Unlocking Numerology by EloraM23 2010/11/06 04:04
What's your number? (don't give it to me please) Without hesitation, the first thing that comes to mind is a telephone number, right? That number only tells people how to reach you. There's another number that not only defines you, but helps you understand and connect with others on a deeper level.

Let me know via PM if you want me to do your numerology for you.

You'll find Description of The Meaning of Numbers 1-9 here.

EloraM23 2010/11/09 04:55

The number 7 is primarily a law unto itself. It does not find its success in ordinarily established situations or conditions. It seeks to appraise, evaluate, and to test the worth of all activities on all planes of life.
It does not accept any idea, plan, information, or even accepted fact at its surface value. At all times it asks the “reason why,” ultimately leading to discovery beyond the scope of average mind.
The number 7 is the thinker, the student to life’s finer relationships, and is never satisfied until it links the known with the unknown. It is constantly urged on by its analytical mind to discover hidden facts. Thus it beamer the discoverer, the scientist, even the occultist, the inventor, and ultimately finds its success along a specialized and outstanding kind of work or undertaking. Knowledge is power for the 7 and its quick, keen, and observing mind adds to its ability to gain position and success.
The 7 does not always find life simple, as it is naturally reserved, quiet, reticent, finding it difficult to express its thoughts and ideas, sometimes confused by its inability to be part of the activities of the everyday life. However, when the 7 trains and finds its place in the world, it is never inarticulate or alone as it sometimes feels itself to be. It is called from the background to the foreground. Mankind beats a pathway to its door to partake of its wisdom and understanding.
The 7 has little interest in frivolous or foolish waste of time or extravagant imagination. It seeks knowledge above all else. But underneath its seemingly cool, dignified manner there is another side to its nature. A mystical quality kids underneath its reserved and dominant manner. It has need to be alone to seek the quiet places: for intuition guides it more than it may wish to acknowledge. It feels and responds to the occult and metaphysical, dreams of beauty, romance and heavenly things, and senses the wonder of its own soul and its relationship to the Creator of heaven and earth.
The number 7 is a lucky number; the law of attraction governs its accomplishments, giving it an inner force which draws unexpected help and assistance in surprising ways. In spite of its cautious and calculating mind it likes to take a chance. To gamble is a dangerous game for the 7, (especially when formed by the number 16 – a karmic number demanding guidance to lead it to knowledge and skill, the 7 always wins life’s reward. Training, education and wise use of its excellent mental powers lead to true and lasting success.

EloraM23 2010/11/09 04:53
Vocations & Talents:

When gainfully and usefully employee, the number 6 loves to work, and it likes to be well paid. It generally insists on full value for its efforts. It is not a laborer or a drudge. It is physically strong and can, if it desires, do the hardest of day labour, but generally works into positions of authority due to its intelligence and ability to learn. If the 6 finds itself continuing in hard physical work, it is not making use of its talents or has not discovered them.
The number 6 is always a teacher and sometime during its experience finds itself teaching and instructing others. Its love of truth and justice places it as the minister, the educator, the philosopher, the historian, the theorist, the professor, the scientist in theory apart from practice. Its strong principles give it interest in reform ideals and movements. It may be the religionist, writer of books (often for children), philosopher, teacher, and instructor along all lines of interest based upon the emotions and spiritual longings of man’s soul.
All lines of welfare work such as nurses, physicians, hospitals, institutions, health and healing methods are generally part of the life of the 6 to some degree. Being born the humanitarian, if not doing humanitarian work, the number 6, quietly or secretly, does generous and helpful acts. The 6 likes to help others and finds business opportunity as a result.
The 6 has excellent business ability. Many lines of endeavour call for its talents: providing products for the home, its comfort and ease, and to beautify the surroundings; manufacturing and marketing of commodities – wearing apparel, cosmetics, accessories, perfumes, and articles of personal adornment
The 6 likes good food and abundance of everything – is often the chef, succeeding through restaurants, high-class night clubs and luxurious apartment houses and inns.
All methods of service through healing – health stores, rest homes, and care of the weak and helpless – give financial reward.
The number 6 is interested in nature and is found as the mining engineer, the horticulturist, geologist, zoologist, bacteriologist; and the 6 is interested in boats, shipping, irrigation, ranching on a large scale.
Art, beauty, cultural interests are part of the makeup of the number 6. The 6 often gains through marriage and family inheritance. The care and education of children, where love and understanding are needed, give wide opportunity for 6

EloraM23 2010/11/09 04:55
Cosmic Pattern:

“And God blessed the 7th day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.”

The number 7 had been born to have the rewards of the number 6, but commanded to discover the inner knowledge and the Laws of Divine Creation. It had already gained the abundance of its past labours. Now calm, serene in meditation and contemplation, it looks out upon established facts and beholds in visions and dreams the realities of unseen power, thus becoming the possessor of the wisdom of the ages.
Having the blessings of the most High, it may reach out for greater vistas of learning and discover that which has not before been perceived.
Standing in the midst of material things, the number 7 finds something of the soul in all things. Not of a religious nature, it still makes holy the facts of mankind’s existence.

EloraM23 2010/11/09 04:54
Number 7
Watchword: Understanding. An Introvert Number.


Skill with hands
Meditation, Occult
Dignity, Pride
Charm of manner and personality
Love of solitude


Hidden motives
Too much pride
Silence or sarcasm
Lack of powers of self-expression
Hidden thoughts
The best
Lack of generosity

Colours: Old Rose, Purple, Magenta, Brick, Pearl

EloraM23 2010/11/09 04:54
Human Relationships:

6 is the lover.

To love and be loved is a deep desire in the heart and mind of the 6. It’s happiness, its sorrows, from childhood to old age, swing around this need, and, without love, the 6 does not reach the heights of success or the soul satisfaction it is capable of attaining. In human relationships – to those who do not understand this – it may appear as a desire for approbation, or as egotism, even a weakness, but it is the nature of the 6, for it is the number of the heart.

Home, family, children necessarily form the background of the 6, and its ideals give it loyalty and generosity to those it loves. A natural love of luxury and the good things of life make it indulgent to its own needs and to family and friends, so it is capable of being completely blind to the faults of others where its heart and affections are given.

The desire to protect its loved ones, and its overflowing generosity, can at times bring about weakness, even frustration, rather than helpfulness; and, as a father, mother, or sweetheart, it can “smother” rather than help, bringing about a desire to escape on the part of the child, husband, or wife. It is capable of sacrificing itself in giving and loving and yet failing to realize its own lack of understanding.

The 6 may surprisingly remain unmarried because of the high ideals it holds regarding love and marriage, or because a fear of not being equal to the generosity and support it would love to give. This can be a mistake, for growth and development come to the 6 through companionship and home life.

The 6 may fail to marry because of an early disappointment in love affairs or its loyalty to a father, mother, or family, born of its fine sense of duty and responsibility. Now and then true love comes late in life as a reward for a life of service and sacrifice.

The firm convictions, religious principles, and sense of truth and justice (when the 6 has led a sheltered life) may bring many problems into the life of the 6 and its family. It can be hard, unrelenting, dominant and unforgiving, very stubborn and unresponsive to reason. Even though naturally sympathetic and kind, it can be very set in its ways and methods, and demands for discipline. Feeling itself the head of the family, it does not like to be crossed or contradicted. It is slow and deliberate in thought and action and retreats into a shell when crowded or hurried into action or promises.

Always anxious to do worth-while work in the world and having deep pride, the 6 can be influenced by others through approval and praise and give foolishly or be taken in the wrong direction, which may cause it to fail in giving where it is really needed, even at home and to loved ones. This strange contradiction of character may bring difficulties, and the 6, not understanding itself, may speak of “lack of appreciation” on the part of others. (The 6 should learn to strike a balance between giving and receiving.) Not receiving the appreciation it feels it deserves, it may seek companionship or work elsewhere.

The honest, straightforward 6 can speak “the truth” very bluntly when disturbed by what it thinks is a wrong done to others or to itself. It can be narrow in beliefs and difficult in association at times. Dishonesty for money’s sake means eventual failure for the 6.

The 6 is a wonderful person. It was born to be good, to comfort, and to provide for humanity. The world is its child.

EloraM23 2010/11/06 04:06
Few people are aware of the degree to which names and numbers influence communication and relationships. Besides our need to calculate finances, call someone, find an address, or pass a math test, numbers also offer insight into an individual's character, personality, and compatibility with others.
EloraM23 2010/11/06 04:08
Everything is named, and every name has a numerical value with Numerology, where every letter has a corresponding number tied to its position and orderly relationship within the twenty-six letters of the alphabet.
EloraM23 2010/11/06 04:14
On the day you were born, you were most likely given a name based on either thoughtful planning, whatever was popular at the time, a random name out of a book, a family member, fear friend, celebrity, or a biblical figure. In most cases, it's safe to assume that little consideration was given to the "numerical" factors that were about to direct your life. Character analysis through Numerology gives a blueprint of the opportunities available to anyone and shows the way to the best life has to offer. Happiness, love, success and a joyful life are the rewards for those who learn to use Numerology and wisely follow their destiny. (to scam using this isn't on and not part of numerology in anyway)
EloraM23 2010/11/06 04:17
Few people are conscious of the degree to which names and numbers influence all human communication and progress. Everything is named and numbered. Houses are numbered - streets - telephones - calendars - clocks - birthdays - contracts and statistics are written and tabulated in figures and numbers concerning every daily undertaking.

EloraM23 2010/11/06 04:21
We live in a mathematical world and do not realise it. In the same way, our names are numbered. Every poem, novel, love-letter, business communication, or expression of romance and emotion is transcribed through the means of the alphabet and its 26 letters. There is no other means of communication - nor escape from this mathematical tabulation of mankind's interests, desires and ambitions.
EloraM23 2010/11/06 04:50
Pythagoras, one of the philosophers of ancient Europe, is generally accepted as the founder of the Science of Numbers. He was born around 590 B.C., and credited with having the idea that the world is a sphere or round ball.
He established a school of learning at Crotona where he taught for nearly forty years. His teaching were given in secret and never allowed to be written down or spoken outside. As far as is known, nobody broke that rule until his death, and for this reason his teachings were almost lost to the modern world.

EloraM23 2010/11/06 04:59
Numerology, as it is presented today, is based on the precepts presented by Pythagoras - that nature geometrizes, that divine law is defined and accurate, and that it can be computed and figured with mathematical precision as definitely as any statement in arithmetic or physics.
EloraM23 2010/11/06 05:05
In the early times the Hebrew alphabet contained twenty-two letters or symbols. Our present-day alphabet, moving forward through the past ages of civilization, contains twenty-six letters. It will eventually contain twenty-seven letters, as mankind moves forward into a better understanding of the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Man.
EloraM23 2010/11/06 05:16
Relationship of Numbers and Letters:
This is the 1st step to learning to read a name.

The 1st name, any middle names and your surname are all used when calculating in numerology to find the closest fit possible.
*Rule: always find the single digit for any sum of numbers.

EloraM23 2010/11/06 10:30
More Personal Characteristics:
8* Read the Planes of Expression: for type and ways of looking at life.
9* Read the Points of Intensification: for traits and outstanding talents; possibly genius.
10* Relate these two divisions to the main characteristics: Heart, Destiny, Birth, and Ultimate Goal.
11* Read the Challenge: what you must cultivate to overcome a hidden weakness.
12* Read the Point of Security: talents you may not know about.
13* Read Vocation from all the above positions.

EloraM23 2010/11/06 10:23
Steps In Numerology:
1* Read the Destiny: what you must be or do.
2* Read the Birth Force: what you have or are.
3* Synchronize these two numbers: make them work together.
4* Read the Heart Number: what you will desire to be or do.
5* Synchronize this with the Destiny and Birth to balance the character.
6* Read the Personality: what you will appear to be like and do.
7* Read the Reality: the ultimate goal of all your life's experiences.

EloraM23 2010/11/06 10:38
14* Read the Pinnacles: the four main cycles of life.
15* Read the Personal Year: Yearly number.
16* Read the Race Consciousness: your age.
17* Read the Table of Events: events of major importance throughout the lifetime.
Signatures (the importance of you full name) and New Names.
How to put your name to music and other points of study and interest are usually learned lastly.

EloraM23 2010/11/06 10:41
Our names tell astonishing stories and reveal amazing experiences. They uncover unlimited possibilities, the romance of living, the drama of being born, the thrill of a career, the inspiration of companionship, the promise of usefulness to the end of life - are all written in each and every name, given at birth to the newborn soul.
EloraM23 2010/11/09 04:39
Meaning Of Numbers 1 -
Watchword: Courage. An Introvert Number

Creative thought
Inventive ideas
Will, Determination
Courage, Initiative
Executive ability
Energy, Force
Strong opinions

Knowing it all
Talkativeness, then reticence
Egotism, a boss

Colours: Flame, Copper, Lilac, Apricot

EloraM23 2010/11/09 04:40
Cosmic Pattern:

“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.”

Pythagoras affirmed – “that the mind of a man or the intellect takes from God its absolute active nature.”

The Science of Numbers deals with the living force of the divine faculties in action in man and in the Universe.

Number 1 is the number of action. It has the knowledge of what is to be, followed by the courage, daring, will and intelligence to move where all is dark and void. It fears no obstacles – exploring, inventing and creating with dynamic force and energy – and sets the pattern and outline of others to follow. It becomes the leader and head of broad undertakings.

In human affairs – without the number 1 - there would be no beginnings.

#34 Myth&Mystery
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