EVOLUTION..! by LoneLy_heArt 2010/10/21 16:44
In the beginning God created heaven, and the earth upon which thou standest. The earth was without form . and void, then light appeared. God made a firmament and two waters, the greater of which was beneath the firmament, the lesser above.

The waters were gathered together; dry land appeared. Plants came forth upon the dry land. Sun, moon, and stars appeared. Sea life, winged creatures, and then the land animals.

And lastly God created mankind.

InternetLord 2010/10/29 15:37
Charles darwin father of evolution
Happy_boy 2010/11/01 03:50
You have described it well , no comments /smiley
Brownsmith 2010/11/03 12:39
D word market structure may b dfined as a market means of a fixed place whre pple met 2 buy nd sell of goods!
Brownsmith 2010/11/03 12:46
Type of market could b classified accordin 2 3 foundamental law whch re(1)market by type of commodity bought nd sold. (2)chanel of distribution. (3)base on price determination.
Brownsmith 2010/11/03 12:50
Types of market accordin 2 price,in dis note it's said 2 b 2 whch re perfect nd inperfect market.
Mayakareena 2010/11/09 13:58
very very nice topic/smiley

NinthElement 2010/11/12 16:27
Nice perspective. /smiley
Soul.papa 2010/12/05 18:52
u re doing great man, keep it up.
Rohit 2011/01/20 13:29
/smiley -up-
LoneLy_heArt 2011/02/12 09:12
Quote: Soul.papa: u re doing great man, keep it up.

_k_StaR_ 2011/06/26 07:19
nice yaar

Replies: 31

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