Unlocking Numerology by EloraM23 2010/11/06 04:04
What's your number? (don't give it to me please) Without hesitation, the first thing that comes to mind is a telephone number, right? That number only tells people how to reach you. There's another number that not only defines you, but helps you understand and connect with others on a deeper level.

Let me know via PM if you want me to do your numerology for you.

You'll find Description of The Meaning of Numbers 1-9 here.

EloraM23 2010/11/06 04:06
Few people are aware of the degree to which names and numbers influence communication and relationships. Besides our need to calculate finances, call someone, find an address, or pass a math test, numbers also offer insight into an individual's character, personality, and compatibility with others.
EloraM23 2010/11/06 04:08
Everything is named, and every name has a numerical value with Numerology, where every letter has a corresponding number tied to its position and orderly relationship within the twenty-six letters of the alphabet.
EloraM23 2010/11/06 04:14
On the day you were born, you were most likely given a name based on either thoughtful planning, whatever was popular at the time, a random name out of a book, a family member, fear friend, celebrity, or a biblical figure. In most cases, it's safe to assume that little consideration was given to the "numerical" factors that were about to direct your life. Character analysis through Numerology gives a blueprint of the opportunities available to anyone and shows the way to the best life has to offer. Happiness, love, success and a joyful life are the rewards for those who learn to use Numerology and wisely follow their destiny. (to scam using this isn't on and not part of numerology in anyway)
EloraM23 2010/11/06 04:17
Few people are conscious of the degree to which names and numbers influence all human communication and progress. Everything is named and numbered. Houses are numbered - streets - telephones - calendars - clocks - birthdays - contracts and statistics are written and tabulated in figures and numbers concerning every daily undertaking.

EloraM23 2010/11/06 04:21
We live in a mathematical world and do not realise it. In the same way, our names are numbered. Every poem, novel, love-letter, business communication, or expression of romance and emotion is transcribed through the means of the alphabet and its 26 letters. There is no other means of communication - nor escape from this mathematical tabulation of mankind's interests, desires and ambitions.
EloraM23 2010/11/06 04:50
Pythagoras, one of the philosophers of ancient Europe, is generally accepted as the founder of the Science of Numbers. He was born around 590 B.C., and credited with having the idea that the world is a sphere or round ball.
He established a school of learning at Crotona where he taught for nearly forty years. His teaching were given in secret and never allowed to be written down or spoken outside. As far as is known, nobody broke that rule until his death, and for this reason his teachings were almost lost to the modern world.

EloraM23 2010/11/06 04:59
Numerology, as it is presented today, is based on the precepts presented by Pythagoras - that nature geometrizes, that divine law is defined and accurate, and that it can be computed and figured with mathematical precision as definitely as any statement in arithmetic or physics.
EloraM23 2010/11/06 05:05
In the early times the Hebrew alphabet contained twenty-two letters or symbols. Our present-day alphabet, moving forward through the past ages of civilization, contains twenty-six letters. It will eventually contain twenty-seven letters, as mankind moves forward into a better understanding of the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Man.
EloraM23 2010/11/06 05:16
Relationship of Numbers and Letters:
This is the 1st step to learning to read a name.

The 1st name, any middle names and your surname are all used when calculating in numerology to find the closest fit possible.
*Rule: always find the single digit for any sum of numbers.

EloraM23 2010/11/06 10:23
Steps In Numerology:
1* Read the Destiny: what you must be or do.
2* Read the Birth Force: what you have or are.
3* Synchronize these two numbers: make them work together.
4* Read the Heart Number: what you will desire to be or do.
5* Synchronize this with the Destiny and Birth to balance the character.
6* Read the Personality: what you will appear to be like and do.
7* Read the Reality: the ultimate goal of all your life's experiences.

EloraM23 2010/11/06 10:30
More Personal Characteristics:
8* Read the Planes of Expression: for type and ways of looking at life.
9* Read the Points of Intensification: for traits and outstanding talents; possibly genius.
10* Relate these two divisions to the main characteristics: Heart, Destiny, Birth, and Ultimate Goal.
11* Read the Challenge: what you must cultivate to overcome a hidden weakness.
12* Read the Point of Security: talents you may not know about.
13* Read Vocation from all the above positions.

EloraM23 2010/11/06 10:38
14* Read the Pinnacles: the four main cycles of life.
15* Read the Personal Year: Yearly number.
16* Read the Race Consciousness: your age.
17* Read the Table of Events: events of major importance throughout the lifetime.
Signatures (the importance of you full name) and New Names.
How to put your name to music and other points of study and interest are usually learned lastly.

EloraM23 2010/11/06 10:41
Our names tell astonishing stories and reveal amazing experiences. They uncover unlimited possibilities, the romance of living, the drama of being born, the thrill of a career, the inspiration of companionship, the promise of usefulness to the end of life - are all written in each and every name, given at birth to the newborn soul.
EloraM23 2010/11/09 04:39
Meaning Of Numbers 1 -
Watchword: Courage. An Introvert Number

Creative thought
Inventive ideas
Will, Determination
Courage, Initiative
Executive ability
Energy, Force
Strong opinions

Knowing it all
Talkativeness, then reticence
Egotism, a boss

Colours: Flame, Copper, Lilac, Apricot

EloraM23 2010/11/09 04:40
Cosmic Pattern:

“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.”

Pythagoras affirmed – “that the mind of a man or the intellect takes from God its absolute active nature.”

The Science of Numbers deals with the living force of the divine faculties in action in man and in the Universe.

Number 1 is the number of action. It has the knowledge of what is to be, followed by the courage, daring, will and intelligence to move where all is dark and void. It fears no obstacles – exploring, inventing and creating with dynamic force and energy – and sets the pattern and outline of others to follow. It becomes the leader and head of broad undertakings.

In human affairs – without the number 1 - there would be no beginnings.

EloraM23 2010/11/09 04:40

Excellent powers of concentration, will determination, and fine memory give the number 1 unlimited opportunity. Its natural executive faculties and desire for action place it in the professional and creative world of business. It is not a physical laborer – it is a thinker and planner and lives on the mental plane. Early in life a reticent side to the nature may cause it to turn aside from its opportunities and refuse to show its ability to energize and promote the undertaking in which it finds itself. Or, it may go from one thing to another, seeming to lack in application and concentration.

This is not the true expression of the number 1. It is a number of leadership, position, and authority and was born to take its place at the head of worthwhile enterprises and undertakings. This may be brought about by many strange, sudden, and unexpected happenings which force the number 1 to stand on its own feet and to make use of its natural talents – sometimes early in life. Experience is a good teacher for the number 1 and it should take every opportunity which calls forth its creative orginality and its mental vigor and energy. The number 1 is the doer. It is the number of action. Others look to the number 1 to think up the plan and to start things going.

New ideas, new ways and means, new undertakings interest the number 1. It likes to originate and support undeveloped projects, rather than old established methods or routine procedure. It is impatient and inwardly dissatisfied to work under others when its many fine ideas do not find outlet or expression. The number 1 is a better starter than a finisher and needs others to help it carry out its plans and ideas. It can plan and dream from the practical to the idealistic and can always “work up” in any line of endeavour if it takes time to train and cultivate its creative talents – even in old and long-established undertakings.

The number 1 has a fine financial attraction when its plans are for the good of others as much as for personal satisfaction and prestige. It is the one who says “let’s go” when activities come to a standstill or obstacles stand in the way.

EloraM23 2010/11/09 04:41
Vocations & Talents:

The fields of endeavour open to the number 1 are:

As the engineer dealing with construction, building, mining, mechanics, real estate, irrigation, and water projects, ranging from outer space to the depth of the ocean; broad undertakings based upon knowledge, skill, training, and intelligence, touched with imagination.
As the designer – originator of fashions and creative designs – high-class salons, stores, or shops where beauty is the product, line of business, or is presented and originated.
As professors of colleges, presidents of groups having to do with education; composers and musicians – writers of books, keepers of libraries, art galleries, museums, and antique stores or shops.
As religionists and teacherss of fixed opinions and convictions often outside the conventional or accepted line of thought.
The number 1 establishes many types of business which it heads – expressing its own particular creative idea, ingenuity, and originality – sensing the public interest in the odd, unusual, thrilling, and different. The number 1 can improve on all established methods.

EloraM23 2010/11/09 04:41
Human Relationships:

The number 1 is a good companion and fine company, pleasant, good-natured, a good talker with a keen sense of humour, wit, and gift of repartee. It represents sterling qualities and outstanding character, but is different from all others.

Its feelings are expressed with dignity, sensitiveness and artistic taste. It enjoys social contacts and friends, but prefers well-liked associates of common interest, rather than the crowd of unrelated groups. It is attracted to the opposite sex but responds only to beauty, personality, character and self-confidence. It strongly dislikes dullness, the commonplace, or a demanding companion. Without realizing it, it wants to do the demanding itself, and generally does so, for it has great self-respect, deep pride and expects its importance to be recognized. It has great respect for others with wealth and abundance.

In business and marriage the number 1 must be understood and led into its own good. Since number 1 is very sensitive to the approval of others, criticism and disapproval may bring about resentment and anger, causing it to retire into a shell of silent unreasonableness – even inertia – or to react with hurtful opinions, cynical speech, and surprising temper, not the true nature of number 1. At times this strong and capable one may appear shy, vacillating, self-conscious, afraid to express its opinion – anything but the forceful character it really is. This is overcome with good education, vocational training, and wise and understanding encouragement. The sense of insecurity and lack of usefulness which may fill the mind of the number 1 when it does not understand itself disappears when it is placed into the right environment and association. Boastfulness and aggressiveness frequently cover up an inner sense of aloneness and self-distrust.

The number 1 needs a warm and patient mate, capable of standing on its own feet and strong in character. Love and affection are important to the number 1, for with all its independence it does not reach its highest possibilities of success in worldly affairs without understanding at home and in the domestic life. The number 1 is apt to react in a negative manner when told what to do, or where it is wrong, if love and approval are lacking.

There is a very strict side to the nature, generally concerning obedience or cleanliness. It is offended by carelessness, indifference to order and principle, or vulgarity and unlovely speech. There is a spiritual force in the heart of the number 1, as it was the first step in creation in the beginning. Therefore, it will turn away or seek to escape from unattractive situations or environment when the finer nature is not understood, causing problems in marriage.

Vocational training when young, and understanding of individuality, help to make the pathway of life easier and more successful. Often the number 1 is the non-conformist, being urged on by its love of the new, its desire to do something different and the feeling that the whole world is its own. But the number 1 can be the man or woman deeply loved and admired or highly successful when it loses itself in its desires to provide the new, the beautiful, and the wealth of the world for mankind as well as for its loved one.

EloraM23 2010/11/09 04:43
Number 2
Watchword: Peacemaker. An Extrovert Number.


Tact, Persuasion
Sensitivity – Esthetics
Modesty – Sincerity
Culture – Graciousness
Spiritual influence
Extrovert, a gatherer of facts


Timidity, Fear
Shyness, Slyness
Unhappiness, Aloneness
Strife, Discord
Negation in plans
Sometimes the Extremist
Too much detail and Loss of time

Colours: Gold, Salmon, Prune, White, Blace

EloraM23 2010/11/09 04:43
Cosmic Pattern:

“And God said, Lett there be light; and there was light.” “And God saw that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness.”

“The primordial light, vibrating beneath the divine impulse, contains the essence of all souls, the spiritual type of all being” – Pythagoras.

The spiritual inheritance of the number 2 endows it with the powers not equally shared by the other numbers. It is the “Light-Bearer” from on High. It shall not grope in darkness. It has the “Light” within itself. The love of peace is its strength; its gentleness, its sensitiveness, its insight into right and wrong, the gift of persuasion, its talent for unity, are its never-failing reward. It is endowed with the faculty of true awareness of the realtionship of God and man.

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