Your dream Country by DotmonKing 2010/11/04 14:03
Pleas post here your dream Country(s) and tell us why you love that Country so much.

zen 2011/03/27 14:36
SAGITTARIUS 2011/03/28 17:03
My dream country is canada.
MFLOW 2011/04/02 01:59
qudus1 2011/04/05 10:35
I love -nigeria-
bcos of unity and faith peace & progress.

Lovelydoll 2011/06/22 10:00
RUDE_DUDE 2011/04/07 10:26
Quote: DevilPrince: Always /smiley i love india because of culture, heritage and unity.
same here (india)

Phoebe3 2011/04/09 10:40
.Hawaii and Canada.
laney 2011/04/09 20:29
its owez bin ma dream 2 go 2 brazil.dont know why
kyuhenhi-xp 2011/04/10 05:44
malaysian ! My homeland. . Also germany
Alebi 2011/04/11 00:28
-nigeria- cuz my boy
Razzyfox 2011/04/15 17:22
my dream country is u.s.a a nation where men are turn into gods
_-z-_ 2011/04/17 08:02


_SUPERBRAT_ 2011/04/17 18:19
india,, hong kong,, dubai, usa
Phoebe3 2011/04/21 10:41
Hawaii. ,
nenja83 2011/05/13 14:17
japan '. Switzerland
ACIDized 2011/04/30 20:25
I could dream about living somewhere else it would be on antartica!
greenpark 2011/05/05 03:19
my dream country is austrila,london.
pets 2011/05/08 04:25
USA is my dream county
farooqpatel 2011/05/13 13:05
India i born here i love my country so much i will die 4 india
ROzE_Of_HeaVen 2011/05/24 10:00
India ~Paris.

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