EVOLUTION..! by LoneLy_heArt2010/10/21 16:44 In the beginning God created heaven, and the earth upon which thou standest. The earth was without form . and void, then light appeared. God made a firmament and two waters, the greater of which was beneath the firmament, the lesser above.
The waters were gathered together; dry land appeared. Plants came forth upon the dry land. Sun, moon, and stars appeared. Sea life, winged creatures, and then the land animals.
And lastly God created mankind.
InternetLord2010/10/29 15:37 Charles darwin father of evolution
Happy_boy2010/11/01 03:50 You have described it well , no comments
Brownsmith2010/11/03 12:39 D word market structure may b dfined as a market means of a fixed place whre pple met 2 buy nd sell of goods!
Brownsmith2010/11/03 12:46 Type of market could b classified accordin 2 3 foundamental law whch re(1)market by type of commodity bought nd sold. (2)chanel of distribution. (3)base on price determination.
Brownsmith2010/11/03 12:50 Types of market accordin 2 price,in dis note it's said 2 b 2 whch re perfect nd inperfect market.