to its own detriment. Or again it may be cold, hard, distant, and very self-interested, keeping its money and its affairs to itself, although reaching out for personal gain, even sacrificing those it loves to gain its desires. Then again it may be lost in dreams, living in a world of abstract plans and visions, while failing to be practical or to listen to advice. These changing moods cause delay and appear as defeat to the number 9 and its loved ones until it awakens to its higher possibilities and seeks to find its right place among those who promote the welfare of peoples.

The number 9 is very idealistic and loves its home, family, and friends. Its ideals are very high and it is attracted to beauty in others. It falls in love with great intensity, although romance may fade as quickly if the ideal of its dreams fails to live up to the ideal of perfection and beauty of character, as well as personality. It has contempt for small actions or unlovely responses to conditions and surroundings. It has strange experiences in love, marriage, and friendship until it realizes that true love is not sacrifice or possession, but is the reward of service based on strength of character and dependence upon the higher laws of being, not on personal attachment alone. True love is inner growth and development.

It is well not to drive the number 9 too far, or to impose upon it unreasonably. The number 9 has strengh of character, inner wisdom, and intuition, and its consciousness is supported and rounded out by the qualities of all the other numbers. It is human, however, and like the number 6, asks for love and approval, for it needs these to do its best work. It is not a number of sacrifice and renunciation. When it falls into temptation and “plays the field” it is set for eventual loss and sorrow. Being the highest number on the scale of human experience, it cannot transgress the principles of inner grace and spiritual living.

When undeveloped it may appear to be meek, shy, and vacillating, looking on the dark side of things, resting and fearful, longing for something – it hardly knows what. It needs a helping hand and good education. The 9 should make every effort to develop its talents and to cultivate its individuality. It need not try to be like others and should not be afraid of life, for the number 9 has unusual ability to attract assistance, opportunity, and the necessary ways and means to enter upon a successful and useful life.

The number 9, being a number of high potency, should avoid habits of drink and wrong stimulation. It is very hard for the 9 to break habits or for anyone else to reform it. This must come about by its own desire and faith in God.

The father is often a strong influence in the life of the number 9, both for great happiness and love and for great misunderstandings.

The health is generally good. However, unhappy emotions such as temper, jealousy, or antagonistic feeling, also hard menial work, can disturb the circulation and general health.

Faith and confidence in itself, faith in the great spiritual plan of creation, love of its fellow man, form lasting foundations for the number 9 to stand upon.

donprecious 2010/11/10 09:19

#34 Myth&Mystery
For discussion of mythologies, ancient cultures, the supernatural, mysticism and folklore. Explore the darker mysteries of life here.