facebook and 2wapworld: which is more interesting? by
delianie 2010/10/15 06:27
d common similarity btw them is dat they connect people but which do u prefer and why?
Mr.x3 2013/01/20 08:58
Muvida 2013/05/29 13:47
Visit http://trik.wapmaster.me
K_shaka 2013/06/07 16:40
2wapworld inside fcebook both are interesting
Sam7007 2013/06/22 11:44
2wap more good
chattyType 2013/06/26 00:05
Never been on facebook so id say here because facebook will be a bit like bebo and everyone knew your business on bebo
_SnOwBoY_ 2013/06/27 05:10
50/50 bt i dnt use facebook too much
Replies: 72
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